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Everything posted by UtterlyUrban

  1. Check the dates here..... The quote you responded to was referring to November 2013 and it may not be indicative of today's market.
  2. Pappa's Steakhouse on McKinney (old Strip House) opening "next week", I am told. Looks like they were soft opening tonight.
  3. its ugly. But, I look forward to having it full of visitors who are coming and going at all hours. Did I read somewhere that this the same developer that developed the Embassy Suites?
  4. I walked by last evening. Seeing it in person is impactful and I am amazed that there appears to be no deaths. They have closed the roads around the collapse for an undetermined period of time.
  5. I am a frequent flyer. I dislike United airlines. Perhaps new management can change my opinion.
  6. Well, "3rd quarter" could still mean "September" (I.e, after the start of the school year). It will be interesting to see what they do..... Will the building finish in "July" so the year starts in August? Or if the building finishes in September will they simply transition in January? I would be surprised if they moved schools mid-way through a semester.
  7. Terrible news. Sirens have been blaring for the last 30 minutes as emergency responders move to the scene
  8. I wonder what "Fall 2018 completion" means? Does that mean that it will open for the fall semester (I.e. August)? If not, do they plan to move students half way through the year? Or, do they plan to let the building sit empty until August 2019? I guess that we will find out in a few years.
  9. Check some of the parking garages near your work place. Several of the garages that I am aware of have bike racks. Technically, those racks are kinda, sorta supposed to be for the employees of some of the businesses that they service but, frankly, there is no real way for them to know that for a bike rider.
  10. The question is whether being close to a freeway impacts rent prices. I don't know as I am not in the business. I can say this: I, personally, would not rent such a unit, period. The price or the discount wouldn't matter to me. I just wouldn't rent it. For many, it may not matter and they would gladly rent it at some price, maybe even full price. But I would not.
  11. Any guesses on this one? Another year before the first tenant moves in? If one believe the original schedule as published on the downtownhouston map, this project should have been wrapping up about now. Did they have a major design change or did they encounter a whole host of unknowns? Anyone have any intel?
  12. They are moving to the other side now? If so, That's good. The plan I saw at a public meeting had them digging up one side, "finishing" it then switching to the other.
  13. Hmmmm. From the dates of some of these picutures it looks like they are doing about a floor every two weeks? Am I seeing that correctly? If so, is that a normal pace? For some reason, I thought buildings "typically" rise at about a floor per week. For those of you in the business, is there a "sorta-kinda-ballpark" generally accepted target like that?
  14. This Starbucks will be a good addition to the area. I personally wish it was not a Chain but a locally owned business going in here but, I can see that this will fit well with the convention crowd. Christians Tail gate was busy Saturday in the early afternoon. In the lat afternoon Pastry War was a tad empty. Early evening Moonshiners was quite full.
  15. I like the existing exterior better. It's unique, to my eye.
  16. Stopped by Moonshiners and Christians this past weekend. Moonshiners had a good crowd and seems to be doing fine. Christians was hoping on Sunday. Not a "sell out" like the first football Sunday that I stopped by a few weeks ago but still quite crowded....... The waitstaff was hustling beers and burgers routinely. Interestingly, on the beautiful weekend, no one was outside on the well appointed patio when I was there.
  17. I'm surprised that they are not planning to go 25+ stories. Given the price of land, I would have assumed that a bit taller would be more profitable.
  18. That is a great stat. thanks for that! With Houston Downtown being roughly a mile x mile (a little less, I think, actually), when much the stuff on the books gets (hopefully) built, we might be something like 9,000-ish. That would be great!
  19. Are bridges designed to last 35 years? If so, I am surprised and scare to death to drive around much of the rest of the country (and the metroplex) that has bridges much older than this.
  20. I would rent one of these but only if the windows open.....That way, I could open the window and sell water and hamburgers to all the folks stuck in traffic. It's like a drive-through! I could make a killing during rush hour!
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