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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. He was a pissy queen but adamant in his beliefs. He had no trouble speaking his mind in front of Hugh Lidke [maybe I have the name wrong?] a potential repeat customer. Lidke seemed to get a chuclke out of the idea. Personally, I love the BoA...I just wish it was elsewhere. I feel a building like Pennzoil should never be covered up. It is an architectural icon but it's creater sought to protect it by covering it up as a second best alternative to throwing it down the airshaft. Both buildings are a part of our architectural heritage. Sometimes they connect to the street-as Pennzoil does by literally inviting you into the atrium from either Milam or Louisiana. Sometimes they don't as the BoA isn't especially inviting with it's narrow walk-through. But each has it's meritis. My only issue is that the BoA should have been set adjacent to the mundane as opposeed to covering up the magnificient.
  2. No, he can delicate flower...it's the way we do things. It's called freedom of speech. All he has done is put in to question his motives. Is he an anarchist? Or is he just a lazy citizen who counts on people like us to carry his load? I'm going for lazy because he doesn't seem to be resourcefull, clever or smart enough to be anything other than.
  3. I was there in the de Menil's home. He was direct and matter of fact. He talked about Burgee as an employee and chuckled at his gullible clients. It took me awhile to catch on but Mrs. de Menil seemed to grasp it immediatly.
  4. Signing a petition is merely stating your agreement with the petitioners. Your straw-man argument is just that: a straw-man argument. BTW, how did you vote on the non-binding resolution?
  5. Phillip Johnson deliberatly designed the Flemish style BoA to cover up Pennzoil. He said it was his Ayn Rand moment. He loved Pennzoil and hated the BoA pile of crap. Never let it be said that Houston does not have some of the best urban architecture and never doubt that people like Dominique DeMenil had a hand in it. For all her good taste she saw the ugliness of the corporate crap going up and loved the fact Johnson spit in the face of the developers of the BoA. He said he felt like Domnique Francon throwing the exquisite and priceless work of art down the air shaft so no one else could pollute it with their eyes. Priceless. As for our architectural heritage, we are unique in the fact we have short-sighted "free marketers" who have no use for heritage. Their end result will be an Aggie designed city of mediocrity devoid of soul and character.
  6. I'm shocked! I guess the chron's fax machines must be on the blink since our crack girl reporter Nancy seems oblivious as usual.
  7. I want to tell my fellow HAIFers that bro is doing OK. His head is screwed on straight. Like myself, he is focused on the long term. It seems many on HAIF are clueless when it comes to long-term planning. You have to save to secure your retirement. Imagine your life after the age of 70. Are you counting on your kids to help you out? Maybe they will-maybe you don't have kids. My parents were lucky enough to have 4 kids that made sure they were cared for until they died. Our reward is the love and education they gave us. The principles they instilled have served us well. Those principles also afforded them a dignified end-life we are all proud of.
  8. One of my best friends ended up in that boat shack on High Island. I lived through the trama as I'm sure H2B did as well. It's a tough row to hoe being a young boy or girl having to witness the horrors of an event such as this. I know that H2B, myself, my sisters and my cousin had to endure an experience that few adults could barely have the idea of the horror we were a part of.
  9. This is an email I recieved from my sister today regarding her daughter's campaign:
  10. We've done that. Go back and review the posts.
  11. I hear you, DJ. But the reality remains. There are many who won't vote for a woman, minority or non-christian. The odd thing is the majority of those that used to vote would vote for any of the above mentioned...but they no longer vote. Those who are elected are elected by the minority because most people do not vote...and that's the most pathetic thing of all.
  12. Back in the real world, this project is complex and complex efforts take time and patience. There are so many factors involved: Public and private financing-already secured. Remediation-almost complete. Permits-already secured. Just because there are still parked cars on portions of the site only means the leasees are going to milk every last cent of income until the time comes for them to move out.
  13. He ought to be your go-to guy but I just don't see it happening. Every NY state poll shows Clinton wiping up the ground with him state-wide. That means he can't even win his own state. She is hugely popular state-wide. I'll simply refer you to her election numbers: 2000 Clinton 55% Lazio 43% 2004 Clinton 67% Spencer 31% He'll never accumalate the numbers and cash Clinton has and will continue to have. His pro-choice stance, support for gays and serial marriage/divorce history will never sit well with the religious right-which still holds huge sway over the Republican Party. Speaking of, the Republican's second best hope is Romney but he'll never get over the hurdle because of his flip-flopping over social issues plus he's not a Christian. Your idea of throwing McCain under the bus may be the best choice for the Republicans at this point. However, don't forget the election is 22 months away and we all know anything can-and will-happen between now and then.
  14. This is mainly for the Republicans out there but of course anyone is free to respond: Do any of you think Guiliani has a chance at the nomination considering many of stands on social issues are anathma to the far-right? I'm not asking whether or not you are for him; I'm asking if you think he can get through the fire of the primaries. I know-the election is around 22 months away but for political junkies like myself this is an intriquing topic. BTW, FWIW, I think he could be a real winner...I just don't think the Republican Party is going to give him a chance.
  15. Great list, Kink. Why don't you move back home [and warm up!] and we'll send some of our whiners up to Boston. Try to keep warm!
  16. ...and now for something that truely is NOT down-right confusing: http://www.ctchouston.org/blogs/christof/
  17. I'm all for opening that alley up all the way. It's city property being used illegally by a private individual. In fact, this is how I got started on this forum" http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...ic=2986&hl=
  18. Here is a list of Richmondrail.org board of directors: http://www.richmondrail.org/blogs/?page_id=17 Here's one for the Mobility coalition: I know you'll argue the point just because you think they've been up front but you clearly haven't done your homework if you think The Brass Maiden is an "upfont" organization. It's a woman with an answering machine.
  19. Perhaps the supporters of rail on Richmond; verified on-line with no attempt to hide their origins-clearly out-weigh the anti's in numbers-have a valid and well thought out point and are a like-minded group of individuals that think the same way. The anti's hide behind the Brass Maiden's voice mail. I'm proud to be on the side of a group that is upfront and not some back-room gang of slackers with more money than sense who rely only on lies and hoary, empty arguments.
  20. Oh kink...always a man after my own heart You are spot on. I'll take the Comets over any self involved, disconnected NBA team any day. When Toyota opened we bought Rockets season tickets and gave them to my brother-in-law after the second game...he went once and gave them to his boys...they used them once. If you can't even get someone to go see a game for free in really great seats, what does that tell you? As you so succinctly said: NBA=SUCK.
  21. Many economists don't count property as savings as they are volatile in their eyes but don't recognize traditional savings are equally as volatile. You and I are old enough to remember the storys our parents told us about the great depression so we know better. If nothing else was drilled into our heads by our grandparents and parents was the enduring value of land. Now days that sounds quaint to those who want the quick dollar. But the quick dollar is fleeting. I took the advice of my parents and grandparents and invested in real estate in the 70's-mainly in the Heights. Now I am in my 50's and looking to cash out. All of my properties are free and clear and 60% are worth 3 times what I payed for; another 25% are worth more than 4 times what I payed. Now I realize I'm the exception to the rule but at least I had a goal and have reached it-just as I suspect you have as well with your Bastrop lifestyle ...maybe it has something to do with the water we drank growing up in the Heights??? HeHe..... In any event, it would behove everyone to think about the future. You won't be in your 20's forever.
  22. I always appriciate it when HAIFers take the time and trouble to post their pics...so thanks Boris! BTW, do you remember the Alamo? I do...
  23. The garages have access from the alley. Look between the stop n' shop at E. 27th @ Yale and the auto repair@ E. 26th and Yale. The illegal fence on the alley has been removed to allow alley access to the new garages. Hopefully it will become a full alley between Yale and Harvard as it used to be. And welcome from a fellow Sunset Heights homeowner.
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