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Everything posted by Naviguessor

  1. Green Greek Domes in Galveston...because Galveston is near the water. You know. Like Greece. Okay. I said more.
  2. "Pretty lame... and that giant grassy driveway (which can't be accurate) makes it seem like the building is out in the exurbs." - that perspective is as if you were standing at St Anne's looking across their driveway and Westheimer.
  3. Didn't Metro Select Steven Holl Architects to design Central Station, Downtown, for the new Line? Is this rendering still the design that we can anticipate? Holl is also working on the new mfaH wing...which is very exciting.
  4. Cloud, That didn't escape my attention either. If a streetcar system were to be built...would it be constructed and operated by Metro? Or would east end have some authority of its own?
  5. Hey, thanks for finding and posting. The Arch is such an amazing landmark, still. nothing else like it. Caping the hwy and orienting the enterance towards downtown make perfect sense.
  6. I think that the perspective of the first rendering gives an impretions that it is leaning/tilting more that it really is. It won't actually be as precarious as it seems in the the rendering, once built. swtsig - You know for a fact that the Hines Deal is in-the-bag? I am quite sure if Hines is doing it...that it is. There is no developer more trustworthy in this town.
  7. LTAWACS, I'm pretty sure it's where they say it is.
  8. Oh Jeez. Did I really spell Bayou, "Bayuo"?! It would be nice if the City/Parks Board would consider returning the Breas BAYOU (and some others) to a more natural state...in the future. Like they are doing with Buffalo Bayou. I do realize that the "Improvements" here are much more extreme, however.
  9. Awesome Photo from the unique prospective. Thank you for that! The trench...I mean "Bayuo"...makes me very sad.
  10. Uscats, to answer your questions and respond to your comments. Yes, yes, yes, yes, probably, probably not, yes it seems so, who knows, we can hope, yes, and wait and see. How's your post count now?
  11. Think I agree that the South Canal will no longer work...Not without exercising significant eminent domain...and destroying Guadalupe Park and a whole lot more. But...I would have Loved to have seen it happen. But, that horse has left the barn, I am afraid The North Canal? I dunno. Currently that is mostly parking lot...so not that difficult. Would really make Kayaking from the new Kayak Center more interesting. Have y'all noticed the work that the city is doing on the Jensen Bridge over the Bayou? Pretty thourough renovation...and it is looking nice! I like how these old bridges are are high enough for river traffic below. It seems that the bridge renovations, the ongoing/prolonged sewer work on Clinton and enhancements to Navigation Blvd all play well into Streetcar plan.
  12. So Excitng to think about Streetcars here... In this case, rather than follow the development the street car system would actually spur and creat the development. There are already plenty of people in the area (I being one) that would support it from the beginning. Could really help define the area.
  13. Do we expect to have reno of Term B completed by 2017?
  14. I don't see how...something...in that location couldn't happen. To central a location for it not to. And higher end and density is obvious.
  15. Jim - Agree with you. HEB Parking Lot is great...as far as parking lots go. I also understand that the buildings have different purposes...thus different designs. However, I agree with swtsig, this does does not fit the neighborhood. Yes, its dense, like other devlopments underway, and others to come...but nobody will be saying, "Thank you, Marvy. Thanks for creating something great for the neighborhood." or "Thanks for somehting Really Beautiful". Thank you, Dominique. Thank you, Herbert. ...for creating some things that Are Really Beautiful for our great neighborhood.
  16. Jim, The overhangs on the Menil are great, and the Ones on the Finger property look good. But, the building doesn't really do anything for (or to compliment) either Menil or HEB. Do you think otherwise? For some world class modern architecture in the immediate neighborhood. I'd like to see developers, with the resources, work toward harmonizing and respecting. Specially with a structure significantly larger. Instead, Fingers, chooses to spend the money to re-create a past era rather than create something special to the area and the present era. Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad looking building and it has some merit...and it's better than what (I think) most of us all expected. It just won't creat a unified environment. It will simply stand alone.
  17. Not as bad as I feared. Doesn't compliment the beautifully designed HEB, which I wish it would...I am just not horrified by a "Fankentuscan" monstrocity. Do you think that Marvy was listening? The deep overhangs are nice. Doesn't look like we should expect GFR. Fine.
  18. I am pretty sure that the souls (including developers) around the beltway and Grand Parkway will be enlightened when an addtional couple million new souls move in and commute times are no longer 40 minutes. Try doubling that. Commuter rail will make sense then.
  19. That's right, bobruss. We here a lot of opponents or people who are on the fence talk about how a rail system would not serve many or even most of the population of houston....as it is today. I rather agree. However. If there were a rail system in place, population growth would develop around the stations. Smaller town centers, with services, walkable street grids, services and density. These would likely be great little centers and become micro destinations themselves. Imagine if there were a train station in the woodlands, ft bend town center, league city, Katy...Genetation park etc... These type developments would spring up and concentrate future population growth. That is a forward vision, with heavier rail that feeds a more streetwise/LRT(or BRT) system in the core. But the core must be developed! So...lets develope it a prepare to become the city which we are anticipating to become. I'd even vote to increase the sales tax to do it.
  20. Ok. Thanks for the research and answer. Wasn't aware that they owned 2800 Clinton along the western edge of KBR. Big warehouse now. Makes sense, however. Anyone know what else they control in the area?
  21. Hey Diggity, I hadn't heard that. What parcels has Cathexis grabbed? There are big empty nearby pieces: 1. North of Clinton/East if Bringhurst 2. West of Jensen 3. South of Buffalo Bayou Interesting news if its true.
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