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Everything posted by rsb320

  1. I've steamed whole Sheepshead in a rice cooker basket with aeromatics in the water and it was awesome - fell right off the bone. It wasn't any harder to clean than other fish. Redfish is Red Drum. Black Drum is very similar, if not inextinguishable (edit:the taste). Both get worms after getting too big and old. Redfish and Black Drum used to be considered trash fish. I guess the worm thing gave them a bad name. Paul Prudhomme made Redfish trendy by creating his blackening method. Now, it's eaten as regularly as Red Snapper. Can we do the same thing to make Mullet acceptable - probably not.
  2. I remember reading on here that these buses are through a contracted service. That explains why some have out of state tags. At any rate, I agree that they don't seem to be well maintained. They're so loud and rattley on the streets of downtown. Don't ever be near one when the air brakes hiss, you could lose and eardrum. Metro seems to do a much better job at maintaining their park-n-ride buses, including frequent washing.
  3. We have plenty of mullet in our waters. They're the ones you always see jumping out of the water, I guess to avoid being eaten by something. Growing up on the coast of MS, I remember hearing the term Biloxi Bacon, which was mullet and was eaten by local fishermen. In all my years of fishing, I've never hooked one. I assume they just get caught shrimper fish nets, etc. and are generally thrown back.
  4. I wish Bill White could run again for Mayor. It is my opinion that he's done an excellent job and has represented our city well.
  5. This is a duplcate post to one under "Other Houston".
  6. I've got some beach buddies that will be thrilled to hear this. Looks like we'll be parking a pop-up camper on the house slab this summer, if we can get the electricity hooked up. Back to the HAIFY Hour. Have we narrowed on a date yet?
  7. Well that's good to hear. My beach house (was) a few miles west of there in Gilchrist. Is the beach automobile accessible? I won't go out there on foot. Between unexpected mosquito swarms and bitin' flies... We've literally had to run for the car to escape those bitin' flies.
  8. The parking garage is coming along as well. Does anyone know if this garage will have street-level retail?
  9. I totally agree. That'd really bring wedding costs down. I really wish that they would use the term Civil Unions rather than Gay Marriage. IMO the topic would be far less controversial.
  10. When I began working downtown again about two years ago, I was sort of surprised by the number of tourist walking around. Most appear to be European. I'm guessing that with a weak dollar and our relatively inexpensive offerings, that it could be quite a bargain. Cheap theater, arts, food, hotels, etc... I'd be interested in knowing the impression of Houston from those across the pond. As stated on here somewhere else, the English apparently luv it. What about Germans and Swedes, et al?
  11. Sorry to be the bare-r of bad news, but McFaddin Beach is no more, thanks to Ike.
  12. I'm going to say downtown or midtown. When you say short term, how short a term? The Humble Tower Apartments are on our limited rail system. The Rice Hotel Lofts are just 3 blocks from the Wortham Theater and also on the rail line.
  13. Niche, did you ever find a barber or are you still all Grizzly Adams-like?
  14. Jax, if that was taken Saturday and that floor was completed yesterday morning, that shows how fast they are moving on this thing. Much of the vertical rebar is up for the floor above the top floor in the picture.
  15. They finished pouring floor 19 this morning. The concrete pumper thingy was repositioned and getting ready for floor 20. They've also put some glass on some lower floors of the north side.
  16. Like a zombie, I began walking in that direction, until I caught myself.
  17. I can bring whatever. We can fine tune a list after a date is selected. It's going to be tough, though. The survey is all over the place.
  18. Yes, Toyota Ctr and the Astrodome are both below grade, but they have roofs. This thing will be like a fish bowl if we get rains like we had recently.
  19. As I recall, London got that huge ferris wheel as a result of a World's Fair. Didn't San Antonio get the Hemisphere Tower from the HemisFare? Was this a World's Fair? I wonder what we could net.
  20. I think it's interesting that the field will be set 13 feet below ground (street level).
  21. They haven't made as much progress this week as last, probably because of the rain. It looks like they have half of floor 19 done.
  22. So, does this lock in the black vote for P-Brown? I'm still leaning toward A-Parker.
  23. I'm at a loss here. Why were these things dug and why were they called sand pits when they ended up being lakes? Edit: I looked it up and indeed these were sites for sand extraction. Interesting, I thought we just had that nasty clay gumbo in these parts. I wonder if any of these are still around and if not, how'd they fill them in?
  24. Okay, so wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, stay home if you have a fever blah, blah, blah. I mean really, it's not like these guidelines are new. The only new one was to stay home if someone you live with has flu-like symptoms.
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