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Everything posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. When I was in college I remember one day sitting in one of the public dining areas and this boy came up to me... he attended a Christian college near mine and was basically just going around "preaching". I tried being nice and let him talk and calmly discussed my views, etc. He brought up evolution and his argument was... "if evolution is real, how come we and other animals are not still evolving... why can't we see it happening?". I explained to him (being the good scientist that I am) that evolution happens over long periods of time... sometimes millions of years... and that we can't see it and that we are still evolving. After going into more detail and explaining things he got this look on his face like... "oh my god you might be right, how could I be so stupid". He didn't say anything, but I actually felt a little bad afterwards... I wondered if he went back to his Christian school and dropped out.
  2. Awsome... should be a nice day for it... I plan on going with some friends after work this afternoon.
  3. What always amazed me is that there is so much evidence supporting evolution, and yet you have religious whackos say it's all wrong b/c there are some "missing pieces" or because it doesn't "explain everything". At the same time, is there any evidence to support what Christians believe? Any evidence the earth was created in 6 days... or that we are all decendants of Adam and Eve... or that there is a heavan and a hell?? Anything? Yet most if not all of them believe all of this 100%. This is what happens when you drink the kool-aid.
  4. It's not important. What's important is that you teach science, and only science, in the science classroom. You teach religion in the churches. Simple pimple.
  5. The problem I have with Fox News is that they are such hypocrits. They complain about bias in the media when they themselves are totally bias towards conservatives.... they complain about the "mainstream media" when they are apart of it... they complain about liberal Hollywood, liberal universites, liberal judges, the liberal Northeast... but never complain about the conservative Midwest, conservative churches, conservative [insert something boring here], etc.. When Bush was in office many on Fox News said it was unAmerican to attack our President, especially in a time of war.... now that Obama is in office that's all they do is attack our President. Oh, and I loved after the Oscars when white supremacist Sean Hannity complained that showing 2 short clips of gay guys kissing was damaging our youth by showing too much "sex", but he had no problem with all of the straight couples kissing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szNf1Icox6g Ummm... no, they say they are fair and balanced meaning they give equal time and equal views from both the left and the right... anyone who believes that is, well, a moron.
  6. That's what happens on here... it was reported that Lucky Strike was on hold while they looked for new investors... and some people take that as it's 100% cancelled and they go with that.
  7. Not bad... I would move CNN just a bit more towards the center, and Fox News a bit further right. |-----2---------------3--------------------|-------------------------------------1---| Fox News has become even more conservative over the past few months... instead of replacing Colmes on Hannity & Colmes with another Liberal, they give Hannity his own show. Add to that Glenn Beck's new show (the sky is falling, the sky is falling!) and the fact that Greta Van Susteren, who was supposed to be one of their "liberal" voices, has devoted the past few months to being a cheerleader for Sarah Palin (b/c Greta's husb and is an advisor to Palin). The point, however, is that CNN is the most "fair and balanced" of the 3 cable news networks.
  8. Yes, CNN leans left, but it's more centered than MSNBC (far left) and Fox News (far right).
  9. From the Houston Business Journal Houston to Rio Continental Airlines Inc. is awaiting approval from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the right to fly direct to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Continental (NYSE: CAL) proposed the new flight last September. It would be the airline
  10. I know some of the increase in crime is being blamed on the current recession... some people get desperate and need money and turn to crime to get it. I am sure there are other reasons, also... I know that's just one reason floating around.
  11. Yes, but at least Media Matters states up front that's what they are about... go to their website and it says that they correct misinformation from conservative U.S. media. They admit it! Fox News goes on and on about how they are "fair and balanced" when they are anything but... they lean way to the right. Watch Fox News and all you hear is whining and crying about how the media is so liberal and bias media is evil... if that's so true why do they have a conservative bias?... such hypocrisy. Oh... and another thing... someone please tell all of the crybabies on Fox who constantly whine about the "mainstream media" that THEY ARE PART OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!. Morons. The most "fair and balanced" news network is CNN, though they do lean a bit to the left. MSNBC leans far left... Fox News leans far right. Bingo... yes, it is very simple.
  12. ... and Fox News actually thinks they are fair and balanced....
  13. Not a problem. I agree... everyone makes mistakes, though... the idea in itself was good so hopefully they can go back to the drawing boards and think of a way to do it right.
  14. Seriously... there are crazies in every group and from every walk of life... anyone with an IQ over 15 should know that.
  15. Irrational sheep... I thought this was a story about gays, not Christian Conservatives? ha ha ha ANYWAYS... this is the first I have heard about this and let me see if I got this straight... - Group of gays form a group to go to straight bars and mingle with the straights - After choosing a place, they (the gays) make a reservation for 50 but end up showing up with many more - The bar could only hold 117 people - Since other people / groups were already there or had reservations, some in the gay group (who did not have reservations) were denied entry If I am missing something someone please tell me. I saw some people state that some in the group were specifically told they were not being allowed in because they were gay? Is this true or not? I will assume for now it's not and go from there... if I am wrong let me know. If what I stated above is pretty much what happened, I would have to say I find myself siding with the bar. If you go to a restaurant without a reservation and all of the tables are booked, you may not get to eat there. Even if there are empty tables they may be reserved for people coming later. By screaming discrimination when there clearly is none, you are lowering yourself to the standards of those like Jesse Jackson and Quanell X. We voted at the last meeting... quarterly meetings are now required in order for us to achieve our, what conservatives like to call.... EVIL... GAY... AGENDA!!!
  16. Houston Pavilions tenants keep hope Houston Pavilions According to ABC13, Lucky Strike Lanes is close to securing new investors and it could be open by early summer.
  17. In 2004, she wanted to buy the house next door for her son to live in. She said the bank promised her a low fixed rate for a $40,000 loan, but at the closing, when reading the fine print, she noticed that the rate was actually 11 percent.
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