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Thousands of people being killed at once was a tragedy, no doubt.  And yes, it was a very, very freaky thing to live through at the time.


However, a lot more than four airplanes got hijacked that day.  The goal was not to just simply take down some buildings - it was to weaken us by creating havoc and an atmosphere of fear.  That's why they are called "terrorists," and I would submit that they pretty much succeeded with that more subtle goal.  Those guys weren't from either Afghanistan or Iraq, and their weapon wasn't box cutters (Bic pens at the neck, or an ad hoc garrote would do just as well) - it was surprise and fear.


I miss the idea of respectful dissent.

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On this day, I'm in the Chase tower downtown and I'm thinking about all the hype that I hear in the media about how there could be possible attacks on the anniversary of 9/11.  


I also remember where I was when it happened, I was working in the Southwestern Bell building at 3303 Weslayan and I was supporting telephone line techs in Connecticut.  They could see across the water, the buildings being hit.  That day was crazy, everyone in Houston was hearing about a possible bomb here, an abandoned truck on the highway on 610 that could have explosives in it, etc.  The worried public is so easily frightened.   :unsure:

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I watched it unfold on the monitors of the Shell trading floor at 2 Houston Center and then we were told downtown was being evacuated in case other attacks were imminent.  I recall they immediately stated shutting down air traffic, but there were some flights/planes that couldn't be contacted for whatever reason so they were scrambling jets to investigate.

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I remember being in the 11th grade and the whole classroom looking at me and within hours the racism began.


Yeah, the Syrians living next door to me put a big American flag on the back of their suv the next day.  The Palestinians down the street put away the Palestinian flag that had been flying in front of their house after news reports started coming in of Palestinians celebrating in the streets.


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Yeah, the Syrians living next door to me put a big American flag on the back of their suv the next day. The Palestinians down the street put away the Palestinian flag that had been flying in front of their house after news reports started coming in of Palestinians celebrating in the streets.

The rest of that school year was bad I probably heard bin laden was my uncle 1000 times. And the airports were miserable for about a year or two also.

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I watched it unfold on the monitors of the Shell trading floor at 2 Houston Center and then we were told downtown was being evacuated in case other attacks were imminent. 


I had a similar experience except I was at the Enron building. Confusion at first as the news spread, then it started to sink in that downtown could be at risk. When they sent everyone home, it was surreal seeing thousands of people stream out of the buildings and into the streets and parking garages only a couple of hours after the workday had gotten started. We had a friend visiting from overseas who was staying with us, and when I got home he was just getting out of the shower and hadn't heard the news yet. We turned on the TV and were stunned to see the towers collapse. 

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  • 2 months later...

I was in NYC recently and it was completely silent at Ground Zero, apart from the noise of the fountains. Probably the most quiet place in the whole city. It was surreal. Anyways, it was another Tuesday at Strack Intermediate... The teachers didn't tell us much. I was saddened by the loss of life, shocked we had been attacked, but I was also obsessed with the WTC buildings themselves. I had 4 different posters of them on my wall. The WTC infatuation came after my Titanic infatuation (strange huh).


Edit: I even had that weird UFO/rainbow sunflower/giraffe poster of them that could be found at Hobby Lobby.


Edit II: Does anyone else find it weird to see large children and find out they were born after 9/11? 

Edited by Montrose1100
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I was in NYC recently and it was completely silent at Ground Zero, apart from the noise of the fountains. Probably the most quiet place in the whole city. It was surreal. Anyways, it was another Tuesday at Strack Intermediate... The teachers didn't tell us much. I was saddened by the loss of life, shocked we had been attacked, but I was also obsessed with the WTC buildings themselves. I had 4 different posters of them on my wall. The WTC infatuation came after my Titanic infatuation (strange huh).


Edit: I even had that weird UFO/rainbow sunflower/giraffe poster of them that could be found at Hobby Lobby.


Edit II: Does anyone else find it weird to see large children and find out they were born after 9/11? 


It's interesting that each generation seems to have a "where were you when..." event that we all remember.  For my generation it seems to have been the Challenger disaster.  For my parents it was the Kennedy assasination.  For my grandparents it was Pearl Harbor.  9/11 does double-duty with me, though I was much older when it happened.


That weird feeling you have reminds me of the Mindset List ( http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/ ) put out by a couple of professors at Beloit College.  In just a few years, I'm sure the list will include an entry that the incoming freshman don't remember the world before 9/11.  As it is, the current list has this as it's first entry...



1. During their initial weeks of kindergarten, they were upset by endlessly repeated images of planes blasting into the World Trade Center.


On a lighter note, I found this as I read down the list...



22. Students have always been able to dance at Baylor.


Way back when I attended Baylor, there was a persistant rumor that if dancing were allowed on campus, half of the buildings would have to be torn down due to clauses put in by donors.

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I remember being very early in class because I had to complete a project due at noon, and I waited until the last day to do it.  So I was just too busy working on it, and I remember other students that arrived later mentioning that a plane crashed into a building in New York.  I thought it was an accident but felt it was of no consequence because the building would not collapse.  At that point, I didn't even know it was one of the twin towers.  Anyways, I'm just so busy working like crazy (and needless to say, I aced the project, how can I forget, I felt really good about it) that I didn't see any of the news coverage, until I got home in the evening.  I didn't think about it then, like I'm sure many of you still don't, but that was a collapse due to something blowing those buildings into pieces, 3 buildings from two planes.


Anyways, there are eye witnesses who were there that day that say a bomb blew up at or below the lobby, and THEN THE FIRST PLANE HIT.  You add onto that, a recording made on 9/11 of a business meeting in the north tower backing up that fact, where you can hear a bomb go off, and then like 5 seconds later, you hear a louder sound belonging to the first plane hitting the tower!  Wake up folks, this was a staged event by shadow figures in our government.  This was a false flag, I mean there were drills going on at the same time this was happening!  The evidence is overwhelming, it's a huge pile larger than the WTC debris.  I only wish I could have figured it out back them but I was too concern with school at the time.

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Time to get your tin foil cap on. 


I remember being very early in class because I had to complete a project due at noon, and I waited until the last day to do it.  So I was just too busy working on it, and I remember other students that arrived later mentioning that a plane crashed into a building in New York.  I thought it was an accident but felt it was of no consequence because the building would not collapse.  At that point, I didn't even know it was one of the twin towers.  Anyways, I'm just so busy working like crazy (and needless to say, I aced the project, how can I forget, I felt really good about it) that I didn't see any of the news coverage, until I got home in the evening.  I didn't think about it then, like I'm sure many of you still don't, but that was a collapse due to something blowing those buildings into pieces, 3 buildings from two planes.


Anyways, there are eye witnesses who were there that day that say a bomb blew up at or below the lobby, and THEN THE FIRST PLANE HIT.  You add onto that, a recording made on 9/11 of a business meeting in the north tower backing up that fact, where you can hear a bomb go off, and then like 5 seconds later, you hear a louder sound belonging to the first plane hitting the tower!  Wake up folks, this was a staged event by shadow figures in our government.  This was a false flag, I mean there were drills going on at the same time this was happening!  The evidence is overwhelming, it's a huge pile larger than the WTC debris.  I only wish I could have figured it out back them but I was too concern with school at the time.


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Time to get your tin foil cap on. 


Believe it sucka, a bomb exploded first in the north tower before the first plane hit, an audio recording and eyewitnesses support that fact.  Many other secondary explosions were also heard the whole time before the buildings were blown up. 



More on 9/11 the inside job, according to NIST office fires were the primary cause of the total and symmetrical collapse of WTC 7, onto its own footprint in freefall! :lol:  If you believe that, let me tell you another one.  Larry Silverstein admitted to giving the order to "pull it" and down it came!


Like I mentioned before, this government will continue to do things like this because even when exposed, they still get away with it.

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Believe it sucka, a bomb exploded first in the north tower before the first plane hit, an audio recording and eyewitnesses support that fact. Many other secondary explosions were also heard the whole time before the buildings were blown up.


More on 9/11 the inside job, according to NIST office fires were the primary cause of the total and symmetrical collapse of WTC 7, onto its own footprint in freefall! :lol: If you believe that, let me tell you another one. Larry Silverstein admitted to giving the order to "pull it" and down it came!

Like I mentioned before, this government will continue to do things like this because even when exposed, they still get away with it.

Oh shit guys! This guy knows the truth!!! How have we been so naïve?!
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  • 4 months later...

For people who have not researched the evidence of 9/11, consider the group democide has referenced, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group that has over 2,000 experts (architects, engineers, demolition experts, physicists etc) that have signed a petition for a new independent investigation to be done.


Yall may think we are crazy, but there is ample evidence to suggest the official story is not true. There are scientific reasons the official story is not even possible. There are tons of anomalies that happened on that day, there are inconsistencies and holes in their story.


I have a question, how many people actually trust our government officials? How many times have we seen them act corruptly? Most people do not trust our officials and know they often act corruptly. It's just tough to come to grips that they may have had knowledge of this and could have prevented it, but didn't.


Consider another fact: In all the history of steel skyscrapers, only three have EVER collapsed because of fire, and they are the WTC towers that fell on 9/11. Fire is the official reason the govt said they fell. There have been steel towers that have been more wide spread and lasted longer and have not only survived, but they're still in use today.


Most people do not even know that the 47-story WTC 7 across the street fell at 5:20 later that day. It had some damage caused by the debris of 1 & 2, but still, the official story is that it came down because of ONE compromised beam and office fires. It was damaged asymmetrically yet fell perfectly symmetrically and for at least 100 feet it fell at free fall speed (backed by the official report). How is that possible if it was a normal collapse? Answer, it's not.


Also, jet fuel and normal office fire do not get hot enough to bend or melt steel. It is scientifically impossible. Also, there was molten steel found at the site, including a concrete/steel fused "meteor" looking thing, both which are not possible at heat levels created by jet fuel and office fire. There a pictures and eye witness accounts you can see on youtube.


The terrorist claimed to have crashed the plane into the pentagon was deemed incompetent by the flight school he tried flying at with a Cessna in Florida, yet he performed a maneuver to turn around and crash into the pentagon, one that experienced pilots of 757s and fighter jets said they could  not even pull off.


These primary sources of information are publicly available. It's not hearsay. 


Start off with the science. Watch this documentary by Architects & Engineers. They don't even claim to know or ask the "who" and the "why." They just think there is enough evidence to warrant a new independent investigation. Then move onto some of the other documentaries that make you say, "hmmm".






Edited by lockmat
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All I'm going to say is that there currently 105,847 practicing architects in the US right now (according to the AIA). There are around 820,000 licensed engineers in the US (according to NCEES). This equals out to 925847 professionals (thats almost a million!). 2000 sure seems like a big number, but lets put that number in perspective (which is what groups like this try to stay away from). If you lump that 2000 in as part of the 925847 and lets do some basic proportions then that 2000....only makes up around 4.6% of the entire field! Ok, so lets say they have even a little more than 2000. That would only get them close to 5% of the professional field.


If your group or any other group wants to get another investigation then you are going to have to convince more than a mere 5%! The day you get a majority to agree with any of this (so a good majority around 55-65%) THEN you can call for an investigation.


This is like those dumb whitehouse.gov online petitions! They mean absolutely nothing.


I'm not attacking you personally lockmat. I only attack this insane ideology, but that's what this has become for some...a religion!


This is the last time I respond to any of this 9/11 stuff on this forum ever because its a bit of a waste of time. But sincerely lockmat that is what you would have to do to get an "investigation". Just being real with you.


As someone who works in the field of architecture and one who did a little research into 9/11 myself I have to respectfully disagree with "evidence" presented by groups such as this.


It goes to show that you can not please everyone and that their will always be skeptics. What I am insulted by though is this sort of arrogance that because this group has 2000 professionals it means that they speak for the entire professional industry (this isn't you saying this, but people use these people as their license to say there are a good amount of people in the field who doubt what happened and was investigated). These 2000 professionals don't speak for me and many that I know. I would warn you to not make the mistake many make in rush to such a conclusion that a mere 5% speak for everyone.


With that I'm done with this topic forever more.

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I agree it is a small percentage of experts. They are apparently touring the world, presenting their information to architects, many of whom didn't know WTC 7 fell that day, just like most Americans. Just because someone is an architect or engineer doesn't mean they know WTC 7 went down and that it went down by office fires (scientifically impossible) and symmetrically while being damage asymmetrically. But I'm not sure they say they "represent" other architects and engineers either.


I also agree that there is a small chance an investigation is done because most people don't know anything, and those that have heard there's an idea the government could have been complicit, they don't even look at the facts and just write those people off as "crazies."


I'm not saying I know 100% that the govt was complicit, but there is some evidence that is hard to deny, leaving me with little doubt that they were.


A few other things to think about:


1. Some of the alleged hijackers were found alive after 9/11, per the BBC



2. The pentagon (and Washington), one of the most protected buildings on the planet I'm sure, was hit by a plane FORTY minutes after the SECOND WTC was hit.


3. Norman Mineta, Transportation Secretary at the time, testified to congress that he was with Dick Cheney while the plane that hit the Pentagon was approaching and heard Cheney tell someone basically not to shoot down the plane, multiple times. Video below


These are just a few more examples



I'm more than willing to be "debunked" as I look for that information as well. It just doesn't add up so far.


Unrelated/related question, is that the illuminati symbol as your avatar? With your viewpoint described in this thread, I would assume if it is, that you're just poking fun at them?



All I'm going to say is that there currently 105,847 practicing architects in the US right now (according to the AIA). There are around 820,000 licensed engineers in the US (according to NCEES). This equals out to 925847 professionals (thats almost a million!). 2000 sure seems like a big number, but lets put that number in perspective (which is what groups like this try to stay away from). If you lump that 2000 in as part of the 925847 and lets do some basic proportions then that 2000....only makes up around 4.6% of the entire field! Ok, so lets say they have even a little more than 2000. That would only get them close to 5% of the professional field.


If your group or any other group wants to get another investigation then you are going to have to convince more than a mere 5%! The day you get a majority to agree with any of this (so a good majority around 55-65%) THEN you can call for an investigation.


This is like those dumb whitehouse.gov online petitions! They mean absolutely nothing.


I'm not attacking you personally lockmat. I only attack this insane ideology, but that's what this has become for some...a religion!


This is the last time I respond to any of this 9/11 stuff on this forum ever because its a bit of a waste of time. But sincerely lockmat that is what you would have to do to get an "investigation". Just being real with you.


As someone who works in the field of architecture and one who did a little research into 9/11 myself I have to respectfully disagree with "evidence" presented by groups such as this.


It goes to show that you can not please everyone and that their will always be skeptics. What I am insulted by though is this sort of arrogance that because this group has 2000 professionals it means that they speak for the entire professional industry (this isn't you saying this, but people use these people as their license to say there are a good amount of people in the field who doubt what happened and was investigated). These 2000 professionals don't speak for me and many that I know. I would warn you to not make the mistake many make in rush to such a conclusion that a mere 5% speak for everyone.


With that I'm done with this topic forever more.


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I'm sorry but there was no conspiracy. Shoddy building construction, yes, but even with cutting corners and not always following building codes the buildings were never meant to withstand planes running into them. No building is.


I agree fire can not melt or bend  steel but it can distort it and when your talking about "truss construction" it doesn't take much. Personally I don't believe truss construction should be allowed in ANY building but also realize they could not have built such a tall building without using light weight trusses because of the sheer weight. A lot of firefighter lives have been lost by truss construction. 


If the World Trade Center had been built like the Empire State Building it would have probably sustained minimal damage. 

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I don't understand why people are still wrapped up in the building collapses. I mean, in the Kennedy assassination, there's more than enough stuff to play around with (like why Jack Ruby shot LHO), but 9/11? Nah. The thing is, fire-related collapses have happened before, just on a much smaller scale. While trying to debunk one of Slick's fears about "oh no, bridges 50+ years old are imminent to collapse" or something, I pulled up the Wikipedia list of bridge failures, and a small portion of them involve a fire that weakened the bridge, leading to its collapse, like the MacArthur Maze collapse in 2007, a 2004 incident with 8000 gallons of home heating oil, which is far less combustible than gasoline. In 2001, you had instant damage with burning gasoline, which ignited everything else inside the towers (paper, lots of paper) and gave the fire fuel (Interstate highways, comparatively, are not known for being flammable—drop a match onto concrete vs. a piece of paper and tell me what happens).

The extreme heat ended up melting the superstructure and it just got worse. Remember the fire at the Axis, and how they had to demolish the parking garage later? The parking garage had gotten weakened by the fire, making it unsuitable for heavy use that it would've been. Now imagine if the garage was filled with flammable objects inside and if the fire department wasn't able to reach it in time (it burned for hours).

Most of the "evidence" of September 11th just redirects to other blogs and a strange need to elevate Cheney from shifty ambiguously-corrupt politician into some sort criminal mastermind supervillain.

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I'm sorry but there was no conspiracy. Shoddy building construction, yes, but even with cutting corners and not always following building codes the buildings were never meant to withstand planes running into them. No building is.


I agree fire can not melt or bend  steel but it can distort it and when your talking about "truss construction" it doesn't take much. Personally I don't believe truss construction should be allowed in ANY building but also realize they could not have built such a tall building without using light weight trusses because of the sheer weight. A lot of firefighter lives have been lost by truss construction. 


If the World Trade Center had been built like the Empire State Building it would have probably sustained minimal damage. 


I can see your points, but a plane did not hit WTC 7 and it came down just like the Houston Club building came down last year, like a perfect demolition job, in free-fall!   WTC 7 was a steel framed structure building, it had no trusses, there was no jet fuel, damage to the building was minimal and the fires were typical office fires.  


Sorry but it was a false flag.  And by the way, like I mentioned before in another thread, the 1993 WTC attack was done with the knowledge and direction of the FBI!!!  That is a fact!!!  And you're telling me that the scum in that agency and the others like the CIA didn't know about these patsy terrorists!?  They not only knew, they provided visas to the hijackers so they could come in, 15 from Saudi Arabia.  Not the first time that has happened, prior to that we gave visas to many terrorists to come to America to train to fight the Soviets in the 80s.  And remember the August 6th memo?  Hell, even the Pentagon had a drill prior to September 11 to "practice" the response to a plane crashing into it!   And does anyone remember the truck stopped near the Washington bridge filled with explosives?  Does anyone find it wrong that Bush and Cheney didn't testify individually under oath with the 9/11 Commission?  What a joke.


I can go on and on, and I sure hate hearing about 9/11, it's total bullshit.  Until these criminals in government get punished, don't expect to have any security.

Edited by democide
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According to the Architects & Engineers group, a steel skyscraper, like all three WTC towers, have never collapsed because of fire, except these three.


They note that there have been fires that have been wider spread and lasted longer, but no collapses, and many (if not all?) are still in use today.


I don't understand why people are still wrapped up in the building collapses. I mean, in the Kennedy assassination, there's more than enough stuff to play around with (like why Jack Ruby shot LHO), but 9/11? Nah. The thing is, fire-related collapses have happened before, just on a much smaller scale. While trying to debunk one of Slick's fears about "oh no, bridges 50+ years old are imminent to collapse" or something, I pulled up the Wikipedia list of bridge failures, and a small portion of them involve a fire that weakened the bridge, leading to its collapse, like the MacArthur Maze collapse in 2007, a 2004 incident with 8000 gallons of home heating oil, which is far less combustible than gasoline. In 2001, you had instant damage with burning gasoline, which ignited everything else inside the towers (paper, lots of paper) and gave the fire fuel (Interstate highways, comparatively, are not known for being flammable—drop a match onto concrete vs. a piece of paper and tell me what happens).

The extreme heat ended up melting the superstructure and it just got worse. Remember the fire at the Axis, and how they had to demolish the parking garage later? The parking garage had gotten weakened by the fire, making it unsuitable for heavy use that it would've been. Now imagine if the garage was filled with flammable objects inside and if the fire department wasn't able to reach it in time (it burned for hours).

Most of the "evidence" of September 11th just redirects to other blogs and a strange need to elevate Cheney from shifty ambiguously-corrupt politician into some sort criminal mastermind supervillain.


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According to the Architects & Engineers group, a steel skyscraper, like all three WTC towers, have never collapsed because of fire, except these three.


They note that there have been fires that have been wider spread and lasted longer, but no collapses, and many (if not all?) are still in use today.


So yeah said I wasn't going to comment again.....hell no im not going to let this slid.


Lets play a game of fill in the blank!


According to Boat Engineers and Designers, a steel boat, like the Titanic, has never sunk from running aground on an iceberg in the exact sailing pattern, except this one.


They note that there have been haul breaches wider and longer, but none have sank, and many (if not all?) are still in use today.


But of course it did sink, it happened! It took one iceberg to perch the haul of the largest ship in the world to take it down, everything went wrong on that day. These things can happen. It just takes the right things going the right way at the right moment to create tragedy. Weird things happen in history. They just do.



This is fun though. Lets try another one.



According to Aviation Experts, Aerospace Engineers and Airplane Designers, an airplane, like that of MH370, have never vanished in that particular body of water before, except that aircraft.


They note that there have been many planes at all hours of the day, all seasons, and all weather conditions, but none have disappeared, many aircrafts (if not all?) are still flying that same route today.


Again just because it didn't happen before doesn't mean it can't happen or couldn't happen. With that logic we couldn't advance as a society. Go to the Moon, forget it. Sail to America, forget it. Discover the Higgs Boson....no way in hell.


You gotta do better than the ole: Well it never happened before so it couldn't have happened in that particular place at that particular time under those specific set of circumstances. I mean all skyscrapers are built the exact same way, in the exact same environment, in the exact same time, with the exact same set of materials and know how. I mean that is just a given, right? Sure lets compare apples and oranges!

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