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"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.


Has he stated when he plans on re-selling GM? If not, when do yall think it will be?

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Has he stated when he plans on re-selling GM? If not, when do yall think it will be?

He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Just wait - Citibank will fall in exactly the same way GM did...its all part of the plan. He isn't smart enough to pull this off himself though - he is just good at reading a teleprompter and controlling the sheep...he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet. I am extremely disheartened with the direction of this country. The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

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The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

Actually, my dad said he was fine with it. Seems to me that those who did not serve should not put words into the mouths of those who did in order to further their own political agenda.

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Actually, my dad said he was fine with it. Seems to me that those who did not serve should not put words into the mouths of those who did in order to further their own political agenda.

My dad currently works at Tripler Army Base and he's okay with it too.

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He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Just wait - Citibank will fall in exactly the same way GM did...its all part of the plan. He isn't smart enough to pull this off himself though - he is just good at reading a teleprompter and controlling the sheep...he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet. I am extremely disheartened with the direction of this country. The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

:o Could it be.......SATAN?!!! :o

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He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Haha. Funny, but I really don't believe that Obama's goal is to nationalize everything. He didn't bankrupt Wall Street and Detroit.

And I really don't think this is the picture of a socialist country:



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He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Just wait - Citibank will fall in exactly the same way GM did...its all part of the plan. He isn't smart enough to pull this off himself though - he is just good at reading a teleprompter and controlling the sheep...he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet. I am extremely disheartened with the direction of this country. The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

Somebody drank the koolaid!

Seriously, you guys scare me more than anyboy.

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He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Just wait - Citibank will fall in exactly the same way GM did...its all part of the plan. He isn't smart enough to pull this off himself though - he is just good at reading a teleprompter and controlling the sheep...he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet. I am extremely disheartened with the direction of this country. The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

He wants to make everything free and equal?? Damn Him!!

And saying he is being controlled by a bigger force sounds so much like a bogus conspiracy theory, it isn't even funny. Get back to us when you have something concrete on this ok.

If you lived back in the mid 30s, when FDR was bringing in programs like Social Security, the FDIC, and the rest of the New Deal, would you have branded him a socialist? Different times, yes, but similar situations in general: a country in economic turmoil, and a Government interjecting to provide a fix. Like the chart barracuda posted, the amount of nationalization going on is minuscule at best.

Marsksmu, believe it or not I enjoy your posts. As someone who generally leans to the left it is interesting to see what those on the far right are thinking. However it would help your case a lot to not get swept away by right wing propaganda. Those who fought and died would probably be happy that we are still a country that can vote in free democratic elections, and when the country as a whole makes a mistake to learn form that. Personally I feel like this last election results were just that, going a full 180 degree turn from the electing of and mistakes of the Bush Presidency. Thou I will give you the alternate choices of Gore and Kerry weren't that great either.

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He wants to make everything free and equal?? Damn Him!!

And saying he is being controlled by a bigger force sounds so much like a bogus conspiracy theory, it isn't even funny. Get back to us when you have something concrete on this ok.

If you lived back in the mid 30s, when FDR was bringing in programs like Social Security, the FDIC, and the rest of the New Deal, would you have branded him a socialist? Different times, yes, but similar situations in general: a country in economic turmoil, and a Government interjecting to provide a fix. Like the chart barracuda posted, the amount of nationalization going on is minuscule at best.

Marsksmu, believe it or not I enjoy your posts. As someone who generally leans to the left it is interesting to see what those on the far right are thinking. However it would help your case a lot to not get swept away by right wing propaganda. Those who fought and died would probably be happy that we are still a country that can vote in free democratic elections, and when the country as a whole makes a mistake to learn form that. Personally I feel like this last election results were just that, going a full 180 degree turn from the electing of and mistakes of the Bush Presidency. Thou I will give you the alternate choices of Gore and Kerry weren't that great either.

What happens, is each day, with each thing I become more amazed at what is happening and how blind so much of the country is to the actions he is taking...there are so many things wrong with what he is doing on so many levels, I start to blur all the problems together, until I reach the point where I was yesterday posting gibberish, out of utter frustration.

Every single time he opens his mouth up and says "saved or created" I want to explode....he hasnt done a damg thing other than waste our money - he has made things worse with his every action. Yet - with that one phrase he cant be wrong. If we lose 600,000 jobs that month, he saved 200,000 you just didnt know it....if we lose fewer jobs than the month before, its because what he is doing is working, he saved 300,000 jobs. He uses that phrase becuase it has no way to judge whether he was right or wrong. There is no benchmark on saving jobs...we know he is losing them, we know he continues to lose them, yet he says they are saved b/c it would have been worse if he hadnt dont whatever it is he is claiming to have done....the total lack of anyone at all challenging him on this is AMAZING to me. The press is so in love with him, he could take a dump on a plate and call it steak and they would fight over who gets to eat it.

His socialized health care will not only destroy health care in this country, but it will put us BILLIONS, probably TRILLIONS more in debt...yet he claims by socializing it, it will CREATE JOBS! There is no rational way that can create a single job, that is non-government. Furthermore, creating a government job, is actually worse than not creating any job at all because someone else, someone with a non-government job has to pay that salary.

WASTE - dont get me started here. He spends $25,000 of taxpayer money in plane/secret service/police/gas, etc to goto a broadway show with his wife....lets see...the country is in a recession he gets a $400 dinner, and $25,000 free plane ride, on my dime to go out with his wife. REDICULOUS. It all makes me sick -

Cap and Trade/Global Warming - Its all a power grab and all a tax...its a way to for some unknown reason bring the US down so that other countries can catch up and get ahead...it will not only make things more expensive, it will cause mass exoudous of US companies to move their operations to other countries - hence his new tax on businesses doing business out of the country. Each action is calculated to remove private enterprise, or tax it to death...its terrible. It will never get us out of a recession. its bad policy.

If I sound irrational, its because Im so worked up, I cant take the time to sit down and organize my thoughts for long enough without getting so fed up, I dont want to do it anymore. Niche is much better with taking the time to organize a response, and to do it without the emotion...Im emotional....Im sick of hypocricy, Im sock of the politicians lieing, and Im sick of work to pay for someone else to have something they didnt work for.

Ill have a friend of mine put the argument together for me, and Ill just post his reasoning...its solid, and I wont have to think about it, and get sick to my stomach all over again...

its not Kool Aid Im drinking - I see the big picture - there are alot of people, especially the media failing to connect all the dots and all the problems...its not conspiracy though I admit it sounds like it...its just a big picture view of the whole situation. I feel like the far left has blinders on to everything happening...I am amazed daily at their failure to see the effect of all the actions....many have good intentions, but are terrible policies.

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His socialized health care will not only destroy health care in this country, but it will put us BILLIONS, probably TRILLIONS more in debt...yet he claims by socializing it, it will CREATE JOBS! There is no rational way that can create a single job, that is non-government. Furthermore, creating a government job, is actually worse than not creating any job at all because someone else, someone with a non-government job has to pay that salary.

In your first part, you simply said that you cannot prove what he said is wrong, so logically, you cannot prove what you said is correct. Therefore, I will ignore you there.

The part that I highlighted however, is different. I will explain why the insurance companies and healthcare providers are supporting Obama's healthcare initiative. Currently, upwards of 50 million people are without healthcare. The number is rising. Healthcare costs are rising faster than inflation. As more people are laid off, they lose their health insurance, or drop it due to the cost. This causes the price of insurance to rise, as there are fewer people paying premiums for the same fixed costs (think GM). As the price rises, more companies pare back healthcare, or drop it for employees. This causes the price to rise further. The uninsured still get sick. They go to the hospital or emergency room. Many cannot pay the bill. This causes prices to rise further still. More companies and individuals drop their insurance. It is a vicious cycle.

The healthcare industry recognizes that the pool of available applicants will continue to shrink if nothing is done. A comprehensive plan for coverage of all Americans brings 50 million new insureds into the fold. More importantly, it brings in 50 million new insurance premiums. As fixed costs are spread among the new insureds, and the number of people not paying for services drops to near zero, the exorbitant rise in healthcare costs can be moderated. Also, as a minimum level of coverage is required by law, the mainstream insurers are not undercut by the fly-by-night insurers offering lower premiums, but giving shoddy coverage.

THAT is the big picture. Whining about the president and his wife flying to New York is NOT big picture, especially when the previous president and his SMU wife set the all-time record for vacations while in office. Here is another big picture. It is the policies that you support that CAUSED the biggest recession since the 1930s. Advocating that we enact MORE of those policies is idiotic, yet you continue to do. Maybe you do not like what the president is proposing. Hell, I don't like some of them either. But, your solutions are worse than his. More importantly, this president was elected because the majority of Americans do not like your solutions. The president is doing what we elected him to do. Get used to it.

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He will never sell it - His goal is nationalization of everything - he is a socialist. Like or not, the masses of people chose a socialist president with a socialist agenda, and he believes he has a mandate to go out and make everything free...make everything equal....but before he can do that he has to control everything.

Just wait - Citibank will fall in exactly the same way GM did...its all part of the plan. He isn't smart enough to pull this off himself though - he is just good at reading a teleprompter and controlling the sheep...he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet. I am extremely disheartened with the direction of this country. The people who fought and died to preserve our way of life, would not recognize what we have turned this once great country into.

Obama is not a socialist. He is a social democrat, which according to the dictionary, is a follower of social democracy, which is "A political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism."

So, yes, you are right. But "he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet"? Come on, man, no one takes you seriously with quips like that! <_<

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More importantly, this president was elected because the majority of Americans do not like your solutions.

Red, I never knew you to be prone to wishful thinking. This president was elected because the American Idol generation wanted a young, relatively hip black man to be President. People like him personally. Just look at recent polling showing a plurality of Americans opposing the majority of his policies, yet his approval ratings remain high.

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In your first part, you simply said that you cannot prove what he said is wrong, so logically, you cannot prove what you said is correct. Therefore, I will ignore you there.

The part that I highlighted however, is different. I will explain why the insurance companies and healthcare providers are supporting Obama's healthcare initiative. Currently, upwards of 50 million people are without healthcare. The number is rising. Healthcare costs are rising faster than inflation. As more people are laid off, they lose their health insurance, or drop it due to the cost. This causes the price of insurance to rise, as there are fewer people paying premiums for the same fixed costs (think GM). As the price rises, more companies pare back healthcare, or drop it for employees. This causes the price to rise further. The uninsured still get sick. They go to the hospital or emergency room. Many cannot pay the bill. This causes prices to rise further still. More companies and individuals drop their insurance. It is a vicious cycle.

The healthcare industry recognizes that the pool of available applicants will continue to shrink if nothing is done. A comprehensive plan for coverage of all Americans brings 50 million new insureds into the fold. More importantly, it brings in 50 million new insurance premiums. As fixed costs are spread among the new insureds, and the number of people not paying for services drops to near zero, the exorbitant rise in healthcare costs can be moderated. Also, as a minimum level of coverage is required by law, the mainstream insurers are not undercut by the fly-by-night insurers offering lower premiums, but giving shoddy coverage.

THAT is the big picture. Whining about the president and his wife flying to New York is NOT big picture, especially when the previous president and his SMU wife set the all-time record for vacations while in office. Here is another big picture. It is the policies that you support that CAUSED the biggest recession since the 1930s. Advocating that we enact MORE of those policies is idiotic, yet you continue to do. Maybe you do not like what the president is proposing. Hell, I don't like some of them either. But, your solutions are worse than his. More importantly, this president was elected because the majority of Americans do not like your solutions. The president is doing what we elected him to do. Get used to it.

You choosing to ignore it, because it cant be proved, is absurd....its right there to see on the news every night. Can I prove a number that he lost? No - but I can tell you how many jobs were lost, and for him to say he saved even a single one is just disingenuous. Obama is a glorified used car salesman...he will tell you whatever you want to get you to do what he wants. Your failure to place weight on this statement, shows your total and complete lack of critical thinking on the subject. He can do no wrong, and that is ok with you, so you wont address it. He is your guy - you dont care what he does. No republican in history could make a statement like this and not be challenged on it, yet your perfectly ok with it coming from a socialist democrat.

Your idea of how the insurance SHOULD work is also great, but its not how it will work. There is no money to pay for the services that he is promising. Providers will not care for tens of thousands of people for free, and just sit back and hope that the government pays them for the service provided. Europe has tried nationalized care - it doesnt work. Your life is graded, based on your age/illness - if someone else is higher up on the scale and they can be saved or you can be saved, but there is only enough cash for one of them - you lose. That is exactly why everyeone from around the world comes HERE for care. We have the best care, we have the most research, we make the most drugs, we save the most lives. The only reason we are able to do this is becasue our doctors are paid for their work.

Without money to pay for it the system wont work. Furthermore - if all you have to do is show up at a doctor to be treated here, what do you think that will do to our already overcrowded doctors/hospitals? How many of those people in mexico who are sick now, but are afraid they wont be treated do you think will pour over here? All of them. You can not continue to give more and more away without working for it, or more and more people will come with their hand out. It is COMMON SENSE. Somebody has to pay for everything - the government does not pay for anything....the government only takes from others to spread it out, supposedly more efficiently....

If you want more Obama failures, look at the Auto bankruptcies....it was primarily the unions who ruined these companies....Yet, Obama through strongarming, is forcing the secured creditors to take less than an unsecured creditor in direct violation of the law. Does the written law matter here? Nope - its take what I tell you, or you will get nothing. Its illegal, and its awful, and the news, and everyone else does not see it for what it is. The Unions helped to elect Obama, and he is returning the favor - despite the fact that what he is doing is against the letter of the written law. As a lawyer this should really trouble you, but I have not heard you raise a peep on the subject.

There is so much more, but I am getting sick thinking about it again...and to just touch on your last statement, I dont care what someone in the past did - I care about what is going on now. Just b/c Bush did it, does not mean its right. IF the President is going to ask everyone to suffer, I expect him to suffer with us, not say one thing and do another. Furthermore, I despised Bush the last 4 years of his presidency, so calling him MY guy simply because he claimed to be a republican, doesnt make him my guy. He was better than the alternative at the time, and he turned out terrible.

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In your first part, you simply said that you cannot prove what he said is wrong, so logically, you cannot prove what you said is correct. Therefore, I will ignore you there.

The part that I highlighted however, is different. I will explain why the insurance companies and healthcare providers are supporting Obama's healthcare initiative. Currently, upwards of 50 million people are without healthcare. The number is rising. Healthcare costs are rising faster than inflation. As more people are laid off, they lose their health insurance, or drop it due to the cost. This causes the price of insurance to rise, as there are fewer people paying premiums for the same fixed costs (think GM). As the price rises, more companies pare back healthcare, or drop it for employees. This causes the price to rise further. The uninsured still get sick. They go to the hospital or emergency room. Many cannot pay the bill. This causes prices to rise further still. More companies and individuals drop their insurance. It is a vicious cycle.

The healthcare industry recognizes that the pool of available applicants will continue to shrink if nothing is done. A comprehensive plan for coverage of all Americans brings 50 million new insureds into the fold. More importantly, it brings in 50 million new insurance premiums. As fixed costs are spread among the new insureds, and the number of people not paying for services drops to near zero, the exorbitant rise in healthcare costs can be moderated. Also, as a minimum level of coverage is required by law, the mainstream insurers are not undercut by the fly-by-night insurers offering lower premiums, but giving shoddy coverage.

THAT is the big picture. Whining about the president and his wife flying to New York is NOT big picture, especially when the previous president and his SMU wife set the all-time record for vacations while in office. Here is another big picture. It is the policies that you support that CAUSED the biggest recession since the 1930s. Advocating that we enact MORE of those policies is idiotic, yet you continue to do. Maybe you do not like what the president is proposing. Hell, I don't like some of them either. But, your solutions are worse than his. More importantly, this president was elected because the majority of Americans do not like your solutions. The president is doing what we elected him to do. Get used to it.

Hmm - the doctors oppose universal care, and they are not the ones allegedly lining their pockets with cash. Universal care is bad it will eliminate competition, and all care will suffer. There may be fewer minor problems, but many many more untreated major problems.


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Hmm - the doctors oppose universal care, and they are not the ones allegedly lining their pockets with cash. Universal care is bad it will eliminate competition, and all care will suffer. There may be fewer minor problems, but many many more untreated major problems.


I can't remember where, but I think I saw something that said the AMA has opposed pretty much all health care reform for the last 70yrs, so their position isn't anything unique here.

What I think is amazing about our health care is that there are countries that spend 1/2 what we do per capita and rank much higher overall for care provided. I'm wondering, do you think nothing should be done to try to improve health care in the US, that it's fine as is?

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I can't remember where, but I think I saw something that said the AMA has opposed pretty much all health care reform for the last 70yrs, so their position isn't anything unique here.

What I think is amazing about our health care is that there are countries that spend 1/2 what we do per capita and rank much higher overall for care provided. I'm wondering, do you think nothing should be done to try to improve health care in the US, that it's fine as is?

Should we have some form of reform? Sure we should. Price structuring has always been in favor of insureds, and against the uninsured - and that was all done in an effort to encourage people to go get insurance...But of course instead of getting insurance, people just started abusing the emergency rooms. In order to fix the problems you need to close the loopholes.

Basic services should be offered by non-doctors in more locations. The HEB ready clinics, or the walgreens doc in the boxes, are great. If your sick, 99 times out of 100 all you need is a dose of drugs....answer a few simple questions and walk out the door with the prescription you need. The doctors have not wasted their time and you are probably well on your way to getting well. Non-emergency cases in the ER should be turned away for a cheap ready clinic, etc.

I for one do not want the government ever having any decision making power at all over whether or not I am treated because of cost. If I can afford to be treated, I want to be treated the way I need to be treated. I do not want my name on a list next 1000 other names and then have it weighed to determine whether or not saving my life provides more utility than saving some other persons life. I will be the judge of what my life is worth. The government is making bad decisions at everything it does, it will not amazingly start making good decisions when my health is in question. Furthermore it will just lead to more problems as prices for good service skyrocket b/c some doctors wont accept anything but private insurance or cash....and then of course if the government is making health care decisions, what is stop them from, oh say for instance only treating people who vote straight ticket Democrat....the whole idea is open to more and more corruption and abuse.

I dont know about you but when I goto the doctor, I dont ask the doctor how the insurance company thinks I should be treated...I ask the doctor to treat me the way he thinks is appropriate. If that is something my insurance does not cover at as high a percent, then I pay for it out of pocket....but the whole idea of relying on the government for health care is just a bad idea - it wont work - cost will go up, and services will go down.

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I can't remember where, but I think I saw something that said the AMA has opposed pretty much all health care reform for the last 70yrs, so their position isn't anything unique here.

The AMA is always going to be against expansion of the government as a health care gateway because it is made up of doctors.

And doctors are used to dealing with Medicare.

There's a reason why it's hard to find a doctor who takes Medicare/aid.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is crazy, I am glad I am not a Honduran. Can you imagine a US President attempting to alter the constitution so he could become a dictator? Yikes


Well Lockmat, A term limit bill to repeal Amendment 22 gets launched in almost every AMerican Presidency since 1954. There is one currently being introduced by a NY-DEM. But Republicans have introduced them as well WHILE a Dem. was President.

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This is crazy, I am glad I am not a Honduran. Can you imagine a US President attempting to alter the constitution so he could become a dictator? Yikes


Serrano does this pretty much in every session....even when Bush was Pres.

But Republicans have introduced them as well WHILE a Dem. was President.

On brief research (Wiki), I'm not finding reference to that. I only find that Eisenhower questioned it. Do you have sponsors, bill numbers, years?

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Serrano does this pretty much in every session....even when Bush was Pres.

On brief research (Wiki), I'm not finding reference to that. I only find that Eisenhower questioned it. Do you have sponsors, bill numbers, years?

Happened by a Republican during Clinton's terms. I will look again to see which one.

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But by government is this the federal government, or the state governments, or both?

We need to qualify what we mean by "government health care"? Which governments, and how?

When referring to Canada's health care, everyone should understand that each province has its own health care system; it would be like if Texas had its health care system, while Hawaii had its system, etc. See: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/canada.asp - So when one talks about Canada health care, he or she needs to clarify. Should states adopt the system from Ontario but avoid the system from Nova Scotia?

The AMA is always going to be against expansion of the government as a health care gateway because it is made up of doctors.

And doctors are used to dealing with Medicare.

There's a reason why it's hard to find a doctor who takes Medicare/aid.

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  • 1 month later...

President Obama's speech to schoolchildren: http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/.

The speech stresses personal responsibility and hard work to be successful.

Some quotes...

But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world – and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities. Unless you show up to those schools; pay attention to those teachers; listen to your parents, grandparents and other adults; and put in the hard work it takes to succeed.

And that’s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself.


the circumstances of your life – what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home – that’s no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude. That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That’s no excuse for not trying.

Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up. No one’s written your destiny for you. Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future.


That’s why today, I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education – and to do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending time each day reading a book. Maybe you’ll decide to get involved in an extracurricular activity, or volunteer in your community.

It seems like sound advice that any parent would welcome. I see no hint of political maneuvering in the speech. And yet, the right is claiming it to be socialist, political propaganda, and political indoctrination.

More and more, it seems that thoughtful dialogue is simply impossible for the right-wing. They are stuck on attack mode, no matter what the issue, even one as tame and harmless as a speech stressing personal responsibility to schoolchildren.

Edited by barracuda
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President Obama's speech to schoolchildren: http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/.

The speech stresses personal responsibility and hard work to be successful.

Some quotes...

It seems like sound advice that any parent would welcome. I see no hint of political maneuvering in the speech. And yet, the right is claiming it to be socialist, political propaganda, and political indoctrination.

More and more, it seems that thoughtful dialogue is simply impossible for the right-wing. They are stuck on attack mode, no matter what the issue, even one as tame and harmless as a speech stressing personal responsibility to schoolchildren.

Speaking as a member of the "right", who you obviously have some sort of blanket prejudice to, I really don't have a problem with Obama's speech as it is. But it's not particularly profound or original. <_<

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