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So much resistence to something so positive for the city as a whole, AMAZING. If this jackass comes out against rail on Richmond, only to support a routing that will almost certainly be doomed to fail....i will not be organizing a rally, i would look to organize another "tea party".

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It will be interesting if Culberson has an alternate or if he says "Westpark" means Westpark Rd. because the ballot used the name "Westpark". But wait! Westpark "Rd." doesn't go to Wheeler station:

Ballot lanquage


Wheeler Station to Hillcroft Transit Center

Will anyone be allowed to ask the question or is this just another invite-only staged event?

See you in court, perhaps?

BTW, as far as the recorded train whistle goes, it's a part of urban life. If it's that annoying, move to Clute.

Otherwise, lets not turn yet another mole hill into a mountain.

I have asked before if someone would kindly explain to me just exactly where the north and south boundaries of the mythical Westpark corridor are and have not received a response from METRO or from anyone on this forum. Does that corridor just run where ever METRO says it does?

It's always the same with you Nmain - It makes no difference what anyone else says or thinks - if they don't agree with you they are just wrong - perhaps if that LTR were right outside your house honking every 18 minutes, 18 hours a day it might be a little bigger than a molehill.

So much resistence to something so positive for the city as a whole, AMAZING. If this jackass comes out against rail on Richmond, only to support a routing that will almost certainly be doomed to fail....i will not be organizing a rally, i would look to organize another "tea party".

In the event that Culberson comes out for Railroading Richmond I am sure that you will apologize for calling someone that shares your opinion a jackass.

And exactly what would you do with your "Tea Party"? I suppose you could go to the intersetion of Newcastle and Richmond and pummel the residents of Afton Oaks with clever repartee. "Your mother smells of Elderberries and your father is an Englishman! Now run away anti-railer, before I taunt you a second time."

Edited by AftonAg
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In the event that Culberson comes out for Railroading Richmond I am sure that you will apologize for calling someone that shares your opinion a jackass.

Regardless of his opinion on the matter, the fact that he considers himself as the end-all be-all of the routing of this rail line, before any detailed engineering work is done, makes him a jackass.

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Regardless of his opinion on the matter, the fact that he considers himself as the end-all be-all of the routing of this rail line, before any detailed engineering work is done, makes him a jackass.

Add to that...he supports the funding of rail in other cities while leaving the Houston area, which he represents, in the dumps. Complete jackass!!!!!

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Culbertson opposes rail on richmond

should make for an interesting discussion.

This really pisses me off!!! On one hand I understand why Culberson would keep his constituants interests in mind, but on the other to blatantly disregard the betterment of several million people is just, well political. I'm a conservative at heart (not Republican) but these guys (Republicans) are holding this city back.

I'm also a little ticked off at myself for not getting more involved in this. Where's that petition, and where's that picket line?

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Culberson is out of touch with reality.

Just a few weeks ago he proposed to withhold funds from HPD if they did not start inquiriing about citizenship status.

Now this.

He is not a friend of Houston.

Afton Oaks is a great short-cut from Richmond to Westheimer.

But sure to honk each time you take this route.

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This really pisses me off!!! On one hand I understand why Culberson would keep his constituants interests in mind, but on the other to blatantly disregard the betterment of several million people is just, well political. I'm a conservative at heart (not Republican) but these guys (Republicans) are holding this city back.

I think the "betterment of several million people" is causing the conflict with me. It is only helps those living along the line as the proposal exists. I'd prefer a system that would actually make people think twice and ride it cause it would save them time. We already have buses on Richmond at a lot less cost.

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Culberson never had any intention of allowing rail to be built on Richmond, or anywhere else. The protests of Richmond business owners and Afton Oaks residents is merely an excuse to thwart the construction of any new rail in Houston.

By eliminating the Richmond route, he can now use rail proponants arguments against themselves. ("Even rail supporters agree that a Westpark line wouldn't be feasible.")

As one of Culberson's unwilling constituents I'll support whoever runs againts him - but our gerrymandered district has pretty much determined that he'll be in office for a long time. :angry:

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I think the "betterment of several million people" is causing the conflict with me. It is only helps those living along the line as the proposal exists. I'd prefer a system that would actually make people think twice and ride it cause it would save them time. We already have buses on Richmond at a lot less cost.

Actually it also helps those of us who work along the line. I'm not jumping on a bus from my office in Greenway to hit area business for shopping or food. But I would jump on the rail to go to lunch or shopping.

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Actually it also helps those of us who work along the line. I'm not jumping on a bus from my office in Greenway to hit area business for shopping or food. But I would jump on the rail to go to lunch or shopping.

Who's running against him? I'm sending a check as soon as I find out. I'm a moderate, but I'm voting AGAINST culberson and voting for anyone who has a shot of winning to get him out of that spot on the comittee

Time to petition him heavily as well and to cheer metro on.

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I think the "betterment of several million people" is causing the conflict with me. It is only helps those living along the line as the proposal exists. I'd prefer a system that would actually make people think twice and ride it cause it would save them time. We already have buses on Richmond at a lot less cost.

I'm no expert on the proposed ridership numbers, but how would this affect only those living or working on the Richmond line?

If it took a measly 10,000 people off the road (those traveling North/South) it would have an immediate effect on 59 traffic.

Someone else with the numbers chime in here.

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There are many people that would ride a train before a bus, me included. The rail line is not only for the people that live and work along its route at present, but will be for the future riders as well. Try very very hard to divorce the " me and my" syndrome and think about the future of our city. For a small group of people that are one banana peel away from the grave, with the support of a jackassed politician, to hinder the progress of a city, that hasnt been a back water swamp for a long time now, is pure garbage!!!!

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Culberson is out of touch with reality.

Afton Oaks is a great short-cut from Richmond to Westheimer.

But sure to honk each time you take this route.

Culberson stated that 90% of his constituents were against rail. Do you really think that Afton Oaks makes up that 90%, or do you think he is lying about the percentage so he can appease a few people in Afton Oaks? I would hope that all of our elected officials would consider the wishes of 90% of their constituents on every issue, unfortunately in most cases the people just don't care enough to let their feelings be known.

As for honking as you drive through Afton Oaks if you feel that is an appropriate way to gain converts for rail on Richmond go for it! Or is it just to vent your frustration at what should have been no surprise to anyone, and "punish" those that disagree with you?

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There are many people that would ride a train before a bus, me included. The rail line is not only for the people that live and work along its route at present, but will be for the future riders as well. Try very very hard to divorce the " me and my" syndrome and think about the future of our city. For a small group of people that are one banana peel away from the grave, with the support of a jackassed politician, to hinder the progress of a city, that hasnt been a back water swamp for a long time now, is pure garbage!!!!

Well, I think that HAIF as a whole, should pick a condidate and endorse that candidate. I'm willing to throw in some money for his war chest. I don't care if it's Democrat or Republican, as long as he looks after ALL of the people in the city.

I'm sure this will get HAIF quite a bit of publicity if we make a big deal out of it, especially if we pool our moneys together to one big check.

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There are many people that would ride a train before a bus, me included. The rail line is not only for the people that live and work along its route at present, but will be for the future riders as well. Try very very hard to divorce the " me and my" syndrome and think about the future of our city. For a small group of people that are one banana peel away from the grave, with the support of a jackassed politician, to hinder the progress of a city, that hasnt been a back water swamp for a long time now, is pure garbage!!!!

One banana peel away from the grave? I guess I will have to be very careful where I step - I wouldn't want to break a hip, it's all down hill after that.

90% of his constituents are against rail - if he wishes to get re-elected I would think he would follow the wishes of his constituents.

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Culberson never had any intention of allowing rail to be built on Richmond, or anywhere else. The protests of Richmond business owners and Afton Oaks residents is merely an excuse to thwart the construction of any new rail in Houston.

This is it in a nutshell. Anything Culberson has to say about rail should be ignored. He has an agenda to oppose/thrwart/dissolve any plans regarding rail and he has no problem finagling support from any group that works to that end. He doesn't speak for the region, is not a representative and is the very example of what is wrong with government today. The people of the region of spoken repeatedly and his hardheaded, self-important ass continues to work to counteract the true desires of the masses.

I don't know why people don't openly point him out for what he is. To be this dishonest and this self-serving is despicable. No politician should be allowed to show his face so easily without being labeled for the scoundrel he is. He is MORE than willing to sidetrack the plans and the ambitions of the region in favor of a handful of people whose only real argument, when you get right down to it, is that they don't want to be inconvenienced.

The people along the Katy Freeway didn't want to be inconvenienced either but our "friend" representative Culberson didn't seem to be as moved by them. I wonder why? Highways not as offensive to him personally as rail? Hmm...

Anyway, my advice is to not even waste time discussing Culberson anymore. He isn't a credible part of anything. He's just a glaring example of why the political process in this country needs to be challenged. Nothing more.

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90% of his constituents are against rail

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

I lived through the light rail construction in Midtown. You can live through one on Richmond.

Considering Afton Oaks is a flood zone, alredy has a train running through it, and is adjacent to the smog zone that is Loop 610 I don't understand what you are trying to protect yourself from.

Edited by MidtownCoog
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I just returned from the rally. I was not surprised. Culberson lied and twisted his internal numbers into a pretzel. He pulled the tried and true Republican trick of inferring opponents to rail as patriotic and Pro-rail folks as...well, you all know how slick people like Culberson can be.

The anti-rail folk placed all their signs on city right away and when confronted they yelled, "You want us to get off the public right of way too? I'M part of the public."

When the ordinance was calmly explained to them and were shown the ordinance rules printed at the bottom of the pro-rail signs, about all you got was sneers and one woman calling another a "nazi". It was shortly after when someone turned on the sprinkler system, spraying the pro-railers while the antis remained dry and comfortable under their tent on the parking lot-courtesy of James Coney Island.

All in all it was the circus I expected. AOers and anti-railers behaving boorishly and put upon.

It's time to leap-frog these clowns and Culberson and turn up the pressure on the Mayor.

It was a truly disgusting morning. Thanks, AO, for showing your truest, most ugly colors.



90% of his constituents are against rail

That's a lie. The letter from Culberson says "My office has received well over 2,000 letters, emails, phone calls and petition signatures expressing an opinion on this important issue, and over 90% of THOSE are opposed to building rail on Richmond"

NOT 90% of his constituents. That is a lie.

I won't call you and your fellow AOers or Culberson jackasses. That would only insult jackasses. There's a far more succinct term we're not allowed to use on this board.

Stop lying, AftonAg.

Edited by nmainguy
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90% of his constituents are against rail - if he wishes to get re-elected I would think he would follow the wishes of his constituents.

BOOM! You hit the nail right on the head. His concern is for his re-election bid, not for the progress of the nations 4th largest city that is woefully behind in mass transit.

I'm curious as to how many people are in his district, and if that 90% is a real number. Those that oppose this line seem to be concerned with there own butts instead of bettering our city. That's a damn shame.

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BOOM! You hit the nail right on the head. His concern is for his re-election bid, not for the progress of the nations 4th largest city that is woefully behind in mass transit.

I'm curious as to how many people are in his district, and if that 90% is a real number. Those that oppose this line seem to be concerned with there own butts instead of bettering our city. That's a damn shame.

In the context Culberson uses 90%, he is lying.

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I'm curious as to how many people are in his district, and if that 90% is a real number. Those that oppose this line seem to be concerned with there own butts instead of bettering our city. That's a damn shame.

90% percent seems as fake as anti-bacteria soap killing 99.99% of gems.

Seems fabricated also.

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Culberson stated that 90% of his constituents were against rail. Do you really think that Afton Oaks makes up that 90%, or do you think he is lying about the percentage so he can appease a few people in Afton Oaks? I would hope that all of our elected officials would consider the wishes of 90% of their constituents on every issue, unfortunately in most cases the people just don't care enough to let their feelings be known.

As for honking as you drive through Afton Oaks if you feel that is an appropriate way to gain converts for rail on Richmond go for it! Or is it just to vent your frustration at what should have been no surprise to anyone, and "punish" those that disagree with you?

As you suggest, he is not above lying about the percentage to justify his position. Afton Oaks residents are merely an excuse to do what he intended to do all along. "90% of his consituents"? I'm one of his constituents, and he never asked for my opinion.

He neither knows nor cares about what percentage of his constituents favor rail. His agenda was in place before this issue ever came before the public. Perhaps 90% of the comments reaching his office opposed rail on Richmond, but that's not the same thing, now is it?

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