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Everything posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. Just watch Fox News... they practically organized the events b/c they were in line with their anti-Obama political agenda. I personally thought these teabagging events were stupid b/c most of these people never said a word when Bush was spending and spending. They were protesting taxes when 95% of Americans are getting tax cuts. These events were mostly just conservatives angry that Obama is President.
  2. Well this lady is predicted to win this year... I hope she does.
  3. I saw this on the news this morning and had to share... what a beautiful woman, what an amazing voice.... she brought tears to my eyes. Her Story Her Video
  4. Seriously... also sad they are using American kids as pawns... sick.
  5. .... omg only a conservative would let their kid hold up a sign like that and not see anything wrong with it!
  6. I am Billy-Ray "Cracker Barrel" Brown!! Not in my book... I know of many racists who aren't white.
  7. Rush Limbaugh... in fact let's send him over there... when the North Koreans see how fat he is living in America they will know there's lots of food out there and they will overthrow the government for lying to them.
  8. The Supreme Court also ruled that abortions are legal... you know, Roe vs. Wade... so of course "abortions are still legal".
  9. I would feel the same way... it's more shocking someone could be that stupid to say something like that.
  10. .... ok ok ok... I just think it's ridiculous to get all scared thinking someone is coming after you to take your guns away. I mean, seriously. It's like a 6 year old crying b/c someone wants to take their teddy bear away that they think protects them from the monster in the closet. Good lord I am a homo who doesn't own a gun and I am not afraid one bit. I am not trying to be mean... just think being scared that much is kind of overreacting just a bit. Everything is going to be OK.
  11. I guess she thinks everyone should have nice, white Christian names.... someone forgot to tell her this is America and we are a Nation made up of people from around the world. Yet more proof "patriotic" Republicans / Conservatives don't give a crap about America.
  12. http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/09/brown-asian-names/ Texas lawmaker: Asians should change their names to make them
  13. You forgot to mention George W. Bush... he also gave food / aid to North Korea for those same reasons and the same thing happened. Not sure if you meant to leave out G.W..... just seemed odd you jumped from Clinton right to Obama.
  14. It's turning fast... all of a sudden Iowa and Vermont... other states are considering following... you can't stop freedom baby! And as for guns since that's what this topic was about... like I said I am for the second amendment when it comes to people being able to defend themselves and their families and their property and whatnot... it just seems like something has to be done... how can we allow people the right to defend themselves and at the same time do something about these gun rampages.
  15. And here I thought people married because they are in love. A gay person can fall in love with a member of the opposite sex as easily as a straight person can fall in love with a member of their same sex. If the tables were turned (hypothetically) and they outlawed straight marriage and only gay couples could marry and get the rights that come with marriage... would you (a straight person) want straight marriage made legal again or would you just marry someone of the same sex? Keep in mind (in my hypothetical situation) straight people would still be allowed to live together, have children, raise families... etc... nothing would change except they couldn't LEGALLY marry which means they couldn't get the rights that come with LEGAL marriage... only gay couples could do that. Something tells me the "straight" community would fight for equal rights to marry... as they should.
  16. Oh lord, freaking drama queen! (and that's coming from a homo!) I am all for having guns for self defense to protect yourself and your family and whatnot, but to have this called a "Freedom Rally" just makes these people look stupid. They get all up in arms when they think the government might take away their rights... when at the same time most of them probably have no problem with Gay people in this Nation not even having equal rights to begin with. "Oh No... big bad Obama is going to take away my rights!!!" ..... Try not having equal rights in the first place, then come talk to me. Stop being such a bunch of cry babies.
  17. This is great news for anyone who champions equality. I am still shocked a bit over Iowa... how amazing is that. I read that their governor or one of the lawmakers or a mayors or something like that said that he fears it will turn Iowa into a "gay mecca" with gays moving there so they can have equal rights. Yea, that would really suck for Iowa... I mean it's only been proven that wherever the gays go so does a lot of money. From an article I just read.... A study by researchers at the University of California Los Angeles already had estimated that about 58,000 couples would marry in the first three years if same-sex marriage became legal in Iowa. That included an estimated 3,000 couples from Iowa and just under 1,000 from Nebraska. With Friday's Iowa Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage set to take effect in three weeks, it appears that rush to the altar will begin this spring. The sudden creation of what would essentially be a gay marriage tourism industry in Iowa would bring economic benefits, the UCLA study said, estimating total economic impact at more than $50 million a year. Oh No... $50 Million a year! Poor Iowa!
  18. Ok, I know North Korea is a crazy place and their leader, Kim Jong-Il is a nutcase and everyone is brainwashed and all of that stuff. Even knowing all of that, I couldn't help but crack up reading this story. Are you kidding me? I realize the entire Nation is brainwashed, but are people there actually stupid enough to believe this? I mean, they are still humans with brains! North Korea Article From the article... North Korea's state-run media reported Tuesday that Kim Jong-Il shed tears of regret during the country's controversial rocket launch because he could not use the launch funds to provide aid to his people, the AFP reported. Someone tell Mr. Jong-Il that he actually could have spent the money on food and aid... guess he wasn't aware of that. ... and yes, I know those poor people couldn't speak up even if they wanted to... I know it's an entire nation of propaganda... I have actually done a lot of research on North Korea. I just thought the article was funny in a sick, sad way.
  19. Conservatives are much worse... just my opinion.
  20. I very much approve of Obama's job so far. I never expected him to be perfect, but overall I am happy with what I am seeing. He definitely comes across as much more of a "leader" than Bush did. I saw his recent trip to Europe as very successful... the world seems to be uniting behind us much more than it did with Bush in office. Conservatives, of course, will say "who cares what the rest of the world thinks"... well, we will accomplish much more with friends than we will with enemies. Attitudes across the Middle East also appear to be changing which can only lead to good things (including getting moderate Muslims to support us in fighting Muslim extremists)... Conservatives don't like Muslims so they, of course, will view this as a bad thing. He wants to bring troops home from Iraq and focus on Afghanistan which is what we should be doing... a great decision from a great Commander in Chief. Another thing I like about Obama... he speaks the truth. Conservatives don't like the truth a lot of the times, but oh well... like they say, the truth hurts sometimes. While in Europe he spoke of how America has sometimes been "arrogant"... well, America has... but he made a point to also point out how some European's attitudes about America and Americans was just plain wrong... and even though America makes mistakes they should remember the huge sacrifices America has made in the past to help many of these Nations. Conservatives prefer to see things as... "America is perfect and does nothing wrong and everyone else sucks". Yea, we are going to accomplish tons with that attitude. Oh... and as for the partisan gap... Conservatives hate Obama. He's a Democrat whose popularity here and around the world is astonishing. Nothing he does or will do will please them so I don't expect them to start supporting him. There's a reason they are now called "The Party of No". It also doesn't help that he's an African American who actually respects those of other faiths, including Muslims. Conservatives want America to be the Christian version of Saudi Arabia or Iran. Conservatives also care more about their party than America... there goal for the next few years is not going to be helping to improve America, but to get a Republican elected in 2012. Overall I approve of how Obama is handling the Presidency... I look forward to seeing him in action the next few years... I see good things for this great Nation.
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