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Three Aides Of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Indicted; Will This Doom Her Reelection Prospects In November?

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16 hours ago, august948 said:

ROFLMAO...Judge Hidalgo gets Hanoi Jane to campaign for her!!!  🤣🤣🤣


Jane Fonda block walks with Lina Hidalgo ahead of early voting

In a city filled with people who fled the communist regime in Vietnam, I'm not sure whether inviting Hanoi Jane to campaign shows a complete lack of judgement or if Hidalgo and staff are just too young and clueless to know who this elderly white California liberal is.  I can't wait to see how this gets written up in the local Vietnamese newspaper.

politics hanoi jane Memes & GIFs - Imgflip


I thought you guys all hated war now?

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I marched several times against the Vietnam war and thought it a terrible mistake, but to go and get snugly with the people killing us ( many were folks my age) was sickening. There are lines which should never be crossed. Such as what she did or the people who attacked our troops, or waved North Vietnamese flags. It was revolting.

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On 10/24/2022 at 4:01 PM, august948 said:

ROFLMAO...Judge Hidalgo gets Hanoi Jane to campaign for her!!!  🤣🤣🤣


Jane Fonda block walks with Lina Hidalgo ahead of early voting

In a city filled with people who fled the communist regime in Vietnam, I'm not sure whether inviting Hanoi Jane to campaign shows a complete lack of judgement or if Hidalgo and staff are just too young and clueless to know who this elderly white California liberal is.  I can't wait to see how this gets written up in the local Vietnamese newspaper.

politics hanoi jane Memes & GIFs - Imgflip


All signs are pointing toward Mealer winning in 12 days because she's got the momentum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the better articles I've seen on the race, from the Texas Observer:

Crime, Statistics, and the Harris County Judge’s Race

For whatever reason, Hidalgo has been unable to effectively respond to many of the criticisms leveled against her. I suspect it's a combination of being decisively outspent, coupled with her inexperience in running as an incumbent in a high-profile race - when she was elected, no one was really paying much attention as the thought of Emmett being sent packing was practically unthinkable. A more seasoned pol may have been able to better defuse Mealer's assertions.

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17 hours ago, mkultra25 said:

I suspect it's a combination of being decisively outspent, coupled with her inexperience in running as an incumbent in a high-profile race - when she was elected, no one was really paying much attention as the thought of Emmett being sent packing was practically unthinkable. A more seasoned pol may have been able to better defuse Mealer's assertions.

Agree 100%.

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Well, based on my analysis of the early voting totals, Lina may hold on.

She underperformed Beto by 24K in early voting but still led. Beto’s gap in Election day voting was 6K to his favor. 

I can’t see many Beto-Mealer voters.

But keep the faith in San Antonio. The wave never came but maybe it’ll start rolling out of the prairie somewhere around Seguin!

1 minute ago, mattyt36 said:

Well, based on my analysis of the early voting totals, Lina may hold on.

She underperformed Beto by 24K in early voting but still led. Beto’s gap in Election day voting was 6K to his favor. 

I can’t see many Beto-Mealer voters.

But keep the faith in San Antonio. The wave never came but maybe it’ll start rolling out of the prairie somewhere around Seguin!

WELL nevermind I think the early voting totals that I am looking at may not be totals but only for the precincts that reported. I will therefore stop blowing west so as to keep that wave to a trickle.

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1 hour ago, mattyt36 said:

Well, based on my analysis of the early voting totals, Lina may hold on.

She underperformed Beto by 24K in early voting but still led. Beto’s gap in Election day voting was 6K to his favor. 

I can’t see many Beto-Mealer voters.

But keep the faith in San Antonio. The wave never came but maybe it’ll start rolling out of the prairie somewhere around Seguin!

WELL nevermind I think the early voting totals that I am looking at may not be totals but only for the precincts that reported. I will therefore stop blowing west so as to keep that wave to a trickle.

You're looking the wrong direction.  The wave appears to be washing over the Floridian peninsula to the east.

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1 hour ago, august948 said:

Greg didn't need a red wave to sweep aside sk8r boi.

DeSantis (FL)

2018 share: 49.6%

2022 share: 59.4%

+19.8 pts improvement

Abbott (TX)

2018 share: 55.8%

2022 share: 54.9%

-0.9 pts improvement

Looks like someone has a way hotter set of wheels.  SORRY GREGGO!


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DAMN!  I guess all those blue-ribbon endorsements threatening us with even more crime if we didn't do their bidding didn't work!  "Thank you to all of those who supported our campaign for good governance?!"  I must have been getting a special set of ads because that message sure as hell didn't come across.  

Still, I must commend Mealer on conceding and not breaking out one of her surely many AR-15s.  HCSO will get some additional manpower, but it looks like it won't triple its headcount of 5,000 to 15,000 on a whim.

As far as I can tell looks like Cagle lost, too, which is absolutely appropriate considering the guy couldn't be bothered to do his d*mned job and show up to a vote.

P.S. SORRY MIDLAND DONORS!!!!!  And keep the faith, San Antonio!  (Remember, your County Judge is actually . . . someone else.  #LocalRule)


Edited by mattyt36
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This was a lot closer than I though it would be.  Not sure whether there is a shift back to the right in Harris County or turnout for Dems was lackluster because of little enthusiasm (or hope) for Beto.  

On the other hand, Briones over Cagle is a pretty big deal.  That leaves only one Republican and no more quorum busting no show tactics.  

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I have to wonder if Cagle pulling those no show stunts cost him his spot. It really was not a great look, and I’m sure there were Republican people who protest-voted against him. 

Beto O’Rourke is just a lackluster candidate for TX imho. I think people just don’t care for him all that much. He’s lost several elections now, and I feel like the Democrats would do well to focus resources into bringing up a different candidate if they want a hope of flipping the governor’s race.

Del Moral Mealer vs Hidalgo being that close is something I’m really interested to hear more about. O’Rourke carried Harris county, yet the county judge race was much closer- does that mean there were a sizeable number of O’Rourke voters who voted for del Moral Mealer over Hidalgo? Actually, looking at the results, a lot of the judge races were quite close. 

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1 hour ago, s3mh said:

Not sure whether there is a shift back to the right in Harris County or turnout for Dems was lackluster because of little enthusiasm (or hope) for Beto. 

I was curious about this. Looking at Harris County - in 2018 Beto beat Cruz by almost 17 points. In 2022, he beat Abbott but under 10 points. Both midterm elections.

That doesn't necessarily mean there was a shift. He's less popular now, probably didn't bring out the same number of voters. But other county wide margins did seem lower for the Dems (though maybe i'm comparing to the generals with Trump on the ballot which adds a lot to consider).

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As I have stated multiple times, I did not vote for Lina in 2018 but did in 2022, not necessarily because I was all about voting for her, but more because I was voting against the absolutely corrupt State GOP, which at this point is just a bunch of professional politicians with few ideas who just want to stay in power for their own sakes.

The anti-crime message was STRONG and resonated, but somehow not enough.  Despite law enforcement professionals basically flanking Mealer at all of her press conferences (which I for one consider to be extraordinarily provocative and outright scary . . . ) and her essentially implying that we were all going to be murdered walking on the Bayou or coming home from the Astros because of "Democrat" judges happily putting murderers on the streets, I think the majority saw that she was a puppet at best (an uncharismatic weirdo most likely, and an entitled, sanctimonious, condescending, crazy woman at worst) with zero experience and no meaningful plan to reduce crime.  I'm not even sure Mattress Mack helped her, to be honest.  People of course love Mattress Mack, but it telegraphs the appearance of "buying" an election.  It's kind of creepy, actually.

The Harris County GOP needs to CLEAN HOUSE and get rid of all the crazies.  Ed Emmett could've won easily, assuming he ran a campaign like he did in the past.  Tell Steve Hotze and his merry band of religious nutjobs to go off and form their own d*mned party--the Harris County Baptist Taliban--that ideology has no place in government because by its very nature and by its own admission, it wants to screw over half of the constituency.  Sit down Mack, sit down Dave Ward, sit down Ed Young, sit down partisan law enforcement leadership and law enforcement unions, sit down Crime Stoppers propaganda, sit down Permian Basin political donors, sit down State GOP with your ridiculous shenanigans to co-opt the county, and truly focus on returning to responsible governance instead of fearmongering--it is not good for anyone. 

But the fact remains:

1) Hidalgo proved to be a relatively awful candidate at the end of the day, but still eked out a victory despite being overwhelmingly outmatched in advertising spending over the past several weeks.  (I mean, she pulled out a win with all those Mealer ads during the ASTROS WORLD SERIES WIN.  I mean, those are some serious headwinds that she met!)

2) Mealer was hand-picked by the State GOP and got support from donors farther afield, and, while she came very close due to fearmongering, she lost.  

This was NOT a good environment at all for Democrats locally, so it should be expected that results would be worse than the last cycle.  But bad candidates hung on, and non-controversial County candidates ran a good 3 points ahead of Mealer.  

That, my friends, is the major political shift.  A major difference from, say, Tarrant County, which just elected a Republican County Judge who is a personal injury attorney from Southlake and has prior experience as a councilman and mayor of Farmers Branch.  I mean, just gross.  I think I'd take Mealer over that bio.

Still, the margin was extraordinarily slim and should not be considered a mandate by any means.  I pray that Hidalgo and the other Democratic commissioners do not take this as some sort of validation of progressiveness--municipal governments just cannot be a meaningful source of social spending.  I hope she tries to build relationships with the business community, and likewise, I hope the business community makes a good faith effort to build a relationship with her.  And I pray Hidalgo will make a good faith effort at crime reduction and repairing relationships with law enforcement, although I am not sure how much of that problem is on her shoulders to be honest.  

Harris County and its residents have zero interest in employers and government officials being at each other's throats.  Houston is the welcoming city it is because we have largely avoided these lose-lose political fights, which, in the end, are only good for disingenuous politicians and bad for the County and its residents.  Thanks Alexandra and the Harris County GOP for telegraphing to the suburban counties and the rest of the state that Harris County is a crime-ridden hellhole teetering on the edge of disaster--you have done definite damage and it is glaringly obvious you do not have this County's interests at heart, only your own.

/rant off and now a little gloating . . . if Cagle loses it will really be my favorite story of the cycle as it shows there's a price to pay for being an absolutely unserious and disingenuous blowhard . . . which is pretty rare in Texas politics.  (Well, being an absolutely unserious and disingenuous blowhard is certainly not rare, but paying a price for being one sure the hell is.)

Edited by mattyt36
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49 minutes ago, skwatra said:

I was curious about this. Looking at Harris County - in 2018 Beto beat Cruz by almost 17 points. In 2022, he beat Abbott but under 10 points. Both midterm elections.

That doesn't necessarily mean there was a shift. He's less popular now, probably didn't bring out the same number of voters. But other county wide margins did seem lower for the Dems (though maybe i'm comparing to the generals with Trump on the ballot which adds a lot to consider).

May have had at least as much to do with the relative desirability of his opponent in the two races as well.

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25 minutes ago, Houston19514 said:

May have had at least as much to do with the relative desirability of his opponent in the two races as well.

Turnout down almost 10%, too, which typically favors Republicans.

Votes cast for governor, Harris County, 2018: 1,188,623

2022: 1,091,819

Difference -8.9%

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4 hours ago, mattyt36 said:

/rant off and now a little gloating . . . if Cagle loses it will really be my favorite story of the cycle as it shows there's a price to pay for being an absolutely unserious and disingenuous blowhard . . . which is pretty rare in Texas politics.  (Well, being an absolutely unserious and disingenuous blowhard is certainly not rare, but paying a price for being one sure the hell is.)

If?  Didn't Hidalgo et al redistrict Cagle so it would be difficult for him to retain his seat anyway?  With the intention to make it 4-1 in favor of the Dems on the Court.  They've got the power now to go as progressive as they want (or can get away with).

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7 hours ago, mattyt36 said:

DeSantis (FL)

2018 share: 49.6%

2022 share: 59.4%

+19.8 pts improvement

Abbott (TX)

2018 share: 55.8%

2022 share: 54.9%

-0.9 pts improvement

Looks like someone has a way hotter set of wheels.  SORRY GREGGO!


Well, with things looking so down for Greg, maybe we'll get a DeSantis/Abbott ticket in 2024 or 2028 and Dan Patrick can take over?  Perhaps put Paxton in as Lt. Governor-in-waiting?  I know you'd love to see him eventually in the Governor's mansion.

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3 hours ago, mattyt36 said:

Turnout down almost 10%, too, which typically favors Republicans.

Votes cast for governor, Harris County, 2018: 1,188,623

2022: 1,091,819

Difference -8.9%

I think people in Harris County aren't as partisan when it comes to County Judge.  Hidalgo just snuck by Ed Emmett in 2018 (may have lost bust for a libertarian candidate siphoning votes from Emmett).  

Also, I noticed that the total votes for County Judge were about 20k fewer than for Governor.  Another factor might be the removal of straight ticket voting and people who were lazy and did not vote the entire ballot.

I am still surprised that Cagle lost.  He won fairly handily in 2018.  Lesley Briones threw darts at Cagle over abortion and birth control.  But who pays attention to county commissioner attack ads.  I remember Cagle when he was a county court at law judge.  He was terrible.  On his motions docket, he would tell stories and crack jokes the whole time.  Any actual substantive legal discussions seemed like an afterthought.  Or maybe the shift in precinct lines in 2021 made a difference.  

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s3mh, you, me, and maybe about a dozen other people remember what a clown he was as a county court judge - shoot, he'd even recycle the same "joke" 3 or 4 times during the same motions docket, as if there were a rotating group of people in the room.  I think a combination of shifting precinct lines and going AWOL took him out, particularly when he was out golfing during one of the commissioners meetings he skipped.

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1 hour ago, august948 said:

If?  Didn't Hidalgo et al redistrict Cagle so it would be difficult for him to retain his seat anyway?  With the intention to make it 4-1 in favor of the Dems on the Court.  They've got the power now to go as progressive as they want (or can get away with).

Republicans complaining about redistricting is a new kind of delicious for me.

Consider this: According to the Chronicle article below, the new district was +12 D.  Cagle lost by a little more than 3 in what should have been a much more favorable environment.  So close . . . yet SO FAR!  SAD!!!!  Guess Ramsey can just sit boycott all meetings now.

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1 hour ago, august948 said:

Well, with things looking so down for Greg, maybe we'll get a DeSantis/Abbott ticket in 2024 or 2028 and Dan Patrick can take over?  Perhaps put Paxton in as Lt. Governor-in-waiting?  I know you'd love to see him eventually in the Governor's mansion.

DeSantis/Abbott is about as likely as a Trump/Cruz ticket was in 2016.  But, hell, I'll take it.  To have Abbott (er, what's the word the flurfposting Rs use again) cucked by DeSantis would be A-OK by me.  Both of them have a national appeal only slightly higher than Marjorie Taylor Greene.  

Dan Patrick is from Baltimore.  Nuff said.

Reality and the law will catch up with the Collin County Lazy Eye eventually.

1 hour ago, s3mh said:

I think people in Harris County aren't as partisan when it comes to County Judge.   

Does the majority of voters even know what the County Judge does?

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Maybe I've got it all wrong and the 2022 Astros were the determining factor in the end.  Happy (said better, jubilant!) people don't want change, nor do they go out of their way to vote a day after a victory parade party. 


Although some of the letters to the editor today:

Mattress Mack gambled on Alexandra del Moral Mealer ad — and lost (houstonchronicle.com)

Regarding “ What to know about Mattress Mack, the Houston furniture mogul, avid sports bettor turned Astros' hero,” (Nov. 3): Houston’s own “Mattress Mack” knows a thing or two about taking risks and seems to enjoy the gamble. Win or lose, he lost by so publicly backing county judge candidate Alexandra del Moral Mealer. Appearing as a host on television ads endorsing her was a misguided move. Business and politics don’t mix, and he should have known that. Going forward I will never buy anything from Gallery Furniture again.

Michelle Braverman, Houston

(What did Laura Ingraham say?  "Shut up and dribble?")

On Monday the city honored our World Series-winning Houston Astros. Leave it to our junior senator, though, Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz to crash the party. Not only did Cruz seem to push his way into the parade, he almost singlehandedly turned the crowd’s roars of cheers into boos. Forget his failure to make the easy play on the hard seltzer thrown his way (Official Scorer: E-Cruz), why in the world was he there in the first place? It’s a shame there was no umpire to throw him out.

James Cato, Kingwood

Score it E-Cruz, what a line!

I wish Lina had been a bit more gracious in her victory speech, however, but you can't deny the opposing campaign was as toxic as the Brio Superfund site.

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:44 AM, mattyt36 said:

DAMN!  I guess all those blue-ribbon endorsements threatening us with even more crime if we didn't do their bidding didn't work!  "Thank you to all of those who supported our campaign for good governance?!"  I must have been getting a special set of ads because that message sure as hell didn't come across.  

Still, I must commend Mealer on conceding and not breaking out one of her surely many AR-15s.  HCSO will get some additional manpower, but it looks like it won't triple its headcount of 5,000 to 15,000 on a whim.

As far as I can tell looks like Cagle lost, too, which is absolutely appropriate considering the guy couldn't be bothered to do his d*mned job and show up to a vote.

P.S. SORRY MIDLAND DONORS!!!!!  And keep the faith, San Antonio!  (Remember, your County Judge is actually . . . someone else.  #LocalRule)


Good governance was pretty much the foundation of Mealer's campaign (Alex's Priorities | Alexandra Mealer for Harris County Judge). It's pretty hard to argue that Lina has governed well - Lina has focused most of her attention on national politics (heavy focus on abortion, pretty much her only campaign theme), fighting local infrastructure projects (except for bike lanes), and engaging in pay-for-play scandals. 

I see you are very upset about Mealer campaigning with Mattress Mack, but Lina campaigning with Hanoi Jane Fonda last week is just dandy!

I understand you are ranting to celebrate your candidate and party's narrow victory, but Lina is just not a great example of engaging in common sense, moderate solutions. She is a devout progressive ideologue who is narrowly focused on politics - it's the only thing she knows.

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