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Pride Parade Moving Downtown

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Does the move have anything to do with the fallout from when that lady was trampled by a horse?

There was a lot of talk about the parade moving among the residents that gathered at National Night Out last week. Some of people there were former "movers and shakers" of earlier parades. These people still are in the know. I didn't hear one positive comment about the move- all most all the talk speculated about economic and traffic reason for the move. --- there was quite a bit of speculation that a second ( dual?) parade that is being talked ( planned?) down the original route on Westheimer. NO ONE brought up the mounted police accident with that poor women from EMCA. Plus, it seems a safe bet that the mounted patrol wil be used at the new parade route.

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I don't know whether moving it downtown, or keeping it where it's always been is right, but I know one thing, the worst thing that could happen is two competing parades.


Oh, I don't know. Think about the possibility of RuPaul coming out on stage and then saying "Parade Off For Your Life!"

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They need to have it downtown.  You take the rail or a bus don't worry about parking, and there is much more room to see the parade.  I bet a lot of food vendors it s just a better idea.  In Montrose there were fights, people urinated in there yards, nowhere to park.  They are tired of it.  Ray Hill needs to back to jail.  He thinks he is the father of all mess up druggies that keep going in and out of jail. 

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I was at #'s drinking with two of the original parade organizers one night. They think that the parade has gotten to be so corporate with every company having to have a presence there, that it belongs downtown.  :)


the parade used to be counter culture, now it's mainstream


(yes, i said that like it's a bad thing)

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  • 7 months later...

I agree, I had the same reaction initially and I was impressed by the way things turned out. If you want a parade and some sense of organization, downtown is the way to go. If you want a free for all party, Montrose worked. They did a really good job transitioning from one format to another. The crowds were there, everyone was having a good time, it was relatively organized, cops maintained their presense but didn't really stop people from having fun. I saw plenty of people with open containers along the parade route not causing any problems. People still smoked up (basically openly). There were families with kids walking around.


A few pics I took from Smith and Lamar. 5 people got up on that bus stand and were up there for a few minutes before the cops came and asked them to get down, which they obliged. Also notice the Smith street garage was open and full of people getting a better view 5-6 stories up. And probably to some people's disappointment, that girl is not topless!







Edited by skwatra
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Pride Parade Moving Downtown

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