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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. I would honestly rather move forward with Keenum even if there ends up being some cases where inexperience at NFL level causes him to make a mistake, because Schaub is just too predictable now. There will be ups and downs with a young guy, but Schaub seems more like certain doom.
  2. Easy decision. He demonstrated that he can throw deep and accurate, and that he's capable of scrambling when he needs to. That makes him a lot less predictable. Time to move on from Schaub.
  3. I use the View New Content button. As long as I have that, I don't care what is done to the subforums.
  4. Yes, it's a gallery next door to Bohemeo's. Should be fun! Abrahan finds old photos and then lines them up with the current environment. Here's samples, from the East End. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1398483_10151668741396190_316615064_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1262866_10151660929426190_724749838_o.jpg
  5. Why do you keep using the word 'concern'? What's worth keeping about Randall's? Randall's has been surpassed in quality by various stores, and has always been expensive.
  6. Samuel L. Jackson has released a statement in response to the news that Randall's is struggling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMGMZsKXz94#t=0m25s
  7. Yep, would like to see that. Though I always use it when I ride from Downtown to Montrose, and I have found that the traffic calming features have made it a pretty rideable street.
  8. A nice HEB is higher quality, more fresh store-made foods, and way way cheaper than Randall's. Randall's is rightly going the way of the Dodo.
  9. But more importantly, they lobbied Governor Perry to veto a bill that would allow employees to sue in state court if they're getting unequal pay on account of gender. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDwQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.houstonchronicle.com%2Fnews%2Fhouston-texas%2Ftexas%2Farticle%2FPerry-vetoed-wage-bill-after-getting-letters-from-4708525.php&ei=pKNdUrbdAcrayAGC0oC4DA&usg=AFQjCNG10gNit6vwN5IiwaV5pVFZv4Avcw&sig2=xsQBpb3yfXymFfXq0xYLng&bvm=bv.53899372,d.aWc&cad=rja And they're not a Texas company, they're headquartered in Ohio. Happy to spend my money at HEB.
  10. Schaub's longest throw of the season is 32 yards, the worst of any starting QB in the NFL. Schaub has no mobility and is never a threat to run it himself. Even older guys like Drew Brees can run for a first down when they can't find a target. The teams the Texans play against know that Schaub will either hand it off or make a pass that's 30 yards or less. It allows them to camp out on his routes and pick off some interceptions.
  11. Midtown TIRZ money, it'll be fine. It's fairly low maintenance anyway, mostly plant care.
  12. Where is the option to keep the full penny of tax monies rather than giving up 25% of it to Harris County and various cities? This game is broken.
  13. I'm very impressed with the changes. I took a bunch of pictures and wrote some thoughts here: http://kylejack.com/?p=56
  14. https://maps.google.com/?ll=29.663257,-95.557837&spn=0.007747,0.016512&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=29.663193,-95.557582&panoid=DqDNLmX4eRyAZPi-U_28MQ&cbp=12,16.16,,0,-3.16
  15. You can submit a complaint for a route here: http://www.ridemetro.org/Customer/PublicCommentSystem/Webform.aspx I've seen some success with this. Sometimes they just need to crack the whip on some driver who is breaking the rules.
  16. Also check out Eastwood area. I think a lot of people are going to start heading East once the Montrose landlords sell their land and it all gets turned into big Camden, Post, etc. developments. http://search.har.com/engine/1315-Cullen-Bl-B-Houston-77023-1780_HAR75845743.htm http://search.har.com/engine/4426-Bell-St-1-Houston-77023-1880_HAR22617779.htm
  17. Not too many landlords in Montrose are using HAR. Just drive around looking for the For Rent signs.
  18. What would you do if a train was in the way? Bleed out in the Volvo?
  19. Tacos A Go Go, Double Trouble, Tinderbox, Bombay Pizza, etc? Plenty of businesses along the Main Street corridor.
  20. I am a young professional who lives, works, and plays without a car. I like Houston.
  21. If a major grocery store came to downtown it would likely receive tax investments, just like Georgia's and Phoenicia did.
  22. If it doesn't have pedestrians, why does it need retail? Seems like these so-called problems cancel out.
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