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Everything posted by rsb320

  1. Isn't the CDC in Atlanta as well. Fattest City, Beta/Alpha, whatever. I don't give much weight to most of these labels or ratings.
  2. You are not supposed to smoke on the rail platforms or any Metro bus stop at all. I once got off at Preston and was lighting a cig as I was walking off the platform. I was confronted by a Metro cop and nearly ticketed. He was unnecessarity agressive (he was training a rookie). I asked to see the no-smoking sign; it's about the size of a nickle stuck on something as you enter. We smokers often talk about the lack of receptacles. If they had them, we'd use them. My building does not provide receptacles; they say that would encourage people to smoke. Give me a break. We are encouraged by the sweeper guy to throw them on the ground because that keeps him with a job. Seem backward to me. Wouldn't he be the same guy that would empty the receptacle?? I will admit that I'm guilty of throwing butts out of the window. If my car had an ashtray in my car, I'd use it. I remember reading something a while back that said the butts were micro litter, whatever that means. I would never think of throwing anything bigger that my butt out the window. Regarding a snitch hotline, I'm not aware. There is a number to call to report smoking cars, but I don't think that they rolled that out properly. Most don't even know about it. As summer appoaches keep an eye out for smoke billowing from cars and trucks. Hack
  3. Ben & Jerry's is having a free scoop day today between 12:00 and 8:00. I just walked over to get my scoop and they have closed up. How will I ever satisfy my ice cream craving now? That's all we need, another vacant storefront. http://www.benjerry.com/scoop-shops/feature/free-cone-day/
  4. I was always told that GMC were more heavy duty than a standard Chevy and that's why they tend to cost a little more. They were only in the truck biz until recently, then they introduced some SUVs.
  5. He was working an off-duty job for South Hampton security patrol. I asked how he was called and he told me "The guys know I like this sort of thing". I can hear it now on dispatch - Call officer _______, there's a pig loose in Montrose.
  6. This is not Heights related, but it is about inner-city livestock. Friday, after the thunderstorms, there was a pig loose in Montrose. I'm not talking a pot belly. It was an adolescent wild hog or boar; the kind that are not allowed in the city. I figure that it was somebody's pet and the thunder scared it from wherever it was being kept. This sucker could haul-butt and was freaking out the dogs and their walkers. Long story short, an off-duty HPD officer cornered it and pounced on it and took it away to be released into the wild. OINK - SNORT!
  7. We made it! I do wish they'd display shots ocasionally that aren't just the standard westside/Allen Pkwy view.
  8. I think it's great that DG has gotten a lot of national attention, not to mention the buzz locally.
  9. My first thought was like a courtyard-ranch, not that this is a defined style. Is the style you think of single story? What I envision is alot of glass around the interior square, looking to the outdoors.
  10. A storm's a comin'. We are under a Tornado Watch until 5:00.
  11. I hate the way the stations brag-brag-barg about their ratings in their intros. Who cares? I'm not going to watch a station for that reason. I've never really liked 13. When I moved here many years ago, I thought Dave W. looked like Captain Kangaroo. We'd always get a laugh when Marvin and Elma Barrera signed off. Is Eric Barajas the son of Mike Barajas? Mike is now on Fox, but used to be on one of the other stations. If Eric were to become a full time anchor, I'd tune in every day! Channel 2 used to be my favorite, but I can't say that anymore since they went all ET. Channel 11 is fine too. I guess I just don't have a favorite station these days.
  12. A co-worker noted this morning that the Chronicle had no coverage of these events Stories did turn up during the day, though. The TV stations (online) covered it from the get-go, this morning. I just walked over. Jones Plaza is packed.
  13. Thanks, TexasP. I hope your assessment is correct. I would have even been more assured if you said that the owners were "Long-Time" Montrose residents. After construction begins, this will be a great forum to share our opinions. mmm
  14. HEB or Kroger would be awesome and could eliminate another surface parking lot. I say HEB because there aren't m(any?) inside the loop. Buffalo Spdwy isn't open yet.
  15. The one on Milam is still there. I think it's a Vietnamese tax or CPA business. The brick "Spook House" that I remember is one block north of the HCC building. There's an old haunted house sign still there. That dilapidated old place need to be torn down.
  16. Judging from the size of the crown that is already gathering, the turnout at start time (4:00) will be LARGE. Sorry, this one is in Jones Plaza, downtown.
  17. Right, it was Gramercy. Bellefontaine is one block to the south. I'm still interested in the metal-framed structure and if that was common back in that era.
  18. I just strolled by Byrd's Market (Coming Spring 2009) at Main and Prairie. I didn't see any new activity. The exposed metal studs are there with no walls yet.
  19. This house was at Bellefontaine and Braes. I used to live a couple of blocks away. I was really surprised to see the twisted pile of rubble during demo. This was a steel-framed house. I found that really odd.
  20. rsb320

    Man Purse

    I work downtown and walk a few blocks every day. I carry a bag, but it more like a laptop case. I wouldn't call it a murse. I've got bills, check book and stamps. Also, for those inclement days, I've got a wind breaker/rain jacket and a tiny umbrella. I've also got a pocket for backup smokes. I also keep lip balm in my left pant pocket, but it's not for dry weather. It's more for the spf factor.
  21. Still, I hope it's not just left as a fenced off demo site until construction does begin. That would be very unappealing to the neighborhood. I wonder if the city would be interested in leasing from him for a temporary greenspace site.
  22. When I early voted, for Hillary, they swiped my drivers license, not voter's reg. I guess they do this when the polling place is out of your precinct (for early voting). Then, I went over to my precinct and voted again. Gottcha! Kidding.
  23. Maybe they'll incorporate an upgrade on Dunlavy for gutters. Those ditches always freaked me out.
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