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Everything posted by infinite_jim

  1. Churches are probably be the only thing that could have been saved from Freedmen's Town. Antioch Baptist is the only bldg left from the portion of the nab that was sliced off into downtown; the same will probably be true of the church park.
  2. Will they still be "recognizable" as police officers if wearing para-military uniforms?
  3. Was she riding her bicycle on the sidewalk? Also wouldn't she want the police officer to be pulling over people who are speeding if she's a pedestrian/bicyclist; they are endangering her life more than theirs? Another thought; W. Dallas is poorly paved on the right-hand lanes in both directions, it is very dangerous to speed on this road in that drivers in the right lane are paced much slower than a speeder in the left lane (similar to people who speed on lower Westheimer Rd. but with the curves).
  4. http://www.chron.com...sso-3642941.php http://blogs.houstonpress.com/artattack/2012/06/alleged_street_artist_who_defa.php
  5. From last night's meeting the board confirmed that the GMP apportionment was part of the 1988 referendum (which included for it to be voted upon again in the 2003 referendum). http://www.houstonpress.com/content/printVersion/217170/ Also at this point we don't know what the will of the voters is precisely b/c we do not know the ballot verbage. I asked you to convince me not harangue me for not knowing what you know.
  6. Is it a crime to merely videotape another person committing a criminal act? Should it be a crime to allow a crime to occur when you have a reasonable ability to stop the crime?
  7. This is a debate. Please elaborate as to why Metro should not have to pay for road maintenance its buses use and how the Metro member cities should/could recoup the loss infrastructure monies. Conversely, why should Metro pay for road maintenance for roads that already have a funding mechanism and how the Metro member cities should/could be spending the monies they have received. Convince me; this was my main point of frustration with the pro-rail now crowd in that there were many anecdotal appeals to emotion but quite sparingly devoid of details versus the status quo GMP crowd who were nakedly antagonistic but concerned none the least (even if the board had to correct some of their "factual" statements). Compromises were made in the 2003 referendum, what sort of compromise would you like see going forward for the 2013 referendum. I'm all ears.
  8. http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Houston-developers-vow-to-fight-cap-on-mobility-3643044.php
  9. The folks wanting to keep the status quo of the GMP were quite direct that no matter the referendum vote outcome they would go to Austin to resolve the issue (assuming if the GMP was not renewed). Time and again the board would corner each speaker that wanted to keep the status quo GMP and made them answer to that fact. The board made it clear that they were going to use the public input from the meeting to determine the ballot language, however it was a wash in terms of support and arguments for either side. There was a suggestion that the board find some compromise in funding the GMP but no one elaborated on would that might entail. Also maybe someone here can explain what is the "cap" for the GMP being proposed and how does the current apportionment work as "uncapped?"
  10. This is going to be a real beauty (even if it's a quasi-Jeanne Gang rip). View corridors are very nice and developed from all sides.
  11. The interchange is spalling concrete. I seem to recall a news story about 6 months ago where a semi got struck by a chunk on the 59N fly-under to 610N.
  12. The little Vietnamese place on the corner of McGowen and Fannin is excellent.
  13. Termites would never get that far through the popcorn fire glazing and glu-lam coatings.
  14. A hair salon is opening up next to Dean's on Main St.
  15. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/26145-property-at-louisiana-and-tuam-notice-of-variance-request/
  16. Is that where the psychic was located? I think that parcel was condemned by the city and was supposed to be public park but maybe Wulf bought it? Maybe someone here knows the details on this parcel.
  17. I r r e g a r d l e s s Please just use "regardless."
  18. That's actually called a loggia
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