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Bringing your Dog to Restaurant patios


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It will be interesting to see what happens, when a toddler that isn't watched as closely as some dog owners watch their animals, is bitten for being a tad overzealous with a large dog.

Hopefully it means one less toddler in establishments that aren't private homes, school or playgrounds.

Although I'm a little interested as to which is the more mentally debilitating sound with repeated exposure over time: the random, high-pitched screech of children, or an incessant bark.

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Hopefully it means one less toddler in establishments that aren't private homes, school or playgrounds.

Although I'm a little interested as to which is the more mentally debilitating sound with repeated exposure over time: the random, high-pitched screech of children, or an incessant bark.

Either one shows a lack of consideration on the part of the responsible adult. I will say I've had more bad responses from pet owners than from parents when it comes to misbehavior. There are many pet owners who seem to think the laws on pets do not apply to them, particularly the leash laws, and that a little growling is no cause for concern.

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Hopefully it means one less toddler in establishments that aren't private homes, school or playgrounds.

Although I'm a little interested as to which is the more mentally debilitating sound with repeated exposure over time: the random, high-pitched screech of children, or an incessant bark.

It sound as if someone best stay at his private home, workplace or the forrest. jk :lol:

I am in agreement with you on misbehaving children or pets though. I just know that some dogs can become extremely territorial, especially if confined to a smallish patio where there is food. I personally have no problem with dogs on a patio. It would be my choice not to go to that establishment, same for if someone allowed smoking. It would be my and of the employees choice if we went there. In my nieghborhood there is way too many uncared for, use as security only, poor dogs that bark incessantly for sure. I guess next,we may have dog-free, screaming children-free, obnoxious adult-free, drunk-free etc zones. Damn, I best stay home too. hahaha

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Does this only apply to dogs (I know someone who's seen a goat on that patio). And, what about parrots. A shirtless man goes to the Starbucks patio at Montrose/Hawthorn with a parrot on his shoulder. I just love my neighborhood and its animals.

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This is really a no-brainer.

If you do not want to eat around dogs - do not goto the places that allow them. PERIOD. It is your choice. Nobody is forcing you to go anywhere.

If you do not want to eat around children - do not eat early. If a restaurant has a kids menu of any kind at all - then it is acceptable for a parent to bring a child. PERIOD.

I find people who think kids should not be allowed in restaurants far more offensive than those who don't think dogs should be allowed on patios - but nobody is forcing you to eat at either place. If you see kids in a restaurant, or if the place has a kids menu then you should turn around and go somewhere else before you even sit down. You have no more right to be in the place than they do, even if they are offensive. You are not special just because you think you are. Neither are the kids, but you never see parents get up and tell adults they cant eat somewhere.

If management will serve people or pets then they have just as much a right to be there as you do. I am so tired of people getting offended so easily. Life is short - people really need to stop getting annoyed at the little things. There are tens of thousands of choices of places to eat in Houston...if you can't find a place to eat that is just the way you want it...quiet/kid/dog/drunk/ free...then the problem is probably not with everyone else and their annoying _______. The problem is with you.

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This is really a no-brainer.

If you do not want to eat around dogs - do not goto the places that allow them. PERIOD. It is your choice. Nobody is forcing you to go anywhere.

If you do not want to eat around children - do not eat early. If a restaurant has a kids menu of any kind at all - then it is acceptable for a parent to bring a child. PERIOD.

I find people who think kids should not be allowed in restaurants far more offensive than those who don't think dogs should be allowed on patios - but nobody is forcing you to eat at either place. If you see kids in a restaurant, or if the place has a kids menu then you should turn around and go somewhere else before you even sit down. You have no more right to be in the place than they do, even if they are offensive. You are not special just because you think you are. Neither are the kids, but you never see parents get up and tell adults they cant eat somewhere.

If management will serve people or pets then they have just as much a right to be there as you do. I am so tired of people getting offended so easily. Life is short - people really need to stop getting annoyed at the little things. There are tens of thousands of choices of places to eat in Houston...if you can't find a place to eat that is just the way you want it...quiet/kid/dog/drunk/ free...then the problem is probably not with everyone else and their annoying _______. The problem is with you.

I agree :)

I can't stand eating around misbehaving children or animals. If they are well-behaved I don't mind.

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as an aside, in episode 39 of mythbusters, they did an experiment of whether a person, or dog's mouth was dirtier. it turned out that the dog's mouth was less dirty than the person's mouth.

I doubt that has anything to do with dog dander, or whether or not they roll around in poop before coming with their owners to the restaurant.

I think people worry too much about dirty stuff though, I think of it as bolstering my immune system.

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as an aside, in episode 39 of mythbusters, they did an experiment of whether a person, or dog's mouth was dirtier. it turned out that the dog's mouth was less dirty than the person's mouth.

I doubt that has anything to do with dog dander, or whether or not they roll around in poop before coming with their owners to the restaurant.

I think people worry too much about dirty stuff though, I think of it as bolstering my immune system.

This is not an urban myth regarding clean freaks. Studies have shown that, just as immunization shots inject a small amount of virus into your body so that your immune system will build up a tolerance to it, your body also fights off common germs the same way. It is no coincidence that obsessive hand washers get sick more often than slobs like me, who smoke, play with my dogs, and let them lick my face.

But try telling that to the OBDs and see what happens. I'll bet I get half a dozen anecdotes after this post alone.

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This is not an urban myth regarding clean freaks. Studies have shown that, just as immunization shots inject a small amount of virus into your body so that your immune system will build up a tolerance to it, your body also fights off common germs the same way. It is no coincidence that obsessive hand washers get sick more often than slobs like me, who smoke, play with my dogs, and let them lick my face.

But try telling that to the OBDs and see what happens. I'll bet I get half a dozen anecdotes after this post alone.

I'm with you, I'm not so sure smoking helps, but I am certain that eating dirt as a child has made my immune system stronger as an adult.

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You are an idiot! Google it you fool.

I Googled it. I couldn't find any reliable first-hand reports of dogs dying from chocolate. I found a professor of animal somethingorother in Colorado who said that in 16 years working at an animal hospital, he gets 2-3 dogs a year who come in sick from eating chocolate, but that none have ever died. I found hundreds of anecdotal reports of dogs eating large quantities of chocolate and either not dying, or merely getting the runs or the jitters. But never any deaths.

But then, I only looked at the first few pages of results. I'm sure someone with more interest in the topic (I currently have a cat) could dig something up.

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as an aside, in episode 39 of mythbusters, they did an experiment of whether a person, or dog's mouth was dirtier. it turned out that the dog's mouth was less dirty than the person's mouth.

Did they do the measurements right after the dog ate another dog's poop and then licked its own nards? I hope Adam was the control on that one! :lol:

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Theobromine poisining

I've read of cases that its fatal. Has to be very large amounts, and is dependent on the size of the dog. My dog growing up got in to small amounts of chocolate, never got sick. He also ate indian food so that probably helped him build a tough stomach. Though he did die of cancer when he was 10...

Anyways, I've been taking my dog to a couple of places weekly getting a spot in the corner of the patio and no one has said anything other than compliments on occasion.

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