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Everything posted by Montrose1100

  1. I thought I was on tumblr for a second. Even though I don't like the way the building looks, I'ts great to get some residential on the light rail Downtown.
  2. Did you use Tinypic.com? Thats how my photos turn out (sideways).
  3. I thought the skyline district was basically Louisiana & Smith St? Anyways, Montrose hasn't changed at all to me. The only thing I have noticed is less prostitutes at Crockett & Hyde Park (other than all the new developments).
  4. There is...It will be interesting to get some height on that side of the freeway. I wonder what regular non-architecture geeks like us think when coming in from San Antonio for the first time.
  5. I don't think it looks terrible. I think a little bit of weathering will make the colors not so... ehhh... ticky tacky?
  6. That is on the north side of the bayou next to the skate park.
  7. Sorry cloud but that will never happen. The ship channel is the largest petro-chemical complex in the world and the billions it would cost to build new facilities in Freeport are a reason alone that will never happen. Oil isn't the only product moved here, don't forget about our states greatest export, chemicals. The real issue is why was this vessel moving in the first place when the channel was closed by the pilots? It had not officially opened due to the fog. I'm just really glad it wasn't a chemical tanker carrying cyanide...
  8. The tallest is my favorite. Almost like it more than the AON in LA. Thanks Iron, really cool!
  9. I didn't want to post about this but then I saw KHOU & KPRC had already picked up on it. So, about 924,000g of Oil spilled into the ship channel. Small spills happen every once in a while and most are so small they never get reported. I think it will be a quick pick up and should take about 24-48 hours.
  10. Luxury car commercials are common in 4 places on the continent. Los Angeles, Vancouver, New York, and Houston.
  11. If that were the case I would have earned my stripes along time ago.Thanks for the continued updates on this.
  12. Not crazy about the re-design from the original rendering but it's certainly a great filler.
  13. The Tower is taking forever to get any work on the Facade. I'm awaiting to see how they start on the lower floors to get an idea about the rest of the building.
  14. Amazing how much it has changed in 15 years. I remember the Waugh bridge was the scariest to ride on with a bike as a kid because it felt like you could slip riding down and go straight into the water. I'm sure I'll re-post this thought in a 100 years in Houston History. Great pictures and thanks for the update.
  15. Yes, the Hanging Gardens parking structures of Houston. Although if the full vision was realized, we might not have some of the Towers we have today. I'm curious as to how the tram system would work going to 59. Would it deliver cars? Would it deliver people from a drop off point directly from 59? I think the design is actually really cool and unique. Very Disney Epcot.
  16. The Parking District is a majority of blocks southeast of Louisiana and southwest of Dallas. The crown jewel and center is that 16 story garage going up.
  17. The Top floor features will play nicely with Hess. Glad to see this weird small strip was left for development. Also very glad it wasn't turned into just retail.
  18. Elevated lines are an eyesore in my opinion. But it's not like Richmond is lined with anything other than suburban style office buildings and strip centers here and there. (excluding the intersection at Kirby).
  19. Classic. It's come to the "T" word. Architecture is far too subjective. Why not counter my statements with some of the positive features of the building?Edit: you know, rather than imply I lack taste.
  20. Having a passion for quality architecture is not a personal issue. I didn't make fun of anyone who opposed my opinion, and neither should you.
  21. Allow me to play mister grinch. Houston's architecture (post recession), is a joke and this building is the punch line. Let's pretend it's actually a great design. The colors will make this building stick out like a sore thumb (I don't care for 1200 Post Oak, or any other tower along uptown park boulevard. Don't get me started on the hotel). Those colors work next to picturesque oceans with white sandy beaches. Not in Downtown Houston, not even in any American city outside of Florida. Sure this could be te crown jewel of Destin. I am well aware of how organic skylines are. I apologize for being dramatic and channeling LTAWACS, but when I see something like this it kind of upsets me. I feel like they don't see the bigger picture, or even how it would work with the surrounding structures. So anyways I'm just upset that this city is experiencing some good growth and all we get are these low quality designs and very rarely something special.
  22. From the renderings currently, the design is awful. It's lipstick on skyhouse. I hope I'm wrong in my current judgement when more realistic renderings show up... oh who am I kidding? This stucco tower will be a stain on the I-45 southbound skyline. Before everyone jumps my case, seriously, this tower is fresh out of the time machine from 2003. Same color scheme as the Ventana. I'll take back my comment if it comes to fruition and looks more sophisticated.
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