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Swine Flu Pandemic


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Don't get your knickers in a knot. I'm making a jab at the stupid. Those who complain, unthinkingly, about taxes, but still expect services. I think I've explained that three times now.

Making fun of stupid people is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's too easy. Why bother?

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Speaking of stupid, did anyone catch the Chron.Com's Q and A this morning?

Someone asked if he should WASH his BACONBITS before putting them on his salad in order to avoid getting the swine flu! Seriously.

Please don't laugh about that. It's too easy to make fun of stupid people, and we shouldn't do it. Niche says so.

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Im wearing a mask and gloves tomorrow, seriously. First Swine Flu death in Houston and Swine Flu case in Ft.Bend Coutny.

Don't 'quote' me, please.

I heard from a "reliable source" of at least 2 cases in Ft Bend. Not surprising, Texas is one of the states with the most cases

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I heard from a "reliable source" of at least 2 cases in Ft Bend. Not surprising, Texas is one of the states with the most cases

Looks like one case from Ft Bend has been confirmed.

HOUSTON - Officials with the Fort Bend County health department say a 17-year-old girl who tested positive for swine flu has since recovered.

The girl was tested late last week after showing experiencing some of the swine flu symptoms. A swab test was sent to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and health officials were notified Wednesday of the results.

No one in the girl's family has exhibited any symptoms of the swine flu, health officials said.

However, officials said the private Harris County school the teen attends will be shut down Thursday. Harris County health officials are expected to release the name of that school Thursday.

Fort Bend County health officials said the girl hasn't been to Mexico recently.

Currently, officials are waiting for test results on 30 suspected cases of swine flu in Fort Bend County. But they said the cases could include the seasonal flu.

So far, a total of 16 cases have been confirmed throughout Texas, including eight in Guadalupe County, three in Dallas County, two in Starr County, one in Cameron County and one in Fort Bend County.

Earlier this week, a 23-month-old boy from Mexico died at Houston's Texas Children Hospital from the strain.

In this U.S., the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed at least 139 cases in New York, California, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Michigan and



*EDIT* Swine Flu HAS been raised to Pandemic Alert, the scond-highest level.


Edited by UpuPUp!
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I'm not saying that you shouldn't, just that it is in bad taste IMO.

from our resident Master of Good Taste.


Today, I heard snippets of a break room swine flu conversation about 'should I stop eating bacon?' I left without comment, but sweet baby jesus, it was hard.

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from our resident Master of Good Taste.


Today, I heard snippets of a break room swine flu conversation about 'should I stop eating bacon?' I left without comment, but sweet baby jesus, it was hard.

Is this thing going to snow ball, or will it be like SARS and come and go?

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This has Y2K stamped all over it. The biggest non-event, event. 10's of thousands die every year from flu. So far, "mild cases" with the occasional expected deaths...

I agree that this thing wont be deadly and thousands of Houstonians wont be rushed to the Hospital. However, I no longer think this will be a non-event.

I've got a friend in Fort Worth. She's a single divorced mother of two. She works for a living. She now has to figure out a way to care for her kids until May 11th since they wont be at school. She's thinking she's going to have to take an unpaid leave of absence since she wont be able to afford private day care. Of course, in this economy, she isn't to thrilled with the prospects of having to leave work...

The panic is clearly spreading. We're probably going to do more harm to ourselves than the actual pig flu.

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We've got thousands of people flying into Houston this weekend from all over the world to attend the "Off Shore Technology Conference". This is one of the biggest international events in the industry. Should we seal-off our borders to keep them out?

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I agree that this thing wont be deadly and thousands of Houstonians wont be rushed to the Hospital. However, I no longer think this will be a non-event.

I've got a friend in Fort Worth. She's a single divorced mother of two. She works for a living. She now has to figure out a way to care for her kids until May 11th since they wont be at school. She's thinking she's going to have to take an unpaid leave of absence since she wont be able to afford private day care. Of course, in this economy, she isn't to thrilled with the prospects of having to leave work...

The panic is clearly spreading. We're probably going to do more harm to ourselves than the actual pig flu.

There are discussions going on today in my office about dealing with the expected absenteeism, or the possibility of people bringing their kids to work because of school closures. The only official corporate policy response is to stop non-essential travel to Mexico, and follow the WHO guidelines.

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We've got thousands of people flying into Houston this weekend from all over the world to attend the "Off Shore Technology Conference". This is one of the biggest international events in the industry. Should we seal-off our borders to keep them out?

I can't imagine anything short of nuclear holocaust stopping the OTC. Maybe they'll put some little hand sanitizers in the goodie bags, or something.

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...sprite and crackers...chicken soup if it gets really bad.

But seriously, I'm not worried about me even if I get it, but my 16 month old I do have concerns about. She's not as equipped as I am to handle it. I don't know what precautions we can take besides staying clean and not doing tons of public interaction though. Her day care hasn't closed or hinted they plan to. But if the cases in Houston increase I wouldn't be surprised. We're lucky my wife is at home to accommodate that.

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...sprite and crackers...chicken soup if it gets really bad.

But seriously, I'm not worried about me even if I get it, but my 16 month old I do have concerns about. She's not as equipped as I am to handle it. I don't know what precautions we can take besides staying clean and not doing tons of public interaction though. Her day care hasn't closed or hinted they plan to. But if the cases in Houston increase I wouldn't be surprised. We're lucky my wife is at home to accommodate that.

I laugh and I joke, but if I had young children I would be worried as well. The liklihood of them having any serious complications is low, but I would still be worried.

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