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Sounds good, but I'll believe it when I see it.  This building has been through so many renovation proposals I've lost count.  Shame, too, since it is such a nice property.




Hope it happens though, this thing has been a weed infested urine soaked eyesore of a crater for as long as I can recall.

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From Houston BizJournal:


Update: The developer is about three months into the design process on the second, taller, tower — a phase two of the project that can be seen in the rendering on the opposite side of the building. Provident does not have an official height yet, however, Platt says the tower will be at least 20 stories above the nine-story garage.

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So that square on the roof of the garage rendering is where the tower will go? I hope they don't shorten it from the 38 story plan

At this point, just the old Texaco building reno is a big win. The additional tower is icing on the cake. I don't think anyone here would have put money on that building surviving five years ago.

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This is huge IMO.  Great building and I'm glad it's being restored instead of torn down. 


So from what I gather, the new parking garage will be located where that "hole" is on the north side of the block?  And the tower will eventually sit on top of that? 

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This is huge IMO. Great building and I'm glad it's being restored instead of torn down.

So from what I gather, the new parking garage will be located where that "hole" is on the north side of the block? And the tower will eventually sit on top of that?

It IS huge.

>Adding hundreds of residents to downtown proper

>Renovating a beautiful historical structure instead of tearing it down

>Adding an additional building to our skyline

>Bridging the gap between DG life and Main st/light rail life

On top of all that, the renderings look badass.

This is a win-win-win situation.

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It IS huge.

>Adding hundreds of residents to downtown proper

>Renovating a beautiful historical structure instead of tearing it down

>Adding an additional building to our skyline

>Bridging the gap between DG life and Main st/light rail life

On top of all that, the renderings look badass.

This is a win-win-win situation.


How could I disagree with that much enthusiasm. Great times for this city, also all these buildings are just one of many waves to come.

Edited by TowerSpotter
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The parking garage will be nine-floors, and the high-rise portion is 31 floors if the plan isn't revised. So it would be 40-floors?




I recently talked with my friend who was the person who first told me about this tower.  They said the 38 story tower is still a go.  Didn't say anything about 40 stories but...I'd say that it's safe to keep the enthusiasm train on track.  

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I bet that is just a sign that the architect's renderer put in to show there could be retail. That's an old rendering; tenants are never signed up at the time the architect does the design rendering.

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They are not. A few lines below calling it condominiums, the article says:

"... with plans to convert it into 309 high-end rental units in a $95 million project."

I am not talking about the renovation on 1111 rusk, I am talking about the new tower. Edited by TowerSpotter
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  • 3 weeks later...

i havent heard anything about ground floor retail with this besides that sketched in H&M in the rendering, but according to the swamplot article this will have 8,000 sq ft of retail. i wonder if all of that will be in the new garage or if they will implement some of it into the south facing side of the building so there is retail along both light rail tracks.

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Thank you for this.


I almost missed it. They sort of blended in with the light rail construction and work going on across the street in the parking garage. There were at least two guys on top of the covered walkway moving a ladder around. It's not much, but it is evidence of work being done, so that's good.

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It's great that this building is being saved & restored. A little history (courtesy of http://www.houstontx.gov/histpres/archives/fs/FS_oil_bldgs.pdf )


Texas Company Building
The oldest of these existing structures is the Texas Company 
Building, which opened in 1915 at the corner of San Jacinto 
Street and Rusk Avenue. The 13-story building was entirely 
occupied by Texas Co. employees—an indication of the fastgrowing industry in the Houston area. It was designed by 
the New York architectural firm of Warren and Wetmore, 
the creator of New York’s Grand Central Station, as well as 
Houston’s Union Station (1910).
The building’s architectural style is described as modern 
Italian Renaissance, although it also displays elements of the 
Beaux Arts styling. Bedford limestone, terra cotta and brick 
were the primary materials used in the construction. Perhaps 
the most unique aspect of the building is the arcade covering 
the sidewalks on both San Jacinto and Rusk. Tuscan columns 
of limestone on granite bases support the arcade, vaulted with 
Guastavino tiles. Each column has a bronze bumper guard 
bearing what would become known as the “Texaco star.” 
Between 1936 and 1975, three additions were built to expand 
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