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Everything posted by Naviguessor

  1. "Going up" like your Seat Back and Tray Table, Native?
  2. Something about this just doesn't seem quite baked. World Hall of Sports? Global Sports Institute Foundation? Houston Independent School District?? Do these really exist? ;-)
  3. A Traffic circle at Navigation/Runnels/Jensen would be perfect...would give the area a unique, and effective, entry point...and keep traffic moving. The Lights at Canal and Navigation drive me crazy.
  4. Yes. Thank you Jim. We should all always look both ways before crossing busy streets. If this are area THREE blocks behind the convention center, the city and the district must (and will) react to make getting there appealing and safe for the boys and girls attending the conventions. This actually has been addressed. This area is not to far to easily walk to from the GRB or any of the hotels be it 3 or 5 blocks.
  5. Hey. ^^ is awesome news. If true, at least it's actual progress and a sign that there actually may be a promenade
  6. I was wondering that too. This project has been very quiet for a long time. The Houston First/Convention Center District should really be pushing for this. Having a walkable area with Bars and Restaurants right behind the convention center is really what they need to compete. Any news anyone?
  7. This will be a really great one to watch. It's exciting that it's expecting to take until 2019...but the suspense will kill me.
  8. Another good artical about Buffalo Bayou and Houston on ArchPaper.com. Even got the cover shot! \ http://archpaper.com/news/articles.asp?id=6875&utm_campaign=oct_03_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_source=cityterrain&utm_content=banner%20link
  9. ...and a very white dog too. Rather sad that the Hotel Project may not happen. However...Residental/Retail ain't too bad. Wonder what the developer has in mind for the block to the north. Maybe the Hotel idea is still being considered...just on one block. Still could be a tower without a large ballroom/meeting room facility. Having some retail across the street wouldn't hurt that concept. However..."EaDo" in lights on two newly revealed projects?! Gawd!
  10. I'd contribute $8/yr tax money so the Mercer could be fitted with a cloaking device.
  11. swtsig, that is very interesting news. The luxury hotel stock in this town is so dated...a High End place could really make an impact and see not just a reaction from the traveling community, but from the local population, at least as a party, banquet venue. Where do we think a Ritz, Fairmont or other top escalon brand would locate? Does BLVD Place still seem probable? I think that a smaller Luxury Brand might consider the Museum District/Herman Park Location. Compliment to ZaZa, more attractive location and the New Wing of mfaH will add to the interest in the area...which seems to be underserved by hotels.
  12. So...I kind of like the tangle of highways and ramps on the West Side of downtown. Its how most people get a look at downtown. I'd miss them if they were removed. I also enjoy the paths and bayou underneth. Dramatic. Pierce and 59 can be eliminated (Pierce anyway), sunk, decked, or just improved. Back to rail... Among other things...what I really feel is needed is two connections from Downtown to Uptown. First: LRT all the way down Richmond! (not jumping over 59 to appease Afton Oaks). Dedidcated trains could run direct from DT and Switch to Richmond at Wheeler. Second: Connect an express line from Theater District down Memorial, with limited stops. Perhaps just at Shepherd & Memorial Park... Then connet down to Post Oak and the Galleria. This line could really connect Downtown and Uptown in a fast, slick, efficient and Beautiful way. Would really connect the two districts, which, with out a doubt is needed.
  13. I think the Old La Strada, back in the '90's was our " Studio 54" moment. Of course It was nothing like Studio 54...but it was a high moment in time for the Houston Party Scene. Nothing quite like it, in my opinion.
  14. This showed up on Swamplot today. I've been quite curious about thos myself. This are could use something/anything. QUOTE: What’s That Cooking on Bringhurst and Clinton? A READER sends in photos of a purty sunset lighting up this building’s “new paint and wood” in the Fifth Ward, right across Clinton Dr. from the former KBR site and its improved dirt. And what’s all this paint and wood gonna be for? A pizza place? Taco stand? The reader can only speculate: “Keep asking the construction folks when they are around but they don’t know. If you notice on top of the building they added a brand new ventilation/AC system, so we hope something starts soon.” UNQUOTE Can't get the pic to paste.
  15. So glad the words "Luxury" or "Upscale" or Ulta Upscale Luxury" don't appear anywhere in the description. Looks like a great development for the area. Is there still expected to be public parking?
  16. I think this will be much more than a new building where a parking lot now stands. I'm quite sure that it'll be a whole streetscape which should unify a campus of buildings. I have no idea how that'll be done, but I believe that that was part of the commission. Jim, it sounds like integrating the awesome sculpture garden is a primary concern.
  17. ...They cannot let stay as is. I think that that "Atlanta Style" masterplan is/has been reconsidered. The Investments in Term B and probably forthcoming additional Immigration facitily also seem to indicate this. The hotel will be there for many more years to come. I think that I did hear that HAS would be publishing a revised Masterplan soon.
  18. LONG OVERDUE. The 60's Saucer Shape is Futuristic cool...and a decent landmark. However, the interiors and decor and dull, drab and Marroitt, inoffensive, could be anywhere, desperate not to offend Anyone style. Renderings look pretty good.
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