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Everything posted by Tumbleweed_Tx

  1. Detroit is a victim of two things.... 1) a map 2) it's own success. Detroit is land locked by it's suburbs- it can't expand through annexation, so it can't go grab a bigger tax base from the citizens who moved to the suburbs in the 70's. Detroit was very successful n the 60's and 70's- so much so that it's people wanted a better life than living in old houses built in the 1920's and 30's, so they built larger houses in the suburbs, then moved. The people still worked in Detroit at that time, though.When all the successful white people moved to the burbs, the only things left in Detroit proper was the lower class whites and all of the blacks. When the people in the suburbs moved farther out in even better suburbs, the poor whites moved in to the older suburbs, leaving nothing but the blacks in Detroit. Then, the manufacturing jobs moved out of Detroit and into the 'edge cities', and to Canada, Mexico, and eventually China.That caused Detroit to implode on itself. The same thing is happening to Philly, except that white folks still work in downtown Philly. So.. to recap what Purdue said... White Flight Lack of Economic diversification Globalization Mechanization Crime Rigid unmoving Union Practices (fixed the order for you) and this is why Houston annexed Kingwood and Clear Lake, and will eventually grab the outer 290 areas
  2. here's the rendering posted to Culture Map, so, yeah, they will probably repalce the lower facade with new brick, then paint a brick facade over the higher bricks they had to paint to cover up the damage from the 60's facade's glues and resins...
  3. it's already taking shape with the flowing curves of the balconies... Soon, it will be visible from the 59/610 interchange!
  4. warehouse live.... or... the Wounded Warrior guys have a small venue on the East End that they are rebuilding- it's an old warehouse with brick walls that they have built a stage onto one end, and there's an out building with facilities that could be used as dressing rooms, etc... contact Paul Delacerda for that one... I'll pm his number upon request
  5. he hasn't seen the rendering (that would be me...lol)... the placeholder looks like the bottle
  6. in the Swamplot comments, someone implied it will be imploded on July 21. It probably won't be anywhere near ready by then
  7. huh? There's a city in the background? actually, the model is a good friend and favorite bartender, Veronica Gomez...
  8. looks like they're gutting the interior and starting over again- probably an asbestos abatement. There's a chute on the north side of the building for the waste... all the curtains are gone, the windows open.
  9. as I drove by yesterday, I saw a newish rendering of a new facade for the CBB that looks something like the new facade of the Mickey Leland building
  10. I'm still wondering how big the fallout shelter is below Macy's... and how big of a hole will be left when they tear the joint down.
  11. come to think of it, for the last few work nights, i haven;t seen anyone pissing on the sidewalk on the way to the parking lot, haven't heard anyone screaming at the top of their lungs, nor have I seen any of the smoking hot chicks that used to frequent Gertners...
  12. looks like it was taken from one of the lobbies in the newish court house
  13. Crane is up, and there's lots of extra sections- maybe for a second crane?
  14. one of my clients lives directly in the noontime shadow of the Ashby high rise. I suggested he buy the land it's going to be built on if he wants to stop the project.
  15. It wasn't. to build a hotel or residential, parts of the Pavilions would have to be torn down. (I won't call it by the new name)
  16. aw, darn, no more throwing things at people who cause accidents
  17. wasn't that the movie about the kidnapping of John Walsh's kid?
  18. all of the signs advertising the launch party for Pavilions on Thursday have a black line through the words Houston Pavilions.... look for Magic Johnson's people to rebrand the thing
  19. it's going to be turned into a huge entertainment plaza, just like the third floor is now
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