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Earth Quest Adventures


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Chris Brown and the mysterious investors did not show as promised.  Earthquest will now be taken off of future EMCID agendas until such time as Brown has money and contracts in hand. 


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  • 4 months later...

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Edited by Soapboxmom
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


Solid update, thanks for sharing.


To save some the need to to watch the video, the Grand Texas park owner says it was a mistake to promise 2015 but it is definitely happening.


The Earth Quest owners wouldn't comment except to say to expect an announcement soon.

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  • 7 months later...

Dubious consultant, Don Allen Holbrook, sued all the taxpayers that dared to comment and numerous bloggers, journalists and newspapers that wrote about the failed Earthquest project and lost.  He is now resorting to making death threats in order to silence me. 


Frank McCrady should have checked Holbrook out.  With this kind of behavior from the brainchild of the project there will be no way to ever bring it to fruition. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don Allen Holbrook, the failed Economic Developer involved with Earthquest, is once again committing resume fraud:


Dear Ms. Dobrott,


In doing my preliminary review I've discovered that Don Holbrook's membership and CEcD status lapsed a few years ago. He is no longer a member of IEDC (and therefore no longer a Fellow Member) and no longer holds the CEcD designation. We currently have no relationship with Don Holbrook and so cannot put this case in front of our Committee on Professional Conduct.


Best regards,






Tracy Kitts

Chief Administrative Officer

International Economic Development Council (IEDC)

Main: (202) 223-7800 | Direct: (202) 942-9484

tkitts@iedconline.org | www.iedconline.org




Don Allen Holbrook sued all of the taxpayers in Texas that dared to comment on his failed Earthquest theme park:




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I'd call it being realistic, evidenced by the holding group's bankruptcy. When it's becoming increasingly clear that the backers for this were up to some shady dealings, why should one want or expect them to continue on with this? I'd rather see a different set of investors with more legitimacy come in and develop something than continue funding a group of what appear to be fraudsters.

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I agree. Realism is alway better than entertainment. Total failure is always better than hope. Suburban sprawl, strip centers and junk yards are always better for every community within 200 miles of a large metropolitan area than ONE large unique family friendly tourist attraction, clear cut forests are always better than parks. Things that encourage people to go outside are never better than playing video games and watching T.V. Congratulations, You win!  


Yes, because your hyperbolic exaggeration has any merit... Your implication that I think all of the nonsense that you spewed onto your keyboard is disingenuous at best. Nonetheless, one can and should hope for a unique attraction. I am saying that you probably shouldn't hold out hope for this one in particular. If someone reputable comes through and puts an idea forward, I'd be all for it. Who knows? Maybe Grand Texas will get off the ground. I haven't kept up with that one as much, but it seemed like it has more forward momentum than this one. 

Edited by The Pragmatist
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This one got all caught up with the East Montgomery whatever district stuff, not sure who dropped the ball there or when, probably everyone and all the time.


Grand Texas is at least a private deal, and they're going forward incrementally, which seems a lot more feasible, plus go karts. Really fast racing go karts. I'm in favor of this.

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This one got all caught up with the East Montgomery whatever district stuff, not sure who dropped the ball there or when, probably everyone and all the time.


Grand Texas is at least a private deal, and they're going forward incrementally, which seems a lot more feasible, plus go karts. Really fast racing go karts. I'm in favor of this.


You cannot go wrong with a fast go-kart. Now, all they need is this theme, and it would be the best. mariokart_610.jpg

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My initial response was to Prag's post (#738) about how he hopes there is no more hope. Long live the dark side of the force! 


Grand Texas sounds like a better deal for the community in every way than Earthquest. But that doesn't mean I'm happy to see the Earthquest project fail or go away like other vindictive people seem to. Focusing only on the final project and lasting impact, Earthquest would have been great for the people of Houston for decades to come. You may not like how the project got started and who profited and how, but that would not have stopped anyone from enjoying Earthquest or the broader economic opportunities it might have given the community for the next 20 years.


The people who are/were accused of taking tax payer money and failing to deliver anything are long gone from this project. Contour Entertainment lead by Chris Brown is or was the force trying to save the project since 2012. I can see how someone might hope that anyone who might have taken money that they shouldn't have would get what's coming to them. But I see no reason to hope or be happy that the project itself is dead.


I do think the project is dead because I haven't heard of anyone trying to promote it in at least 2 years, but I don't hope– that there is no hope for it. There probably is no hope for it at this point. But what's so great about that? I'm not even sure why there is point in keeping this thread up anymore except to give soap box mom another venue to continue her private war with Don Holbrook.


Thankfully Grand Texas is just about as grand as Earthquest would have been. Although it's progressing at a snail's pace, there is physical movement at the property and no vigilante or bored housewife out to stop it.


Perhaps I should rephrase it to say, "I think that there is very little evidence in support of this coming to fruition in the near-term or even the long-term." My "hope" was that people aren't still clinging to this project as they get strung along by less-than-well-meaning individuals. That only seems to result in graft, and this project seems like it has been full of it. Maybe altering the semantics will appease you a bit more.


I am not happy that the project is dead as the concepts looked fun. I just think that all of the sketchiness surrounding this necessarily hasn't equated to good things for the community its in. Grand Texas, should it materialize, looks just as well now that they have scaled it up into a full-fledged park concept. I'd rather any of these projects be closer to the city itself, but it is what it is.

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  • The title was changed to Earth Quest Adventures

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