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Everything posted by lockmat

  1. I've been wondering the same thing about the sales center. This building has a tiny footprint. Love that. Hope they build 8 more of them on that block.
  2. If you haven't heard yet, Nancy and Erin have a new real estate podcast. It has been good so far. Check out the tweet below!!! <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Looped In podcast listeners: We&#39;re talking to the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ashbyhighrise?src=hash">#Ashbyhighrise</a> developers tomorrow. Got any questions for them? <a href="https://t.co/AU9I3elV8b">https://t.co/AU9I3elV8b</a></p>&mdash; Nancy Sarnoff (@nsarnoff) <a href="https://twitter.com/nsarnoff/status/753706438665482241">July 14, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> I don't know how to embed a tweet, so here's Nancy's tweet today: Looped In podcast listeners: We're talking to the #Ashbyhighrise developers tomorrow. Got any questions for them?
  3. Couldn't agree more. Houston needs to decide. Do we just want to be a skyline city or are we also going to consider the pedestrian. It can be both. Right now we're still focusing on what the top of the building looks like instead of the first one or two floors. I still feel like for the most part however we're still building a drive-by-and-gawk-at-the-skyline city. I would actually like to dedicate a thread to this topic. There might be one I forgot about it.
  4. Basically what he said. I don't hate landscaping so much. For me, it's mainly the small sidewalks. Too much grass.
  5. I think for now, the plan to turn this into an underground parking garage is a great idea. It it keeps the Dome upright, functional, buys time for a bigger plan and (hopefully) will turn a profit. All while not taxing local residents - although I wish the tax plan they have would expire once it's not needed anymore. Pretty much all the pie in the sky ideas are still feasible with this garage plan.
  6. While Houston's tallest tower closes its observation deck, LA's tallest does this: Is Cali really out can-doing us?
  7. They installed min-blinds on the western tower and they look like the cheap metal kind. Those should look nice in a few years
  8. Although it's not extremely dramatic, it's kind of cool to see a tower without right angles going up in Houston.
  9. This has exceeded my expectations. Looks much better than the rendering and in person. I haven't walked or driven by it so I can't say how it is from a pedestrians pov.
  10. It says the 40-story will be phase II. We've seen renderings, but nobody has confirmed the one we've seen will be the one for phase II>
  11. If you look at the top, you can see the old structure. It's also for the year the photo was taken.
  12. I think the article states the developer went to the Texas Historical Commissikn and the State is the one who said that and recommended only restoring it to the 1966 look, not the other way around. so the blame goes to the state. I guess the developer doesn't want to do what the JW Marriot did. "Restoring" it like JW did is probably more expensive than pulling the new facade off and just touching up the original, even though the 1966 look is awful, even if it is a "period piece"
  13. I can't find a "vintage" photo of the 1966 version. What are they gonna do, put polish on it? Use soap and water on the windows? If potential customers consider the outside of a building, I can't imagine anyone WANTING to stay there if they have other options and money isn't a significant consideration. Unless this "restoration" is significantly better than what it is now, I'm curious what is going through this developers head. Maybe I'm wrong and most hotel guests don't care about architecture that much.
  14. They removed the glass from a lot of the windows.
  15. <img src="http://digital.lib.uh.edu/contentdm/image/standard/p15195coll2/171/393/500/6.2212268259301/0/0/0/0" alt="" />
  16. When the Galleria announced their project, Ralph Bivins guessed it would be a Ritz. Here are some excerpts for his argument as to why it could be. http://realtynewsreport.com/2016/04/07/a-ritz-carlton-perhaps-simon-plans-30-story-hotelcondo-tower-in-the-galleria-complex/ The galleria hotel will also have condos on top, which our HAIF source has confirmed the Ritz will have.
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