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Everything posted by crunchtastic

  1. Fist Pump! Has everyone gotten their Jersey Shore name? http://www.unlikelywords.com/2009/12/08/jersey-shore-nickname-generator/ No more Crunch for me. Now you may call me 'The Incident'.
  2. Agree, but this goes back to the idea of high-end retail saturation. All Tootsies is doing is moving a mile or so down the road--not adding a second store, and leaving a large hole in Highland Village in the process. Between Highland Village, West Ave and the eventual Regent Square, how much growth can we reasonably expect? I'm not seeing a net gain, just empty older space. Even wealthy people can only do so much shopping in a 5 mile radius.
  3. I had a revelation today in some thread where you posted about time travel ... or something. Does your name mean Lt. like the rank, and AWACS, as in you fly big radar planes? I am a complete moron. I never understood how Red got 'lieutenant ay-wacks' out of your screen name until now. Ugh. ps, have the kids with the ex. Gotta have them with someone, right? Just don't take them out in public until they stop honking and yelling. Too many screeching children in public.
  4. If that's the case, my military friends would tell you Air Force OCS for relative ease of the program and management focus. Provided you're ok with the fundamentalist christian influence in that branch's leadership and particularly in CO Springs. But try to hold off on a drastic step like that. You don't want to get sent to a backwater and come back with neurological trauma and have to test those bitchin VA benefits for the rest of your drool-covered life. I have a great respect for service and nearly all the men in my life, present and past, have served, but I can't recommend it in these times. Next stop, Haiti (again).
  5. Mike, honey, is that you? Kidding, Drone. But you sound remarkably like my SO, right down to the way our weapons in the house are loaded.
  6. Hmmm good points here.... along these lines, Niche, you might try to physical approach but not a flashy website--that way if you decide it really could be career limiting, you could pull back the fancy resumes and not have the online spectre out there. but, keep in mind you're targeting a sector that for whom back-slapping and glad-handing is as vital as air and water, and people who engage in that business tend to be shameless self-promoters.
  7. In addition to some other thoughts I just sent you........it may very well not be worth it, if your efforts are fruitless. But, they're currently fruitless. So, think of it as 'no-risk'. Cold comfort when you're looking at hundreds of dollars in capital expenditure, but job search related expenses are tax deductible. Yes, it might potentially be off putting. OTOH it's every man and woman for himself out there. Your job is to get results, and if your targets are serious about getting their results, they should be looking at all potential candidates. Cheesy, but key words won't cut it anymore. Too much volume/too few openings. You have to muscle your way to the front of the line. As far as the ass load of output goes, yes, and they're going to want it, plus the pound of flesh, and a handjob with the morning coffee just for good measure..... and all for a lot less than they used to have to pay. That's what really sucks in all this. Management smells the desperation and at least in my world, comp is going down and expectations are increasing dramatically.
  8. I knew it! Not that there's anything wrong with that... :D
  9. Kdog, go for it. It's a great area with lots of stuff happening, it's a 1 BR so window units are no big deal, and it's only a year lease, right? What's a year? It'll fly by before you know it. You'll be happy with the decision, I think. Be sure to follow the advice about street parking, and enjoy yourself.
  10. We watched pretty much all of it too--she's not a pretender but she's catering to a slice of indy's and tea party republicans. I think she should put her money where her mouth is and not run as a Republican, because she's clearly not. She would appeal to a much broader audience, but then she wouldn't get the $$$$ from the party--so there you go. Party politics as usual. Rick Perry is more an embarrassment the GW ever was. Good lawd he needs to not talk.
  11. Cool! Too bad KUHT produces next to no programming. It's lack of local presence is shameful for being affiliated with a major university (with a graduate level comm department) in a city this size. I wonder if the grab means they're up to something?
  12. It's been a new problem for me HAIFing from work since the beginning of the year. I can't load another browser on the work machine, and they're stuck on IE 6. 6!!! But my corporate overlords have also blessed us with Lotus Notes. Notes!! Jesus! Heights Yankee needs to download her some free Firefox.
  13. you are not the only one--me too. (Although not at home, only at the office). I have tried to reconfigure everything I know and can't fix it.
  14. I'm enjoying your pics, jfre. You have a random, but oddly personal perspective that appeals to me in photography.
  15. who knew? you had it going on over there by the TMC.
  16. Is this the same as the last one someone posted here about a year ago? That counts the coffee plant a few blocks away from me as a coffee house? Why yes it is. ....meaningless internet metrics for uptight city people who love conversations about density but have never been to the bar or convenience store closest to their house. Not to worry, the male prostitutes don't contaminate the spouts on the drink station any worse than your neighbors' dirty little soccer kids would.
  17. Mmmmmmmm, way to make a gal hungry, you freaks. Actually, I am hungry for a big meaty dinner (sans brains). Must be the cold.
  18. My BF is an audio dude and says you could try Signature Home Theatre on Shepherd, 713-933-0606; they do a lot of install work. Because of the cabling and wall plating involved, 900 is high but not outrageously so. Also said not to attempt with unskilled laborers or rough carpenters, even though they'd give you a good price.
  19. The timing of this couldn't be any more awesome: Just found out my department is getting 're-organized' today!! Much muttering, averted eyes and slammed doors. Results allegedly to be made public tommorow. For now it appears to be limited to a particular group, but it's only noon.
  20. If you accept that we'll never, ever again see the kind of job growth seen in the 80s and 90s (as I do), then relative to the ongoing losses in other parts of the country, I'll take a couple of tentative quarters of 1.5%. Edit: It is very depressing, but I believe it's the new normal, so on some level we have to accept it. I consider it sheer luck that I've stayed employed in my business as long as I have. Also I've been preparing myself for permanent under-employment. At my age it's the wise thing to do. I feel bad for new grads with debt.
  21. This is a nice graphic. We have jobs! http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2009-02-06-new-jobs-growth-graphic_N.htm
  22. hahahaha. "hey look, cascarones! Oh, crap..."
  23. Interesting proposition. When you no longer have a tax base........ After Katrina, this same idea was briefly on the table for New Orleans East and the lower ninth ward. Naomi Klein's book Disaster Capitlaism contians interesting discussion of these scenarios (but from an obviously biased, anti-Chicago School viewpoint). To veer back on topic, all the old industiral cities likes Detroit are, to some degree, a blank slate. It's kind of cool to contemplate. How to retrofit the infrastructure to support new types of industrial or manufacturing jobs. If I were a young artist-type, I would love to be in Detroit now. I can imagine it becoming quite experimental.
  24. There have already been reports in the media (I seem to recall Detroit and Florida) where sheriffs are refusing to evict. And when things get that bad--the sheriffs will be squatting too. Of course landlords and banks could start hiring private law enforcement. Imagine, that useless little man in the River Oaks patrol car will be replaced by Blackwater dudes in a humvee. As for the houses no one can afford to live in, at that point, you won't have a lot of demand for the assets unless you count people tearing down wood frame structures for the firewood and other useful salvage. Plus, the now empty lot can be used as urban farmland. Talk about re-imagining the urban environment! Everything we need to know has already been covered in dystopian sci-fi.
  25. There's a Ruggles Green on Alabama b/w Greenbriar and Kirby. It's a Ruggles, but 'green.' Not sure what that means. Green building? Green food? Does it mean the original restaurant is Ruggles Gay? In any case, good for them on expanding.
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