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Everything posted by Texasota

  1. its still there in the rendering. existing buildings are shown as featureless massing.
  2. The metal siding is one of my favorite things about the design, especially since *so* much new construction in this town is bad historicism. This actually does reference something locally important, the metal buildings of the 60s and 70s. These are early renderings though. It will all come down to final massing, proportions and detailing.
  3. I wasn't criticizing the fact that there's a parking podium; I was criticizing the fact that this particular parking podium is bad and completely isolates the tower from its site and context.
  4. Yeah the building itself is somewhat retro, but the real problem is the parking podium. It's pretty horrible and it's siting just seems bizarre and disconnected from everything.
  5. What are you people even arguing about? At the moment, everything suggests that this building will be built. There is, of course, no certainty until it actually happens, but right now things look good. This isn't a building to get overly emotional about; it's decent infill and it eliminates a currently vacant lot, but it's not exactly a, for lack of a better term, game changer. It won't meaningfully change downtown by itself; it's not an important piece o architecture. It's just one piece in a generally positive larger puzzle.
  6. Not sure what's postmodern about this building. It looks pretty thoroughly contemporary, especially with the random rectangular accents around some ribbons of windows. Those seem to be all the rage these days.
  7. hmmm, well luckily the warehouses arent anything special.
  8. That's not it. It might the one near Chicago; i'd have been more likely to drive under it.
  9. I feel like theres a pedestrian bridge across a highway somewhere that has integrated retail (mcdonalds). Cant remember where though...Indiana maybe?
  10. Ah i misread; you were listing the tallest buildings downtown that were there before the boom. Nevertheless I would be curious to see what the overall makeup of that boom was. It was mostly before I was born, so I didn't experience it. I would think there was also a lot of demolition downtown during that time as well, unless most of that was done in the 50s and 60s.
  11. But that's just office towers. *This* boom is much broader-based.
  12. It is actually being used; many of the buildings are studio/gallery space. A couple are even residential. One of the best restaurants in the city is in the warehouse district as well. and Last Concert Cafe
  13. eh, but it barely even makes sense. And if nothing else, "it's" should be "its". There's no excuse for that.
  14. particularly if they can go ahead and secure a subsidy...
  15. Yep. Same cost to build as a strip mall but infinitely better. now if only we could get the code to actually encourage this kind of siting.
  16. They are not rooftop decks. This is pretty clearly being built as cheaply as possible. Hopefully that will translate into low rents.
  17. eh, studemont is fine. the real problem is lack of connectivity by other streets. you beef up hicks a bit, take the heavy rail below grade and push court and lakin across and i think it would be fine.
  18. I think the only real issues are: parkingfire separationaccess/egressFire separation could be an issue if you mix uses in the same building, but I think it would probably be fine if you put residential in the pink building and commercial in the other two. They're separated by a windowless brick wall and a windowless wood wall, which I *think* would be enough.
  19. snakes... metamorphose? I hate to think what they must turn into (and I actually like snakes)
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