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Everything posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. I heard a rumor that it may be opening next weekend... it just has to pass inspection... we will see.
  2. Great news!! First One Park Place was going up... and as that finished up Hess Tower went up and now this hotel... that area is being totally transformed!!
  3. The legislature had been asked to approve language that would give legal protections, including the right to decline to marry same-sex couples, to clergy and others affiliated with religious organizations. They should have just allowed that to be added... churches already are allowed to marry who they want and not marry who they don't want.
  4. ABC 13 article regarding ground-breaking Groundbreaking for the North and Southeast Lines are scheduled for next month thanks to the federal funding.
  5. Hey I got the Country right at least.
  6. Pensacola? ....... ha ha ha... J/K(obviously)! But seriously, I have no clue.
  7. Is the Wells Fargo sky lobby open to the public? I know it was in the past but then they closed it... is it open to the public again?
  8. Looks like Italy... not sure what city, though.
  9. This always makes me smile.... http://www.truveo.com/sound-of-music-centr...m/id/2161856532
  10. Ooops... sorry, didn't see where you said "no national stuff"... sorry for violating the conditions.
  11. Isn't that weird? Why is that????
  12. 5 years on, gay marriage debate fades in Massachusetts Link to story At the time of those first weddings, the debate was red-hot
  13. Although the Libertarian in me says let the people cook what they want, serve what they want and eat what they want, I think in the long run this will be a good thing... something in the future we will look back on and say thank goodness we did it.
  14. Although I am not a Republican and didn't vote for him in the election, one person who always comes to mind for me is John McCain. I feel for the most part that he is very honest, he loves his Nation (and not just the red states), he stands up for what he believes in most of the time and doesn't often bend to pressure from his party (although he has done that). President Obama is also very high on my list.
  15. Anyone know if this is open yet or when it will be opening? I haven't been to the Galleria in a while so was just wondering.
  16. I am currently selling my 3 story townhome... should close end of this month... I personally loved having 3 stories as opposed to 2. I didn't want the living quarters or bedrooms on the first floor... just the garage and office there (where my bf worked from)... and I like that the bedrooms are on a separate floor from the living room / kitchen area. As for the floorplan above... it does seem very weird... the only thing I can think of is they wanted to have the living quarters on the top floor for better views.
  17. KHOU Link Metro gets federal funding for 2 proposed light rail lines 03:29 PM CDT on Friday, May 8, 2009 KHOU.com staff report Metro
  18. No compelling reason? Well, here are 1,138 statutory provisions in which marital status is a factor in determining benefits, rights, and privileges. It should be noted that these rights and responsibilities apply only to male-female married couples, as the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as between a man and a woman and thus bars same-sex couples from receiving any federal recognition of same sex marriage or conveyance of marriage benefits to same sex couples through federal marriage law. Rights and responsibilities of marriages in the U.S.
  19. That is also true. I think one reason Houston did so well after Ike was b/c of lessons learned from Katrina AND Rita.
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