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Discovery Green Park At 1500 McKinney St.


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The guy who kicked me out of the park while I was taking pictures was actually really nice. He told me he wasn't sure everything would be ready for the March 1st event and that it would be fully open some time in April. He said he was hoping the stage would be ready but he wasn't even sure of that, and the concert might need to be held somewhere else. I'm hoping at least that much will be done.

By the way, those neon green trees look awesome!

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I was there for the preview today and all I have to say is wow, it's nicer than I thought! It's also a bit larger than I first imagined. It really changes this side of downtown, hopefully we'll soon be rid of the "parking lot district." Here are a couple pictures from the hour I was there.







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Cool photos! I was there today as well, but it was before the concert started. It was 2 pm and most parts of the park were still closed, except for the path under the live oaks. I thought it was cool that there were actually people around sitting on the benches walking. I think they were just random hotel guests and convention goers, but that's a good sign. People seemed to be enjoying it more than the parking lots that it replaced!

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Very nice pictures!

Is the giant Rubic's cube (I had the same thought!) really a public restroom? I remember visiting San Fran years ago and wishing we had those in Houston instead of the ever-so-classy Port-a-Potties.

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