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Everything posted by crunchtastic

  1. This is all very exciting. Be sure to tell me when Houston soccer hysteria reaches the point that I can rent out my well-appointed study to 2 or 3 hot Croatian dudes for a $1,000 a week. I missed the Super Bowl in Houston, so I fully expect to be able to cash in on proximity to the new Dynamo stadium.
  2. Peter Brown isn't quite sure what he feels. Except a vaguely urban reach-around, and his wife's money drying up. Is this the wrong thread for that?
  3. So what if they call themselves independent? The very notion of political parties is useless and redundant until campaign finance law is radically changed and lobbies are outlawed. Corporations, not citizens, own American politics.
  4. this has got to be one of the better crazy contradictoy posts. So, 'we're' so busy being a regulation hating, pro-business city we can't attract and keep businesses.....or are you saying we should not be business friendly in order to entice make private enterprise to hang around? ?? Rather than the petulant whining about how it's not fair, where is the discussion about the broader implication-- that increasingly, the only viable American business model is Too Big Too Fail. It's the new monopoly: just 2 or 3 giants (media, autos, airlines, banks, agribusiness, etc) because the small players cannot survive against the bohemoths, and the bohemoths can only survive with constant government handouts.
  5. Is it a creature? A brown-ish gooey clam or something. ick. It's not like I'm down on fast food. In fact, I just finished (sadly, true) trying to get a glob of taco bell burrito supreme goo out from between the arrow keys on my keyboard. I don't trust the Double Down chicken. Original recipe breading is always slimy. It is never crisp or dry the way it looks in the photo.
  6. I am obsessed with the Double Down now. Colbert ate one on the show, and declared it the 'warped creation of a syphilitic brain' http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/270726/april-13-2010/thought-for-food---mentally-ill-advertisers---german-cupcakes
  7. Hahahahaha. Sometimes it's fun to laugh at myself. And Attica. http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2010/4/22lacher.html The Only Thing That Can Stop This Asteroid is Your Liberal Arts Degree.
  8. All aboard the Chunder Express. Boy did I ever make a mistake opening this thread while eating lunch. That's just nasty. But I guess they need a hit after their mashed potato bucket with corn and gravy flopped. Was there not a single person at HQ to suggest that a menu item which looks like vomit might not sell well?
  9. Hey, I have no idea who they are, either. But then, I never heard a drive-time radio personality that I didn't detest. DJ schtick is torture to me. I'll watch all kind of utter crap on tv, but I just can't stand it on the radio for some reason.
  10. au contraire! it would mean I'm not the oldest person there.
  11. Ricco, did you go on the wrong day? it's tonight, silly! I do hope to see you--you've been absent the last few. And yes, they are rather loose on opening hours, although doors are open by 7:30 or so when I go on Saturdays. use your own judgment. If it's early and you don't see me, I'm probably next door getting a taco.
  12. After your army idea, nothing should surprise me Alas, unless you're thinking of switching teams, the first legal male prosty in the US recently quit his Nevada bunny ranch gig after a couple of months to go back to porn. No customers. That's one bright spot about being female: I may make 78 cents to the man's dollar, but I'll never have to pay for sex.
  13. The nice bartenders will hook you up with something to make you forget you ever drank a wine named after feet. do come on down. it's fun and urban and we can watch the light rail creep by.
  14. Alrighty, kids. This is by executive decision because it's my birthday, and I want to extend an invite to all you great HAIF guys and gals. Location, midtown! the Big Top, Saturday, around 8. (I believe it's officially called Uncle Charley's Big Top Lounge). Drinks, fun, and conversation, also food next door at Tacos A Go Go. Friends of ours are (The Suspects) are playing at the Continental and don't hit the stage until after 11, so why not do a meet-up at the great little bar next door! Anyone who wants to see some fun homegrown ska can join us later at the club.
  15. Heh. Completely. Although, after about 10 minutes of vintage Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, or (the absolute worst) Andrew McCarthy, the Great Dirt Nap might be a relief, they are that annoying to me. Which is funny, because I will still actually pay money to see John Cusack in a movie, go figure.
  16. For a woody evergreen that will fill in thick and relatively fast, a star or confederate jasmine will work well and they do OK in parital shade. I've got a star jasmine on an east fence now that I wish wasn't there, because the morons who planted it put landscape shrubs and small trees one foot off the fence line, and the vine eats everything in its path. You'll only get spring blooms, though. For summer blooms a trumpet vine is good but you may not have enough sun. I like coral honeysuckle and have put some on a west iron fence, but it seems to be a slow grower. If you are really serious about something not well-behaved, there's always wisteria! They're showy and I love them, provided they're in someone else's yard which is not adjacent to mine!
  17. How long has the coin shop been down on the corner? Seems I remember it from the mid 80s. But, my mind is fuzzy from too many 3 for 1 happy hours at the Caribana back then. It was right next to Variety Fair.
  18. It's pretty tiny compared to the OTC, but sounds like it would be a great fit for the city.
  19. That wouldn't suck. I have many fond memories of that location way back when it was the Reddi Room. I've always enjoyed Roeders the few times I've been in. The new place would make a great local sports bar if they add enough tvs. Not to mention a potential new Haify happy hour location.
  20. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/6937231.html I don't know what's more ridiculous, that developers liken themselves to artists, or that with a straight face they tout a 99-year, virtually hidden income stream as an important new financing tool. I worry that with that puppet Perry still in office--this might actually stand a chance of becoming legal in Texas.
  21. Do all the forms have space for nine people in the HH, or is that just for the habla espanol zip codes?
  22. I thought the same thing, Ricco. He probably misspoke--meant to say Harrisburg Country Club.
  23. Whazzup with all the being offended and charges of sarcasm? I was simply celebrating the karmic history of the building.
  24. I rather like the idea they bought it. All the Jesus in the world won't change the fact that thousands of people smoked dope in their pulpit, peed in their sinks and had coked-up sex in their bathroom stalls. Vaya con dios, Summmit.
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