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WE should only be thinking about U-Conn. But what an amazing come from behind!

Who's House

WE should only be thinking about U-Conn. But what an amazing come from behind!

Who's House?


To answer your question -- he is a fictional TV character played by Hugh Laurie.


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Lmao.. Not saying Lopez and Wright didn't look like asshats too, just that Herman fell straight into the trap and was easily brought down to "asshat" level.

And nice "recruiting rapist" allegation.. :rolleyes: I'll assume you are a Donald Trump supporter if you actually believe that crap.

The transfer papers from Boise State never showed he was dismissed from the team, or that he committed any wrong doing at Boise.

05/02/2013: An unknown incident causes Boise St Assistant Athletic Director, Marc Paul, to contact Sam Ukwuachu's parents (1)

05/03/2013: Ukwuachu is still on the team and was present for "the annual pro day-like testing session for current players."(2)

"He’s got some personal things he’s taking care of," Petersen said at the time, indicating that he expected Ukwuachu to remain with the team.

05/04/2013: Marc Paul contacts Petersen about an incident that occurred between Ukwuachu, his male roommate (EH), and his then live-in girlfriend. (1)

Rec’d call from [assistant coach] A. Avalos re: S.Uk. Got call from roommate (EH) that S.Uk had been drinking. […]

Talked to EH and was not letting his girlfriend into house due to drunken belligerent state of S.Uk. EH has been trying to keep him in the house while protecting his girlfriend.

Called Tony Platt to have officers respond and take into protective custody. Following call, texted EH to tell him officers were on way. EH responded with need them immediately because he has punched a window and cut his wrist. Explained later that S.Uk’s wrist was bandaged when EH came home earlier in the evening and re-cut wrist when punched window.

Spoke with [girlfriend]. They got into argument today re: spring fling at school. [girlfriend] was not at home at time of conversation and informed her NOT to go home. She assured me would not go home and go to friend’s house tonight.

Have spoken with C. Petersen, [assistant coach] A. Avalos, [then-Boise State Athletic Director] M. Coyle, CVP, and [then-Boise State assistant Athletic Director] C. Apsey. Left message to attempt to speak to officer Jermaine Galloway.


Spoke with C. Petersen @ 8 AM. Got copy of text messages that S.Uk sent to EH at some point last night using derogatory names. Forwarded to Tony Platt so BPD [boise Police Department] can assist with helping look after EH if necessary.

Spoke with S.Uk’s father and mother and informed them of previous night’s incident. Father became agitated when informed that S.Uk had been drinking and became violent. Suggested to them that they need to come to Boise and get S.Uk and take him home for further help. Mother informed that has plane ticket for May 15th, but told her he needs to go home sooner and that would attempt to help with withdrawal from school. Mother seemed to understand and they will speak with C. Petersen this morning.

Spoke with Tony Platt 8:30 AM re: S.Uk. Reviewed tips to help with situation, most of which we are already doing. Gave OK to call for help again or for officer to go to house with staff member if need to in future.


Was obvious he was still agitated from previous night’s events, so called [girlfriend] at 8:53 and left message to NOT go back to house. Wanted her to wait until she knew S.Uk was not at home and to go get some clothes and items with plans on staying somewhere else for a few days. Also left instructions to call or text back that she got the message. Did not hear back from her.

S.Uk spoke with C. Petersen. Will meet tomorrow with them at 8 AM at school in CP’s office.

05/07/2013: Ukwuachu is reported to be dismissed from Boise St for "unspecified violation of team rules"(2)

05/xx/2013: At some point between May 7, 2013 and May 22, 2013 Chris Petersen says that he contact Art Briles about Ukwuachu possibly transferring to Baylor. (3)

After Sam Ukwuachu was dismissed from the Boise State football program and expressed an interest in transferring to Baylor, I initiated a call with coach Art Briles," said Petersen, the former Boise State coach.

05/22/2013: Ukwuachu is reported to be transferring to Baylor to play football. (4)

05/29/2013: Baylor's athletics compliance office receives the below form from Boise St's compliance director, Jenny Bellomy. It shows that Ukwuachu would have been eligible to return to Boise St at the time.


10/23/2013: After the reported sexual assault, Jenny McCraw the Associate Dean for Student Conduct at Baylor emails Christian Wuthrich the Dean of Students at Boise St to "confirm that Mr. Ukwuachu was not suspended or expelled from Boise St University for any reason and is thus eligible to immediately return." (1)

11/04/2013: Wuthrich replies to McCraw that they "have no student conduct records for Samuel and he is in good standing with Boise State." (1)

08/19/2015: McCraw takes the stand in Ukwuachu's trial. The prosecution insists there are documents showing Ukwuachu had a history of violence against women at Boise St. At this time I cannot find anything other than the internal email Paul wrote above.

08/20/2015: Ukwuachu's ex-girlfriend from Boise St speaks about their former relationship while together

08/21/2015: Art Briles is asked to talk about Sam Ukwuachu.

08/21/2015: Petersen releases his statement about contacting Briles about Ukwuachu's transfer to Baylor. (3)

In that conversation, I thoroughly apprised Coach Briles of the circumstances surrounding Sam’s disciplinary record and dismissal.

08/23/2015: Sports reporter David Smoak interviews Tony Heath, Ukwuachu's high school football coach. (5)

(David Smoak) What were you told when Sam Ukwuachu was dismissed from the Boise State football team?

(Tony Heath) I was told the staff was very concerned about Sam being depressed and violent towards himself and their worries were for him, never once did they ever tell me he had struck or hit a female or had a violent encounter with anyone. I spoke with Chris Petersen during Sam’s redshirt freshman year about his depression and insubordination, but I haven’t spoken with Coach Petersen since. The communication I heard after Sam’s release was with the Boise State assistant coaches.

(David Smoak) When did Art Briles contact you about Sam Ukwuachu?

(Tony Heath) It was after Boise State had recommended him to Baylor and I told Art there were never any problems with Sam at Pearland High School, no discipline problems with him at all.

(David Smoak) Have you read Art Briles’ statement about Sam Ukwuachu and the conversation he (Coach Briles) had with Chris Petersen?

(Tony Heath) Yes, I have, and what Art said in his statement is exactly what I was told by the Boise State coaching staff and also shared that same information with Baylor’s assistant coaches.

(Tony Heath) And, I don’t want to get involved in two university programs, but it’s a young man from my program. And, when we have student-athletes play at the college level, the coaching staff at each specific school keep me and others abreast of their progress, good or bad.

(David Smoak) Were you ever told by anyone at Boise State about Sam Ukwuachu’s domestic violence issues?

(Tony Heath) Never, I was told the same story in Coach Briles’ statement. And, in fact, I didn’t have any idea about Sam’s domestic violence with his girlfriend until this past Thursday. I would like to add, if I would’ve known Sam Ukwuachu or any of our players had any dometic violence in his past, here at Pearland or anywhere, I wouldn’t hide it and I would tell any coach who asked, to investigate him.

(David Smoak) You’ve known Art Briles since he was a high school coach at Stephenville, and you competed against him when you were at La Marque, you knew him as the University of Houston and now Baylor, what’s to keep you from protecting him since he’s been under fire with this story?

(Tony Heath) First of all, Art Briles doesn’t need anyone to defend him, his record as a coach and man speaks for itself. And, I don’t care who is questioning Art Briles, I have another player, Kendall Erlich at Baylor, Coach (Briles) is a man of great integrity and I trust my players in his program and I’ll reiterate, his comments about what he knew about Sam Ukwuachu are exactly what I was told when Sam was released by Boise State.

08/25/2015: Boise State University issues its official statement on Sam Ukwuachu. (6)

The incidents and factors that contributed to Sam Ukwuachu's dismissal from the Boise State football team had nothing to do with accusations of any sexual assaults or with accusations that he physically assaulted any women. However, federal laws protecting privacy prohibit Boise State from releasing information about ​what did result in his dismissal from the Boise State University football team.

Boise State University never received any reports nor had any knowledge of Sam Ukwuachu being involved in any accusations of sexual assault before or during his time at Boise State.

In widely reported testimony from the Aug. 20 Texas trial, Ukwuachu's former girlfriend stated Ukwuachu hit and choked her while they were students at Boise State. This information about their relationship was not reported to Boise State when the two were students here.

Edited by cloud713
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