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You talk about doing that more than Howard talks about himself.


I had no clue people came to HAIF stoned.... is HAIF that psychedelic? 


Edit: "Wooooah broaah. Check out these siiiiick renderings."

Edited by Triton
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I'm re-quoting this far back because I think it's interesting that this is all still being done by Cypress Real Estate. They were the same ones who brought this forward last fall. Now lets put together the info that the bids were approved right around August. If you look closely you can see that the roads that they are going to build correspond pretty well with what is shown here.


Strangely enough this might actually be alive after we left it for dead (not like this isn't a common thing here at HAIF when stuff doesn't get constructed on OUR time). Of course their is a real possibility that it might be scaled back some, but maybe, just maybe it's not going to be as bad as we all imagined this being at one point.


Lets keep our fingers crossed.

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If you're curious to see how much land CR V HARDY YARDS, L.P. owns in the Northside Village area..their last purchase was December 4, 2014 and few others between October - December in 2014 (some which don't reflect on HCAD yet).I doubt it's stopping there too. Makes me wonder what really is to come 10-15 years down the road in the hood. 


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The plan is pretty bland. Would be nice if someone could dig up some renders or elevations of what will actually go there.


I remember you posting that at some point. I still don't like that damn cul-de-sac!


At least my worst fears are gone. When I saw the bell tower looking logo I was thinking that some dumb cheap suburban style apartment buildings were going to go here!

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BisNow provides some interesting tidbits about Hardy Yards - and other urban renewal type stuff...


"1. Near Northside


Funding: $1.2B of public and private investment planned or recently completed

Improvements: The extension of the light rail’s Red Line is complete in the neighborhood, there’s $14M of infrastructure improvements underway, and UH Downtown just completed $30M of work. HCD is providing financing for the Avenue Stationmultifamily development in Near Northside and is working to close the Residences at Hardy Yards. The $13M Avenue Station project is getting $5.5M from HCD and will have 55 affordable units and 13 market rate. The Residences at Hardy Yards is part of the estimated $300M redevelopment of Hardy Yards, which Neal says will change Downtown. The Residences will have 179 affordable housing units and 171 market rate. The price tag: $57M, including $15M from HCD..."

They also have information about new projects in the Fifth Ward and along OST...

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That's what I'm afraid of.. 1800 units of pure midrise wraps

What a day to be complaining about modern & more urban apartments going up in Houston.


Sorry Cloud, just messing with you. I was hopeful too that this huge piece of land could become some new modern city neighborhood with office, retail, residential, all in some cool high rises on the light rail. But don't give up hope. These wraps will age terribly (wood frames, I'm looking at you), and in 20-30 years will be as easily torn down as garden style apartments and unused warehouses are today. Easy come, easy go.

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