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Everything posted by Tumbleweed_Tx

  1. haven't seen noticeable progress on this in a while- that doesn't mean they're not doing anything...
  2. this was the second stop on the stumble today (the one that turned into a stroll...lol) 1111 Travis? Is that going to be the Hilcorp address? Anyway, peeking in the wind screen on Main at Dallas
  3. I went for a little stumble today that turned into a stroll.... I swung by 4 construction projects- Sky House was the last. Corner of Leeland and Main, note facade up two floors, they'll do something different above that.
  4. txn44art, wasn't Christine a 57? Or was that a 58. My first car was a 67 Dodge Coronet that my dad bought new in 67 when I was 3
  5. 1) any idea for a time table on this? 2) I would put retail on the bottom floor, on Travis St I walked around downtown tonight. I visited Frank's pizzeria (mmmmmmmm) after stopping y the Red Cat to see a dear friend perform. Frank's was busy, even at midnight., so retail would work here
  6. that's about what time Calvin B showed up at work today... maybe the 'copters were sniffing the weed scent... LOL
  7. I think I'm going to have to start taking my 'puter to work every day so I can post updates... can't figure out how to post Flikr photos to a web page on the android phone
  8. Crane is going up.. I'll post a picture later
  9. I'd say the square hole covered with caution tape is a crane pad, as is the hole in the lower right side of the pic. y'all's angle is better than the one I get from the top o the Pavilion's garage
  10. Most of the glass is in place, but a lot of the corner facade needs to be installed
  11. They have already removed two feet of dirt from sections of the site. In going to guess we're in a prep stage for the new Hilcorp tower
  12. Something is going on over there- there are at least four backhoes there, and the bottom of the old foundation is either gone or covered with dirt piles
  13. I thought the D-Word had the bank parking lot... that's where all my D-Word buds and I hung out. (Westheimer and Montrose, SW corner of the intersection) I guess we were so cool we took over half the damned strip.... LOL
  14. they should close that part of Main because you can't drive on it anyway- there's nowhere where yo can take a right turn to get onto that block, and you legally can't turn left onto that block after crossing the tracks, anyway
  15. takes the same anount of time to gut, implode, and clean up a building as it does to disassemble it, plus, you can do other things on site while disassembling the building.
  16. some of the hospitals in TMC have parking contracts with lots in the area called Smithlands, so yes, a shitload (excuse the French) of TMC workers park there and rid the choo choo in to work. It's a shuttle for them.
  17. you gonna live in Texas you're going to see STARS.
  18. ^^^ lol yeah, I'll feed the troll this time, I'm still laughing at this one... LOL
  19. Demographic center of Houston is at I-10 and Silber
  20. I had In n Out this morning, at the one by LAX my San Antonio friends are taunting me with the news of them moving in to that market....
  21. whoa.. this picture. when we see downtown now, we see the huge (to us) buildings, and the empty parking lots. even the distance shots of downtown in the late 50's start to look like the modern downtown we know today, but this picture, with all the older buldings, the water tower, and the TREES in downtown....... wow! epic
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