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That is correct.  I had sort of assumed that they would rebuild the tunnel through the Gibraltar Savings parcel to reconnect to the garage and Magnolia Hotel.  


Why would either party (Texaco building apartments or Magnolia Hotel) would be interested in paying for a tunnel connection between the two?


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Can someone who is familiar with the multi-family industry explain to me why an historical apartment building wouldn't have windows that open? I don't mean to argue, I'm just genuinely curious.


They actually pivot open from a point in the center, unless they did something to seal them off recently I can't recall if I've seen them open in the last few months, but I took a picture some time ago.



Edited by Nate99
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^^^ rich.. plush.. posh. interior design.. along with a media / theater room that is to die for.  if i have stated it once i shall state it again... the overall financial budget for this particular development must be AMAZING.  however, i just hope that THE STAR shall allow in black americans.... :huh: 

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