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Bringing your Dog to Restaurant patios


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Well it happened at Ziggy's in downtown this weekend. Our regular waiter wasn't there and this blond chick told us she couldn't serve us out on the patio (basically the sidewalk in downtown Houston) because we had my dog. I walked two blocks down to another establishment on Main Street, and asked if I could sit on the patio with my dog, and they said sure no problem. The funny thing is (and I know police officers aren't the ones who enforce these codes) a bicycle police officer parked his bike right next to us on the patio and played/pet my dog and went inside and ordered his food (I hope he washed his hands).

Also, Niko Niko's at Market Square Park allows patrons to have their dogs at the tables as well.

My question is why do some restaurants allow it while others don't? Do they just not care if they get fined? Ziggy's Downtown said they would be fined $3,000.00 if they served us, even though they have in the past numerous times. (It really irks me that Ziggy's said no, even though they are suggested as being dog friendly online)

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Well it happened at Ziggy's in downtown this weekend. Our regular waiter wasn't there and this blond chick told us she couldn't serve us out on the patio (basically the sidewalk in downtown Houston) because we had my dog. I walked two blocks down to another establishment on Main Street, and asked if I could sit on the patio with my dog, and they said sure no problem. The funny thing is (and I know police officers aren't the ones who enforce these codes) a bicycle police officer parked his bike right next to us on the patio and played/pet my dog and went inside and ordered his food (I hope he washed his hands).

Also, Niko Niko's at Market Square Park allows patrons to have their dogs at the tables as well.

My question is why do some restaurants allow it while others don't? Do they just not care if they get fined? Ziggy's Downtown said they would be fined $3,000.00 if they served us, even though they have in the past numerous times. (It really irks me that Ziggy's said no, even though they are suggested as being dog friendly online)

It's possible/probable, that the people enforcing the law are lax, and give out warnings, stating "hey, we heard (but really we saw it, we would have to fine you if we saw it though) you do it, don't do it again, or we're going to fine you!" So the establishment gets scared and clams up, maybe for just a while, maybe for longer?

I was at Agora yesterday and a guy and his wife came and shared the table I was at with their dog, he mentioned that they were told they couldn't have their pet on the patio somewhere else (I can only assume that it was Empire Cafe, as I did not ask him, but what else is in that area to eat?).

Anyway, the more places that find they are losing business because they follow this rule, when another establishment down the road doesn't follow it, the more places are going to end up defying the rule. The more places that defy the rule, means the more people that find it customary to dine in the same space as dogs, and don't think on it poorly, the more support there will be for changing the law to allow for some form of legalization for dogs to safely share space with humans on patios.

I mean, think of it now, the only rule is, do not have dogs, but so many places are allowing it anyway, doesn't it make sense to change the rule to ensure that instead of people breaking the rule (and possibly doing so in an unsafe manner) that they are at least doing so with cleanliness and consideration for safety? I mean, since when is government sensible, but isn't this the sensible thing to do?

As an aside, I haven't really payed attention at disco green, but do dogs eat on the patio there?

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Well it happened at Ziggy's in downtown this weekend. Our regular waiter wasn't there and this blond chick told us she couldn't serve us out on the patio (basically the sidewalk in downtown Houston) because we had my dog. I walked two blocks down to another establishment on Main Street, and asked if I could sit on the patio with my dog, and they said sure no problem. The funny thing is (and I know police officers aren't the ones who enforce these codes) a bicycle police officer parked his bike right next to us on the patio and played/pet my dog and went inside and ordered his food (I hope he washed his hands).

Also, Niko Niko's at Market Square Park allows patrons to have their dogs at the tables as well.

My question is why do some restaurants allow it while others don't? Do they just not care if they get fined? Ziggy's Downtown said they would be fined $3,000.00 if they served us, even though they have in the past numerous times. (It really irks me that Ziggy's said no, even though they are suggested as being dog friendly online)

Ziggy's is at the forefront of pushing a regulations change. I've spoken with the owner and he's worried about getting slapped with a fine, and I think he is also trying to call attention to the problem. Not sure what on the website made you think they allow dogs, though:

You may not know it…but the City of Houston specifically forbids pets (except service dogs) at restaurants, inside or outside.

So no pooches on the patio.

We think it’s a silly rule. And many of our customers have told us the same thing. Many cities, including Dallas, give restaurants the choice.

We are a city which prides itself on the lack of zoning so it seems a strange choice to restrict where we take our pets. Plus it’s a city which has spent a lot of money the last few years on dog parks.

Houston wants to be a livable, walkable city. Montrose was even named one of the top 10 neighborhoods in the country. I bet a great neighborhood includes people who love their pets.

We’ve heard that the new mayor supports giving restaurants the choice to allow pets outside. So let her know. Let your council member know too.

I guess Dallas is smarter than Houston.


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  • 1 month later...

I noticed that the chonicle ran this story in the G section


It made me think of the postings about whether or not to take your dog to restaurant patios-- I guess there are people who also want to

take their dogs inside restaurants as well as restricted housing, flying free on airlines etc. . . . . . . . .

Edited by trymahjong
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Frankly, since I don't take my dogs to the patio (I'd rather enjoy my drink than yank on their leash), this isn't that big of a deal, especially since dog lovers know where the scofflaw restaurants are. As long as they do not take my smoking privileges away, I can leave my pups at home.

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I don't mind dogs on the patio if a restaurant post they are going to allow that and you know it......hell I don't mind it in the restaurant if it is posted and known (I probably won't be going there a lot)......but these people that treat their pets as their constant companions or like they are to be accepted by everyone else like they are children are idiots......and anyone that is faking their pet as a service animal should be beaten down like a tranny trying to use the womens room at a Baltimore McDonalds (not saying the tranny deserved the beating just that those service pet fakers deserve a similar fate)

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Tranny is an offensive word to transgendered persons that blurs the line between them and transvestites.

TodayChronicle has Ken Hoffman offering his opinion concerning dogs on Restaurant Patios

I've tried to find it on the Chron website, but I don't think they've posted it yet. Also, terrible website.

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Tranny is an offensive word to transgendered persons that blurs the line between them and transvestites.

I've tried to find it on the Chron website, but I don't think they've posted it yet. Also, terrible website.

It's posted now. Hoffman (Near the bottom of the article).

I agree with you though. Terrible website. Sometimes it takes days for them to post an article and even then it's sometimes not as complete as the article in print. Bring back the Houston Post.

Edited by Fringe
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Tranny is an offensive word to transgendered persons that blurs the line between them and transvestites.

Who is being offensive? Both transgendered and transvestites are offensive to normal human beings. Sick-o.

Edited by gto250us
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That's bigotry.

Bigotry? So Be it. I also find people with bad breath and BO offensive. Is that bigotry? I also dislike folks who do not hesitate to kill others in the name of their religion. Is that bigotry? I also find bleeding heart liberals and screaming maniac conservatives offensive. Is that bigotry?

Folks who are so insecure in their self image that they are offended by how others view them need to grow a pair, buck up and get with the program. Or stay out of my way, cause I am coming thru the rye.

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Bigotry? So Be it. I also find people with bad breath and BO offensive. Is that bigotry? I also dislike folks who do not hesitate to kill others in the name of their religion. Is that bigotry?

Those are people who have aggressed against you or others in some way. Live and let live. You and I will never know what it's like to live in a body feeling like we we born the wrong sex. Why would you find it offensive, someone living their life as they see fit? Why would you intentionally slur them?

Folks who are so insecure in their self image that they are offended by how others view them need to grow a pair, buck up and get with the program. Or stay out of my way, cause I am coming thru the rye.

This is exactly my point, this is a defense of racism, sexism, and any other kind of bigotry. Folks who are so insecure in their self image as a black person that they are offended by how others view them (calling them by slurs) need to grow a pair. Folks who are so insecure in their self image as women that they are offended by the names men call them gendered insults need to grow a pair.

Bigotry travels in many forms. Not everyone is aware that 'tranny' is an offensive term and I was simply pointing it out. The poster can choose to continue to use it or choose to stop using it. It's a free country! Sort of!

Edited by kylejack
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Every person is in some way offensive towards some other person.

Live your life the best you can and know you will upset some people. It's life.

Very pertinent to the topic as some find dogs in eating establishments to be offensive, and the other way around.

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Every person is in some way offensive towards some other person.

Live your life the best you can and know you will upset some people. It's life.

Very pertinent to the topic as some find dogs in eating establishments to be offensive, and the other way around.

Wait, what? Are dogs offended by others at eating establishments? Man, I had no idea how bigoted dogs were!

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Wait, what? Are dogs offended by others at eating establishments? Man, I had no idea how bigoted dogs were!

lol. I was typing from my phone, so very brief message. basically though...

some find dogs in eating establishments to be offensive, and some find that people who would not let them enjoy a meal out with their dog, even on a patio to be offensive. :)

I have seen some dogs that are very bigoted though, barking at anyone of a specific race.

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  • 4 months later...

First variance granted, allowing dogs on the Patio of Ziggy's in Montrose...


Reckon that any of the people who hate dogs on patios, should from here on out avoid Ziggys!

Used to be a regular there. No more. Dogs should not be allowed near human food. Except chocolate. They love it.

Edited by LTAWACS
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got this email

From: Ziggys Bar and Grill <ziggyshealthygrill@yahoo.com>

Subject: *EMCA* In case you were wondering about all of the TV crews

Date: Friday, September 23, 2011, 8:12 PM

Today some TV crews were at Ziggy's Montrose to do a story. For some time now we've been working with Paws On Patios to get the city to change the rule to allow dogs on restaurant and bar patios.

Yesterday the rule was changed and we were the first to apply and receive our permit.

Apparently the local media that it was an interesting enough story to come out and talk to us. With so much negative news, maybe it was time for some happier news.

Mayor Parker and City Council Member Ed Gonzalez will likely be here for lunch on Monday so more press will be around.

But the real story is that all of you dog lovers, and there are a lot in the neighborhood, can now bring your well behaved pooch on a leash to dine with you outside, just in time for fall.


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