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Everything posted by jmitch94

  1. Do they work on this at night? And just being curious about how many workers are on this project during a day?
  2. I know this is wood framing but once it is done this should be a good addition to that side of town.
  3. Someone who has construction knowledge can you please answer this. In the webcam I can see these, what look to be massive metal plates they put down before they pour the concrete. Are these just there to support the concrete in the laying down/pouring or are they like massive re-bar?
  4. Very nice looking building in my opinion. But thinking that there will only be 116 units and even with several floors of parking, these must be really big units.
  5. Cant wait to see this and the state bank building finished together.
  6. I totally get that there are just a few small pieces on the outside that are not done and my ocd is killing me
  7. It it just me or does it seem like construction has really slowed down on this. Looking at the web cam and it has looked the same for over two weeks.
  8. Looks like they maybe have started doing utility work. Looks like they maybe have started doing utility work.
  9. Has the Memorial herman expansion started. Half of the road right in front of the expansion area is closed and there is a lot of construction equipment there.
  10. In my opinion the parcel of land where the train is would be a great spot of a boutique office building say 5-8 stories with GFR that would be supported by the hotels and apartments going up near it. It should fit in with the architecture surrounding it and should complement the building that is already on the land.
  11. I leave there. Pretty crazy http://www.432parkavenue.com/new-construction-in-NYC/time-lapse-video/
  12. Wow really hope the second part gets built, that would be such a high density development.
  13. Looks like they maybe be done with the garage floors.
  14. I do like how this is being built right next to another building and they are not just clearing the whole lot.
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