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Everything posted by swtsig

  1. It is desperately needed. They need to convert at least 6 more lots into high density garages.
  2. Well if you want to be taken seriously perhaps you should avoid hyperbole like eye "soar"
  3. yup we had dinner at coppa saturday night and it was slammed. cloud 10 was also packed. went to fellini and local foods on sunday to enjoy the weather and there were people all over the place. granted we went at an off time - around 4:00 - so local foods wasn't overly crowded but the patio was full and there were probably 1/2 dozen tables inside. if you want a true pedestrian feel the village is where it's at. hanover's newest project will be an awesome addition... very exciting.
  4. i just find this pervasive attitude that nothing is ever good enough for the urbanists on this board quite tiresome. you're essentially comlpaining that people who want to move freely within their own apartment complex should have to endure the elements in order to achieve some asinine notion of interaction with the street below. it's stupid. instead of applauding the developer for adding some greenspace to act as a pedestrian thoroughfare between the stadium and the other side of the apartment complex you focus your attention on what is without a doubt a necessary resident amenity. this developer could have just as easily closed off that area entirely and squeezed in another 40-50 units. what would you have said then? your analogy between the tunnel system that is used as an ALTERNATIVE to street level retail vs. people transitioning between their apartment and car as a NECESSITY only further demonstrates how off base you are.
  5. Newsflash: if those buildings in "ny and dc" provided parking garages as a building amenity I guaran-damn-tee you they would be covered and secured as well. At some point this notion of pedestrian-oriented urbanity moved into the absurd. Hell, why stop at the skybridge? You know what's really insulating the residents from engaging w the street? Those damn walls! Let's make it totally open to the elements - really open up the complex to encourage REAL interaction w the pedestrian activity outside. Put down your urban planning textbook and get real.
  6. i can't help but get mad when i read h-town man's asinine posts. he has to be trolling, right?
  7. they are - it's been on the drawing board for awhile. not sure if this is the office/hotel mixed use but it will be in a similar style to the others. not sure on timing.
  8. don't forget belfiore one block over on south post oak - there should be a sea of cranes for at least several months.
  9. Interesting.... Can't say I care for the architecture nor the name or concept, though. Truth be told this doesn't look like a legitimate project but what do I know.
  10. fairly certain i was told maybe 5 or 6 months ago that it was under contract to a developer for a large mixed use project as required by the city.
  11. i'm glad they called you out on this comment - seeing as though the buildings are damn near identical i found it completely asinine.
  12. Well there was an article on the chron yesterday saying that the tenants in Allen house have been given notice of eviction so maybe the remaining phases are gaining traction.
  13. you realize this "news" has been known in the market for 3 years, right?
  14. still wish they would add some retail facing the waterwall... a nice cafe right there would do gangbusters and would greatly enhance the streetscape there IMO.
  15. Ritz is actively looking, possibly a couple others.
  16. definitely makes sense for them to cater to energy companies - with the demise of greenspoint and the construction of the grand parkway there is a great deal of interest along the 249 corridor due to its eventual access to both the woodlands and energy corridor. noble energy is already there and swift energy will be taking all of 5 chasewood as well.
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