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Everything posted by swtsig

  1. matter of perspective - i'm sure TC is thanking their lucky stars they didn't start 6-9 months ago.
  2. wait so sfuzzi's closed??? the one time i went there i had one helluva memorable time.
  3. chevron has been leasing space downtown for years and years... totally irrelevant.
  4. not very old, maybe 30ish years but they allegedly would have incurred stiff penalties if they did not deliver the hotel by a certain deadline.
  5. looks a lot like Apache's proposed HQ in uptown, minus the red curtain wall at the bottom.
  6. that was never a real proposal - just a conceptual rendering.
  7. how in god's name is that an "ugly building"??? it may not be a masterpiece but i have no doubt had that building been proposed somewhere in Houston there would be an overwhelmingly positive reaction to it. it's essentially something midway would develop. and why the hell are y'all comparing one uptown to 2727 weslayan? becasue they both share curvy glass facades?? good grief.
  8. jesus this thing has devolved into ridiculousness including an overwhelming bitterness by the UH contingency. there's never been any love lost there and it is painfully obvious in this thread. and i'd agree with ADCS that being near a major logistical hub is part of the lure in a long list of lures that makes Houston an attractive option to UT.
  9. i just don't see us adding jobs but i'm far from an economist. regardless, 120,000 to 20,000 YTY is a massive drop.
  10. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/morning_call/2016/01/exclusive-peek-inside-a-luxury-hotel-in-the-texas.html looks like this one is a go; however, they are replacing the 40-60 apartment units with an additional +/-100 hotel rooms with an "internationally known" flag. probably a smart idea.
  11. those are just houston HATERS getting all jealy that houston is about to enter a recessio.... errrr, i mean totally BOOMING.
  12. as of a year and half ago i could say with 100% certainty that the owner had absolutely no clue what to do with the site and floated around some pretty asinine ideas. HEB had been rumored back then as well. when it was first purchased my money would've been on a significant project but it was pretty evident later on he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.
  13. Link worked for me just fine a couple of hours ago. Not a proposal for a real project but awesome nonetheless.
  14. at the very least a concept like royal blue grocery out of austin would be welcomed. in fact i'm borderline shocked that we haven't seen one open already in downtown or midtown.
  15. sometime last year it was repeated that shorenstein was already committed to reskinning the building but i have no idea if that's even viable anymore.
  16. i would expect next to no movement on this in the near term... things are starting to get reeeaaal ugly. anyone blowing sunshine up your keester is clueless.
  17. it's pretty obvious that it's Houston's skyline - heritage, three allen, chevron and 1600 smith are all prominently displayed. granted this view implies that the Ivy Lofts are being built somewhere near waugh and memorial and not EaDo.
  18. where exactly is the shake shack going to be located? nearby the existing del friscos?
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