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Man Purse


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The bottom line is to just travel light. I mean how much junk does one really need anyway. :huh:

I personally would hate carrying a bunch of gadgets, who has time for all that crap?

The bare esentials:

Obviously car/house keys


left pant pocket Chapstick (a must) :rolleyes:

the end - fin

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The bottom line is to just travel light. I mean how much junk does one really need anyway. :huh:

left pant pocket Chapstick (a must) :rolleyes:

the end - fin

Chapstick ?...... In Houston ?..... What are you doing during the day that would require that you keep Chapstick on your person at all times ? :huh:

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If you want to carry more than keys, wallet, and a phone, there's nothing wrong with a guy carrying a bag. I don't know why there's such a macho stigma there.

Anyhow...for camera stuff, I like Domke bags - they also have messenger and other types, too:


I use the F-2 classic for my big camera and I love it. And it's simple (bags with 4856930863 little pockets get on my nerves).

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I work downtown and walk a few blocks every day. I carry a bag, but it more like a laptop case. I wouldn't call it a murse. I've got bills, check book and stamps. Also, for those inclement days, I've got a wind breaker/rain jacket and a tiny umbrella. I've also got a pocket for backup smokes.

I also keep lip balm in my left pant pocket, but it's not for dry weather. It's more for the spf factor.

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Anyone else have one?

I went to San Antonio and met my girlfriends brother-in-law who had a man purse. It seemed very useful and didn't look like a purse at all, just a bag with a strap. Didn't look anything like a woman's purse.

Anyway, what do yall think?


I think if I get one, I'll even call it a purse if someone insinuates so...it'd be funny.

I have a Calvin Klein one... love it.

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Anyway, what do yall think?


I think if I get one, I'll even call it a purse if someone insinuates so...it'd be funny.

I appreciate your sense of humor...but if you're bothering to ask on a message board whether it's too effeminate, then that indicates to me that you probably think that it is too effeminate. And if you are questioning the wisdom of it, then you already have your answer. Go with your gut instinct.

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I appreciate your sense of humor...but if you're bothering to ask on a message board whether it's too effeminate, then that indicates to me that you probably think that it is too effeminate. And if you are questioning the wisdom of it, then you already have your answer. Go with your gut instinct.

I wasn't necessarily looking for approval. Just thought it'd be fun to start a thread about it and see what others thought.

I'd rather be talking about a new planned skyscraper...but this economy is forcing us to talk about different things :)

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It's kind of funny and ironic that there are guys who worry about looking effeminate if they carry a bag, but then buy clothes at A&F! ^_^

Kind of like straight guys who are "homophobes"... the ones who just don't like gay people... yet they have a closet full of lesbian porn. :rolleyes:

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Kind of like straight guys who are "homophobes"... the ones who just don't like gay people... yet they have a closet full of lesbian porn. :rolleyes:

Hrmmm...no, I've got to call a technical foul on this one. I have a really good friend who acts as you describe. He isn't a homophobe, per se, because he's very adamant about his opinion that females that are homosexual or bisexual are OK, but he is at the same time very uncomfortable with males that are homosexual or bisexual. He's a gay-o-phobe, or whatever the proper terminology is, and there is nothing that I can think of that he does which is inherently inconsistent.

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Hrmmm...no, I've got to call a technical foul on this one. I have a really good friend who acts as you describe. He isn't a homophobe, per se, because he's very adamant about his opinion that females that are homosexual or bisexual are OK, but he is at the same time very uncomfortable with males that are homosexual or bisexual. He's a gay-o-phobe, or whatever the proper terminology is, and there is nothing that I can think of that he does which is inherently inconsistent.

Sounds to me like your friend has issues with himself that he needs to resolve. It sounds like he, in some ways, feels threatened by gay men. Why else would one feel "uncomfortable" about a whole group of people? Maybe he has issues with his own masculinity. Usually guys who are secure with themselves don't feel threatened like that. If he's afraid a gay man might hit on him, you can explain to him that that doesn't make him gay and that doesn't mean he has to have sex with the gay man. It's just like getting hit on by a women who he is in no way attracted to. He should actually be flattered b/c if someone hits on him, man or woman, it's b/c they think he's attractive. Maybe he thinks he can "catch it" if he is around gay guys. Well, I am surrounded by straights everyday and haven't caught that yet so I think he will be fine. I also have a black co-worker and a Mexican boyfriend and I remain as white and Ukrainian as I have always been... guess you can't catch those things, also. :rolleyes:

Not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything like that, I just don't really how else to explain why you shouldn't be "uncomfortable" around gay guys, unless of course his issues are with himself and not really gay guys, then he's on his own.

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Sounds to me like your friend has issues with himself that he needs to resolve. It sounds like he, in some ways, feels threatened by gay men. Why else would one feel "uncomfortable" about a whole group of people? Maybe he has issues with his own masculinity. Usually guys who are secure with themselves don't feel threatened like that. If he's afraid a gay man might hit on him, you can explain to him that that doesn't make him gay and that doesn't mean he has to have sex with the gay man. It's just like getting hit on by a women who he is in no way attracted to. He should actually be flattered b/c if someone hits on him, man or woman, it's b/c they think he's attractive. Maybe he thinks he can "catch it" if he is around gay guys. Well, I am surrounded by straights everyday and haven't caught that yet so I think he will be fine. I also have a black co-worker and a Mexican boyfriend and I remain as white and Ukrainian as I have always been... guess you can't catch those things, also. :rolleyes:

Not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything like that, I just don't really how else to explain why you shouldn't be "uncomfortable" around gay guys, unless of course his issues are with himself and not really gay guys, then he's on his own.

First of all, he's not stupid. Actually, he's a fair bit more intelligent than I am; we're talking about Mensa material. He's aware that gay isn't a communicable disease, doesn't view it through a religious prism, and argues that it is a condition that you're born with (although he rejects the argument that it is hereditary and supports the position that it is hormonally-induced in utero, which would make your comparison to race pretty much meaningless as far as he's concerned). There are other reasons that I'm not going to question his sexuality, but discussing an individual's psychology on a public internet forum seems inappropriate to me for some reason that I can't logically explain...just as well as he can't explain his aversion to gay guys. This is a situation where he just has his own unique perspective on the world. :shrug:

Not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything like that, but in this case (and quite a few others), you have to accept that not everyone is comfortable with gay guys. Don't take it personally and please don't bother with some gay (adj.) march, rally, parade, or guerrilla bar. It's not a travesty when someone doesn't like you. Just live and let live.

EDIT: I will say though, that its ridiculously good fun to subject him to gay humor. I can be kind of sadistic like that.

Edited by TheNiche
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Not trying to be mean or sarcastic or anything like that, but in this case (and quite a few others), you have to accept that not everyone is comfortable with gay guys. Don't take it personally and please don't bother with some gay (adj.) march, rally, parade, or guerrilla bar. It's not a travesty when someone doesn't like you. Just live and let live.

Who said anything about a parade or rally? :lol: it's the conservatives who have been teabagging at their rallies all week, not us gays. :lol:

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Who said anything about a parade or rally? :lol: it's the conservatives who have been teabagging at their rallies all week, not us gays. :lol:

I'm glad it got a chuckle out of you. That was the idea.

...but we're waaaay off topic now, and gay threads have a knack for getting shut down.

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  • 1 year later...

My girlfriend got me one of these (surprise gift, haven't talked about it in a long time) after visiting family in Mexico. I sported it to dinner tonight and have taken it to work once. lol

Only carried it twice? Sounds like you're still worried about it. By the way, now that I have a laptop, I bought a sweet brown leather saddle bag looking thing. Love it. But, this gets me thinking. I think your problem is that you probably don't work around a lot of guys who need bags, therefore you're self-conscious about it. Around the courthouse, where we all carry them, different folks carry different totes. Some are pretty damned cool. And no one would ever dream of making fun, since we ALL carry one.

The trend I am starting to see is the move to a smaller bag, holding a tablet PC of some sort. If we ever get the guts to go paperless (I'm trying, but not there), then the full-size briefcase would only come out for trials. Day to day courthouse work could be done on the tablet.

My current bag

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Only carried it twice?

My current bag

She just gave it to me Sunday and when I took it to work on Monday I forgot to bring it home.

Actually, a lot of people at my work carry backpacks and have rolling bags. But yeah, not much in between that. Thankfully we have a lot of people from other countries, too. But naw, not too too worried. Just gotta get through the first wave of giggles, but it's ok, I think it's kinda funny, too.

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Only carried it twice? Sounds like you're still worried about it. By the way, now that I have a laptop, I bought a sweet brown leather saddle bag looking thing. Love it. But, this gets me thinking. I think your problem is that you probably don't work around a lot of guys who need bags, therefore you're self-conscious about it. Around the courthouse, where we all carry them, different folks carry different totes. Some are pretty damned cool. And no one would ever dream of making fun, since we ALL carry one.

Probably also wouldn't be a good idea to poke fun at lawyers to their faces anyway. Could get ugly and expensive...:lol:

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My girlfriend got me one of these (surprise gift, haven't talked about it in a long time) after visiting family in Mexico. I sported it to dinner tonight and have taken it to work once. lol

Did she get you a Jack pack?

You going to post a photo or link to the specific one you got so we may all judge accordingly? :)

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