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Everything posted by Naviguessor

  1. I have no info on this. But me senses are telling me that we will hear something on this soon. Anyone else sense anything?
  2. Yes, Ross, a property owner, here, can do with their property what they wish (generally speaking and within reason). However, neighbors or the public, do not have to just sit back and ignor it. If Transwestern we to propose or announce changes that would alter the architectural significance of a madterpiece, your darn right that the neighbors and public can insert themselves into the situation. And I hope that we would. No...we can't force them not to. But, helping them understand the problem by voicing objections is what must be done. Now...I am sure Transwestern knows better than anyone what a treasure that they control and own. Yes, they must stay competitive and must improve the property in order to Save the property. But, this does not necessarily mean that they must alter the appearance of the exterior, for which the building is prized. That'd be just foolish. Lets hope they are not fools.
  3. The few that will pay for the Virgin Galactic (...etc) flights couldn't sustain this type of Spaceport. But...when low orbit becomes a mode of Travel transport between destinations...that's what will make this Port useful. Dallas won't be able to come up with anything to compete. :-)
  4. Shame to loose the Johnson, Sak's Facade. But...the demolition/Reconstruction of Galleria II and Opening up the Sak's space to extend the Mall corridor make sense.
  5. ...but I think giving it a day off, would be the human, appropriate show of respect, for the loss of one of the men that build these towers. RIP.
  6. The sight is not across from Market Sq. It's catty coner. Warrens will still be serving martini's long after this is built.
  7. ^I am pretty sure that that is the Grand Gateway Project, which just broke ground. Focus is on the area between the Fountain and Sam Houston. I think that this is part of the Museum Walk, which is supposed to unify the Museum District assets.
  8. Museum District Museums will have a lot of new adornments soon. 1. New Wing/Streetscape @ mfaH (Steven Holl) 2. Enhancements to Menial Campus (Michael Van Valkenburgh) 3. Centennial Garden/Hermann Park (Peter Bohlin) 4. Grand Gateway/Hermann Park 5. Huge New Wing at Natural Sciences Museum 6. Museum Walk (not sure what this all entails). Am I missing anything? I hope so.
  9. Whoa Tower. I really enjoyed that. Interesting Find. I hope that Steven Holl comes up with something as interesting and significant. I am very excited about what we will see. There is a lot of money behind mfaH and it seems that the new Director is doing great things (big shoes to fill). I believe that this one of the most exciting projects on the radar in Houston.
  10. Dubai also has "government" santioned rape...just like Missouri. I think I'd take what Houston hasn't got rather than what Dubai has. There is no comparison.
  11. Nope. Never any guarantees. However, over all, Hines' track record is hard to beat. In Houston, anyway.
  12. Oops, Tower. Your right. It wasn't mentioned in Bisnow. However, is was referenced in HBJ. Qte: Unconfirmed reports suggest Houston-based developer Hines may be involved with the next structure on the site. However, the company would not comment either way on the subject. Unqte: Link: http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/blog/breaking-ground/2013/08/officials-developers-remain-quiet-on.html Thanks for fact checking me.
  13. Biznow mentioned today that Hines may be involved in this project. Is this true or has it been previously discussed? That's got to be a good thing.
  14. Interesting. Hoping RD will turn a corner like Las Vegas has. From Ceaser's, Paris and Palazzo to Vdarra, Cosmopolian and Aria.
  15. I actually agree. If Davis’ architect is able to respectfully and accurately execute a Deco tower, then it should look great. Let’s hope it is the case.
  16. I belive the conversation about quality vs quantity is an excellent topic point. Perhaps it warrents a new forum topic, but Any Randall Davis building (yet built) will surely evoke just this type of debate. And, if the topic were just QvsQ then RD would get dragged into it right quick.
  17. Not a brilliant idea that Harris County has come up with. And, I do worry about it competing with GRB. But, for $8/year. I'll happily pay it...to save the Dome...Until a truly brilliant idea* is...recognized. *see Ryan Slatterly
  18. Huge posters off "art"* at the top of Post Oak. Elegant. *Don't know what the posters are of. I look away and pretend they're not there. Huge posters off "art"* at the top of Post Oak. Elegant. *Don't know what the posters are of. I look away and pretend they're not there.
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