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texas votes red ... again.


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with the exception of a few shining stars like vo, an upset by cohen, and lampson in the democratic 'win' column, the local houston and texas area seems solidly republican (red) still.


you'd think we'd have learned, but i guess people like more of the same old same old.

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I think the people that needed to be out are out. Martha Wong would have won if she hadn't gotten so darned NASTY with her campaigning. Ellen Cohen sent a strong message that you don't have to be rude to win. Tom DeLay made sure that Nick Lampson would win.

I voted independent for Governor--because frankly, I can't stand Perry, and he has "Presidential Nominee" scrawled all over him. I think what he did with the Trans Texas Corridor was sneaky and underhanded, but no matter now, it's a done deal.

Heck, I don't even mind the fact that the dems took the House, I mean, everything comes full circle, but NANCY PELOSI?!?! OH GAWD NO! She is AWFUL! *gag*

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...I can't stand Perry, and he has "Presidential Nominee" scrawled all over him.

I think I just threw up a little inside. Even the THOUGHT of Perry running for prez makes me gag.

Last night, one of the pundits remarked how Pelosi is considered too conservative in San Francisco. :D Given that most of us (me definitely) only know Pelosi from what has been written in partisan blogs, it will be interesting to see how she really does.

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texas is texas, after all

i am just scared that perry is going make more of an ass of himself this term, and try some crazy things akin to his recent comments ("legislating morality," and saying that those who don't accept jesus as lord and savior are going to hell).



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I just cannot stomach this godforsaken press talking about how the "House is lost" and possibly the Senate. They act like it fell off the face of the earth. There is nothing lost. The House and Senate are still there, some members have changed, change is good, it is part of a healthy government. Change is the very reason I am an advocate for term limits on congressional seats. These placeholders that sit in office till they die are more harm to the system than anything. In the past they have had congressional seats that were something comparable to the Pope in his last days. they'd roll him out cast his vote as instructed and roll him back to his keeper. I mean it's nothing new. Congress, as any good CSPAN viewer can attest, has never been a bastion of intelligence. As far back as two centuries ago, Samuel Johnson was demeaning the nation's legislators as a "circus of rogues and fools." But when it comes to sheer stupidity, the men and women of the 109th have distinguished themselves as a breed apart. Despite a notoriously compliant President (I am a Bush supporter) and Republican majorities in both houses, they've spent over 600 days in session without conducting a shred of productive business, which is not to say they've just sat around on their asses and done next to nothing. I don't care who is in the Whitehouse, if the Congress is a piece of meat, the President has no support system. As the war in Iraq raged out of control, they (the 109th) futilely postured over an unconstitutional flag-burning amendment that was clearly destined to go up in flames. They rallied around the brain-dead Terry Schiavo after the Senate majority leader, watching her on television, claimed to detect signs of life. And their hi-jinks culminated in the past few months with l'affaire Mark Foley, which raised the question of just who a guy needs to blow on the Hill to get the attention of the brain-dead House leadership. And in perhaps the dumbest move came from Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, who sponsored a bill seeking $20 million in taxpayer money for a party to celebrate America's victory in Iraq. WTF can this guy be thinking. We will party when my boy and everyone else's kids are home and safe. Change is good and is totally necessary. We have to get all the pieces of meat out of their prospective chairs that are obviously suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's. I mean jeez look at Jim Bunning thank God he's out, he ran one of the weirdest campaigns in 2004, it was obvious he took too many come-backers to the mound from his days in the major leagues. And it's not just the old guys, there are some in there on both sides that are just absolute idiots. And unless we get some term limits, we could be saddled with these goofballs for 30 years or more. Straight ticket voting has allowed these idiots to survive for far too long. The ability to just choose "straight ticket" should be removed. At least take the time to go down the list one by one and vote your conscience. If you want to just go down the line and color in the reds or blues so be it, at-least you had to work for it. Straight ticket vote short sheets the system.

Okay I am through ranting, I'll climb back in my hole and be good now..............

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and saying that those who don't accept jesus as lord and savior are going to hell).


When and where did he say THAT!

Perry as Pres. ? You have lost your everlovin' mind ? He is not even CLOSE to being in line for that honor. He's not stodgy, that's for sure. If anything, he is just a "good ol' boy" type politician. He'll fix a ticket for you if you're one of his poker buddies. He's about old school Texas, a little on the Confederate Flag side with his imigration policies, Parrot, not to pick on you, but I would think you would like him just on that merit ? The man has been running this state right for the last 6 years, and he was right there during the Bush years.

When it comes to who most people on this forum wanted for Gov. (Kinky), all I can say is this. You don't get Emilio the house painter from Nicaragua who completed about 7th grade to run Sherwin Williams Inc. because he is a "regular guy, and can tell a few good jokes". CEOs are captains of industry, and 9 times out of 10 have a level of education above and beyond the "average joe", they are the Quarterbacks of business that can take you to the Superbowl. Perry, was bred to be a politician, he has that education, he knows how the "business" of Texas works. I don't want him runnin' the country though, I don't think he has foreign policy diplomacy, unless you count kicking Mexican and Central American illegals out, a policy ?

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When and where did he say THAT!

along with john hagee, of course (he is not courageous enough to shout it in the streets - yet)


"If you live your life and don't confess your sins to God almighty through the authority of Christ and his blood, I'm going to say this very plainly, you're going straight to hell with a nonstop ticket," Mr. Hagee said during a service interspersed with religious and patriotic videos.

Asked afterward at a political rally whether he agreed with Mr. Hagee, the governor said he didn't hear anything that he would take exception to.

Gov. Rick Perry covered his face in prayer as Cornerstone Church pastor John Hagee and son Matthew, right, prayed for the good of the political candidates in attendance at the service in San Antonio on Sunday.

He said that he believes in the inerrancy of the Bible and that those who don't accept Jesus as their savior will go to hell.

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Sorry, Sev. I forgot he said he agreed with the Rev's sermon, I don't think Perry actually said the words though. I do remember hearing that, wasn't it Sunday or Monday that happened ? How come Perry wasn't quoted on that, or did the reporter just forget them? That is odd.

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Sorry, Sev. I forgot he said he agreed with the Rev's sermon, I don't think Perry actually said the words though. I do remember hearing that, wasn't it Sunday or Monday that happened ? How come Perry wasn't quoted on that, or did the reporter just forget them? That is odd.

i have no clue about direct quotes, but we all know that's how he feels - and he hangs out with hagee for god's sake (wah wah). :wacko:

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along with john hagee, of course (he is not courageous enough to shout it in the streets - yet)


"If you live your life and don't confess your sins to God almighty through the authority of Christ and his blood, I'm going to say this very plainly, you're going straight to hell with a nonstop ticket," Mr. Hagee said during a service interspersed with religious and patriotic videos.

Asked afterward at a political rally whether he agreed with Mr. Hagee, the governor said he didn't hear anything that he would take exception to.

Gov. Rick Perry covered his face in prayer as Cornerstone Church pastor John Hagee and son Matthew, right, prayed for the good of the political candidates in attendance at the service in San Antonio on Sunday.

He said that he believes in the inerrancy of the Bible and that those who don't accept Jesus as their savior will go to hell.

so what about jews, muslims, hindi, et al? they are damned too?

i am sure God is bigger than that ... at least my God is.

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well, 'we' do keep voting him in so he must be doing something right in the minds of most voters.

i want to say most voters are smart and savvy people, but i am beginning to worry ...

on a sort of positive note, like redscare mentioned, most voters did not vote for perry.

that still doesn't make the situation any better, though :(

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so what about jews, muslims, hindi, et al? they are damned too?

i am sure God is bigger than that ... at least my God is.

Remember, seperation of church and state ? The man has his convictions, there is no such thing as a perfect politician.

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Remember, seperation of church and state ? The man has his convictions, there is no such thing as a perfect politician.

yeah, and he wants to get rid of that too, probably

Gov. Rick Perry in a closed meeting Thursday told African-American ministers in Houston that government has an important function in promoting strong moral values and saving children from a "culture of godlessness."

"It's a ridiculous notion to say you cannot legislate morality," Perry told the ministers.


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yeah, and he wants to get rid of that too, probably

Gov. Rick Perry in a closed meeting Thursday told African-American ministers in Houston that government has an important function in promoting strong moral values and saving children from a "culture of godlessness."

"It's a ridiculous notion to say you cannot legislate morality," Perry told the ministers.


Yes, Yes, I know this quote, but I think it IS debatable about where the seperation ends and begins. Pledge of allegiance for example.

Teachers making part of the curriculum to see what its like to be a Muslim for a day ? What do you think the spill over would be if Muslim children were forced to be a Christian for a day ?

I don't agree with all of what Perry stands for. but Jesus isn't all Perry stands for either. If you close your mind to a candidate because he is a little more religious, ok....... alot more religious than you seem to be, then you close yourself off to a bigger picture.

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Yes, Yes, I know this quote, but I think it IS debatable about where the seperation ends and begins. Pledge of allegiance for example.

Teachers making part of the curriculum to see what its like to be a Muslim for a day ? What do you think the spill over would be if Muslim children were forced to be a Christian for a day ?

I don't agree with all of what Perry stands for. but Jesus isn't all Perry stands for either. If you close your mind to a candidate because he is a little more religious, ok....... alot more religious than you seem to be, then you close yourself off to a bigger picture.

unfortunately -and someone else can run down the list- the bigger picture stinks!

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Gov. Rick Perry in a closed meeting Thursday told African-American ministers in Houston that government has an important function in promoting strong moral values and saving children from a "culture of godlessness."

So are you an atheist? agnostic?

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unfortunately -and someone else can run down the list- the bigger picture stinks!

And HOW has your life gotten worse in the past 6 years ? Are you still livin' in a VAN................DOWN BY THE RIVER !?! ;):lol:

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