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Swine Flu Pandemic


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i didn't realize tamiflu wasn't an OTC drug and figured I'd pick some up for my wife who does have some sort of sinus issues going on while shopping for other items at CVS two nights ago. The pharmacist informed that it was in fact a prescription drug, but that they, and most pharmacies around the city were already out. so yeahh.

Edited by Highway6
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So I've been sick the past 3 days, i wont go into the details for those that are visual people, but despite it all I have no fever, and am feeling much better and am trying to get my appetite back... of course all I've heard from everyone is "Do you have Swine Flu?? You need to go to the Doctor, you could have swine flu!" Jesus Christ people I don't have swine flu! Fever is a pretty important symptom in flu and I have a normal 98.6... this "pandemic" that has yet to kill a single American is getting so blown out of proportion.

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It is likely that his underlying health problems made him more susceptible to the effects of the flu. In other words, a healthy 2 year old may have survived the illness, but this child's other problems made him weaker.

I have heard that implication on more than one occasion. And yes, it is important for the public to know. I think the most important factor, other than that, is that he was here from Mexico. The access to healthcare is very different than that which we enjoy and may be responsible for the increased death rate in Mexico. Again, I would worry as a parent, just because parents don't want to see their children suffer, but I wouldn't worry too much. Media overhype has become the norm on EVERYTHING these days, and this is just ripe for the picking.

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We're having a PANDEMIC! meeting at 3:00. We've already been warned about non-essential travel to Mex.

I'll report back with the results of my meeting.

Okay, so wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, stay home if you have a fever blah, blah, blah. I mean really, it's not like these guidelines are new.

The only new one was to stay home if someone you live with has flu-like symptoms.

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I have a friend who works for a certain biomed firm in the bay area. He just sent me the latest corporate missive. All in know is, when it comes to pandemics, I'm in the wrong line of work!


We have taken the following proactive steps to ensure preparedness in the event that the situation escalates:

* We have established a Pandemic Response Core Team, chaired by ______________ from Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), that is responsible for communicating and coordinating with _______ and ________ sites, as well as key stakeholders as appropriate

* Last Saturday we agreed with colleagues in _____ that they would supply Tamiflu for ______ employees. The packs of Tamiflu will be shipped to the appropriate sites as soon as they are ready. We will continue to provide updates when we have more information

* The Core Team is compiling a Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ) document addressing common questions and concerns. The FAQ will be available shortly, as well as global information from _______ headquarters

* We have activated our business continuity plans to ensure that critical business functions can still operate

* We have completed an inventory assessment of masks, gloves and hand sanitizers in South San Francisco, and are working with our other sites to conduct a similar inventory

* We have met with emergency response leadership in South San Francisco and Health Services personnel in South San Francisco, Oceanside and Vacaville to review infection control and clinic procedures for managing employees with flu-like symptoms. Other sites will also complete this process

* We have met with custodial staff in South San Francisco to discuss cleaning procedures during this outbreak, and will have similar discussion with cleaning staff at other sites

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Eeeek... they shut down the elementary and middle school in the Heights that are right near my house... said there was a confirmed case at each school... kind of scary. I was at Target today and noticed the Purell sanitizer was all gone.

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Eeeek... they shut down the elementary and middle school in the Heights that are right near my house... said there was a confirmed case at each school... kind of scary. I was at Target today and noticed the Purell sanitizer was all gone.

yeah, cvs had only the small hand sanis. I helped some people from Mexico city yesterday i scrubbed my hands with alcohol and soap. luckily i'm loaded on the instant hand wipes. You wouldn't believe what people do. (i work retail) they cough don't cover there mouths, sneeze pick there nose and want to touch you.

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1976 swine flu shot ads from the United States Public Health Service:


The $137-million program began in early October, but within days reports emerged that the vaccine appeared to increase the risk for Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological condition that causes temporary paralysis but can be fatal.

Waiting in long lines at schools and clinics, more than 40 million Americans -- almost 25% of the population -- received the swine flu vaccine before the program was halted in December after 10 weeks.

More than 500 people are thought to have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the vaccine; 25 died. No one completely understands the causes of Guillain-Barre, but the condition can develop after a bout with infection or following surgery or vaccination. The federal government paid millions in damages to people or their families.

However, the pandemic, which some experts estimated at the time could infect 50 million to 60 million Americans, never unfolded. Only about 200 cases of swine flu and one death were ultimately reported in the U.S., the CDC said.


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Has anyone read or heard where officials said the swine flu is any worse or less treatable than our season flu?

What the WHO is focused on now is determining why it proved so communicable and deadly in Mexico, particularly with healthy adults and not in the U.S. or other World1 nations where the virous has appeared. Simply put, they really don't know what they're dealing with. So, they have to take precautions. NPR had a piece about the investigation this morning.

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So I've been sick the past 3 days, i wont go into the details for those that are visual people, but despite it all I have no fever, and am feeling much better and am trying to get my appetite back... of course all I've heard from everyone is "Do you have Swine Flu?? You need to go to the Doctor, you could have swine flu!" Jesus Christ people I don't have swine flu! Fever is a pretty important symptom in flu and I have a normal 98.6... this "pandemic" that has yet to kill a single American is getting so blown out of proportion.

No burning desire to wallow in the mud or aversion to the smell of bacon?

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What the WHO is focused on now is determining why it proved so communicable and deadly in Mexico, particularly with healthy adults and not in the U.S. or other World1 nations where the virous has appeared. Simply put, they really don't know what they're dealing with. So, they have to take precautions. NPR had a piece about the investigation this morning.

NPR had a good point this morning. They stated that there were probably thousands more undocumented (no pun intended) cases of the flu there, and therefore the death rate would not be any greater than that of the U.S.

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What the WHO is focused on now is determining why it proved so communicable and deadly in Mexico, particularly with healthy adults and not in the U.S. or other World1 nations where the virous has appeared. Simply put, they really don't know what they're dealing with. So, they have to take precautions. NPR had a piece about the investigation this morning.

Sorry, I have not read the linked story yet, but do they have a timeframe of when they might have the detailed info they want regarding it's seriousness etc?

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Im wearing a mask and gloves tomorrow, seriously. First Swine Flu death in Houston and Swine Flu case in Ft.Bend Coutny.

Don't 'quote' me, please.

Are you saying that YOU are gonna be the first Swine Flu death ?

Anywho, the media here in Austin has already started changing the name of Swine Flu to the New H1N1 Virus, noticed it today while driving to an appointment. I have already told the head office that I won't take appointments in Cibolo or Shertz, or anywhere near San Antonio for the next week or two. Better to be safe than sorry.

Edited by TJones
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Has anyone read or heard where officials said the swine flu is any worse or less treatable than our season flu?

All I heard was that it's a combination of a bird flu, a pig flu and a human flu... and each virus has several strands or something and most are human flu which is why it spreads so easily between humans.

Wikipedia has a lot of info on it....

Swine Flu - Wikipedia

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I've got a friend on the Ecstacy cruise ship that gave me a call around 8:45 earlier tonight. I immediately knew something was up. He shouldn't have been in port until about 5:00AM, and he shouldn't have woke up until around noon...as is his routine.

Apparently, Carnival Cruise Lines is shuffling around the Ecstacy's ports of call to Carribean destinations like Jamaica. The reason given to the crew: "Mexico is closed."

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Maybe not (pandemic).


The swine flu outbreak that has alarmed the world for a week now appears less ominous, with the virus showing little staying power in the hardest-hit cities and scientists suggesting it lacks the genetic fortitude of past killer bugs.

President Barack Obama even voiced hope Friday that it may turn out to be no more harmful than the average seasonal flu.

In New York City, which has the most confirmed swine flu cases in the U.S. with 49, swine flu has not spread far beyond cases linked to one Catholic school. In Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak, very few relatives of flu victims seem to have caught it.

Other interesting numbers from the article (dated May 1, 2009, 11:51 PM):

- 16 confirmed deaths in Mexico

- over 300 confirmed flu cases in Mexico

- 650 confirmed cases worldwide

Those numbers are far different than what we've been hearing all week. Mexico admitted that their numbers may have been inflated.

Edited by Original Timmy Chan's
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Apparently, Carnival Cruise Lines is shuffling around the Ecstacy's ports of call to Carribean destinations like Jamaica. The reason given to the crew: "Mexico is closed."

Lucky pax are getting an upgrade. I'd take Ocho Rios over Cancun any day.

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No burning desire to wallow in the mud or aversion to the smell of bacon? :P

Haven't had much of an appetite with the stomach virus I've been fighting, but as soon as I get it back, I'm all about the bacon!

If anyone is too afraid to eat regular bacon there's always the beef bacon they serve at Katz's :rolleyes:

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I've just spent the greater part of the night talking about swine flu with the multinational crew of the Ecstacy. I'd say that about 1/3 of the crew is concerned, primarily appropriately-endowed women. I admit, there may be some sample bias.

Most all of them are concerned for the wrong reasons, however.

The most plausible disaster scenario occurs when, as the flu spreads with a geometric progression, hospitals are overwhelmed and less critical care is displaced. As hospital capacity is stretched to its limits and healthcare professionals begin taking ill, hospital capacity is actually reduced, even as greater percentages of the general population become infected. Whereas at the beginning of the outbreak, mortality could be easily avoided simply by seeking hospitalization, most Americans no longer have that as an option. Untreated, they are more susceptible to complications or death. Meanwhile, a massive number of people are displaced from the workforce to take care of loved ones or as a consequence of a fearful cohort of coworkers. In the end, there are probably greater sacrifices resulting from prevention measures than there are from actual illnesses, however the circumstances are preferable to the alternative scenario wherein the population shrugged it off.

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Apparently, Carnival Cruise Lines is shuffling around the Ecstacy's ports of call to Carribean destinations like Jamaica. The reason given to the crew: "Mexico is closed."

i'm in jamaica and the airport is making most texans, californians, etc go through a special check to make sure you're not hacking and coughing.

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