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Your predictions for 2010


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Make five predictions before January 1, 2010. In 12 months we'll revisit this thread and see how everyone did.

Here are mine:

  1. There will be some economic recovery, but things will continue to be bad through the end of 2010.
  2. Yahoo! will cease to exist as it currently is
  3. E-readers will be the subject of a lot of talk, but won't lead to a renaissance in reading.
  4. A new social networking site (something like Twitter or Facebook) will rise to prominence.
  5. Something very bad will happen in Pakistan

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My Five

  1. Apple Table/iPad whatever will be released in spring '10 and will be a success.
  2. PlayStation 3 will overtake Xbox 360 in global sale to take the #2 spot in the current generation.
  3. The next phase of the BLVD place will begin construction
  4. Highstreet will resume construction
  5. Interest rates will rise from 0-0.25 to 0.75%

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Make five predictions before January 1, 2010. In 12 months we'll revisit this thread and see how everyone did.

Here are mine:

  1. There will be some economic recovery, but things will continue to be bad through the end of 2010.
  2. Yahoo! will cease to exist as it currently is
  3. E-readers will be the subject of a lot of talk, but won't lead to a renaissance in reading.
  4. A new social networking site (something like Twitter or Facebook) will rise to prominence.
  5. Something very bad will happen in Pakistan

* Deficit spending without a corresponding increase in taxes (coupled with stabilization in inventory levels that reduce earlier offsetting deflationary pressures) will lead to further devaluation of the Dollar, increased inflation expectations, higher interest rates, and higher equities and commodities prices.

* The labor market freefall will be cease but there will be no meaningful recovery.

* The midterm elections will witness a Republican resurgence, not on the basis of merit, but because Obama isn't on the ticket.

* I will find a regular full-time job. It'll be boring and the pay will suck.

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I suggest that people make predictions that can be measured with objective metrics.

1. National unemployment will still be >9% at the end of the year.

2. If healthcare legislation passes both houses and is signed into law by the President it will not include a public option. Expansion of Medicare to include more users does not count. (Though that probably won't happen either)

3. 1 or more detainees will still be held at Guantanamo

4. Houston will not quite pass Chicago in population in the 2010 Census (prediction cannot be measured until the data is released, so may not be measurable in December 2010)

5. Bill White is our next governor (DARE TO DREAM!)

6. DJIA, Last day of 2009 close to last day of 2010 close >20% gain.

Edited by kylejack
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I suggest that people make predictions that can be measured with objective metrics.

1. National unemployment will still be >9% at the end of the year.

2. If healthcare legislation passes both houses and is signed into law by the President it will not include a public option. Expansion of Medicare to include more users does not count. (Though that probably won't happen either)

3. 1 or more detainees will still be held at Guantanamo

4. Houston will not quite pass Chicago in population in the 2010 Census (prediction cannot be measured until the data is released, so may not be measurable in December 2010)

5. Bill White is our next governor (DARE TO DREAM!)

6. DJIA, Last day of 2009 close to last day of 2010 close >20% gain.

1. Citigroup will accept even more government funds to stay afloat (or be forced to accept them).

2. Healthcare legislation will not pass and will probably be quietly swept under the rug by then.

3. During the campaign season, all political false starts be be labeled as failed-Obamaism by the Republicans and Republican incalcitrance by the Democrats. Nothing will change in DC. Nothing at all. Voters will become even more apathetic as they realize how little politicians are actually concerned with their welfare and how much more they value the game of politik. Republicans will gain some traction in the House and Senate but not due to a surge in Republican votes, but rather due to being the lowest mid-term election turnout ever recorded (per capita).

4. I don't know about Bill White being the next governor, but Rick Perry will not win the seat again.

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1. More English language radio stations in Houston will be flipped to Spanish language.

2. More Local Fortune 500 companies will layoff thousands of people.

3. Another year of no new high-rise or major development announcements in Houston.

4. Construction on METROs new light rail lines will be suspended indefinitely.

5. A news anchor that has been on Houston TV for many years will announce his retirement.

I hope the opposite of these actually happens. We will see one year from now.

Edited by citykid09
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  • The world economy will gain strength unexpectably from developing countries' expansion. Recession will happen later in the decade from big boom.
  • 3rd party will slowly form consisting of Republicans, conservative Independets, Libertarians... possible name is Tea Party.
  • Houston economic recovery will remain moderate.
  • Obama's approval will continue to drop despite his continued success of passing certain key bills such as universal healthcare no matter how it turns out.
  • US will be successful in Afghanistan but the government will remain corrupt. Possible unexpected (unfortunate) will occur in Pakistan.
  • New tension in Israel area.
  • Iran will dominate discussion once again.

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1. The Angelika in Bayou Place will close leaving only one Art House left.

2. More Poser bars will open on Washington Avenue.

3. The HLSR will have a bland line up of pop tarts and geezers.

4. Chicago Pizza in the Heights will close and we will lose the best deep dish pizza in town. Star Pizza sucks.

5. Local TV stations will raid strip clubs to find on air talent.

6. More weeds will grow where Astroworld once stood

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  • The world economy will gain strength unexpectably from developing countries' expansion. Recession will happen later in the decade from big boom.
  • 3rd party will slowly form consisting of Republicans, conservative Independets, Libertarians... possible name is Tea Party.
  • Houston economic recovery will remain moderate.
  • Obama's approval will continue to drop despite his continued success of passing certain key bills such as universal healthcare no matter how it turns out.
  • US will be successful in Afghanistan but the government will remain corrupt. Possible unexpected (unfortunate) will occur in Pakistan.
  • New tension in Israel area.
  • Iran will dominate discussion once again.

Why not add some measurable metrics to your predictions? For example, what does it mean to "be successful" in Afghanistan? Coalition deaths down by how much? Afghanistan Army + police increases membership by how much?

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Are you saying that Dave Ward is outta here??

2010 sounds like a good year to do so, he has been on that station since the 50s or 60s.

1. More English language radio stations in Houston will be flipped to Spanish language.

2. More Local Fortune 500 companies will layoff thousands of people.

3. Another year of no new high-rise or major development announcements in Houston.

4. Construction on METROs new light rail lines will be suspended indefinitely.

5. A news anchor that has been on Houston TV for many years will announce his retirement.

I hope the opposite of these actually happen. We will see one year from now.

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* 6 more bars will open along Douchington Ave

* Med Centre will announce another huge research building

* St. Arnolds Divine #10 will sell out in less than 10 minutes

* Star Wars comes out on blu ray

* San Francisco/LA will experience a major quake

Speaking of DR, DR9 is going to be tapped at Woodrow's Midtown on Tuesday. They have discovered the only way to get me to come to their bar. Flying Saucer is also holding a keg still. Not sure when they will tap.

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Speaking of DR, DR9 is going to be tapped at Woodrow's Midtown on Tuesday. They have discovered the only way to get me to come to their bar. Flying Saucer is also holding a keg still. Not sure when they will tap.

I picked up a couple 6packs of DR9 and it just confirmed to me I'm not all that fond of fruits and veggies in my beer. I do think DR8 was brewed by the gods however. [/hijack]

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I picked up a couple 6packs of DR9 and it just confirmed to me I'm not all that fond of fruits and veggies in my beer. I do think DR8 was brewed by the gods however. [/hijack]

Well if you're ever trying to unload those sixers, you know who to contact. I thought it was excellent and surprisingly drinkable for 11% ABV. 8 was great too.

Back on topic, I predict I will drink as much DR as possible in the next year.

Edited by kylejack
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1. Oil will be within +/-$5 of where it is right now ($72)

2. Kentucky will win the NCAA basketball tournament

3. No hurricanes make landfall in TX, again

4. We will go from drought to soaked again, with a top 10 record rainfall in the month of July

5. My tomato plant will not grow back after that freeze, the lemon tree will be fine

6. The Saints will NOT win the super bowl (reverse superstition, go Saints!)

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My Predictions...

1. I will get a better paying job.

2. Houston will rebound with significant building/skyscraper/mixed use/public building, public parks, etc. proposals at least by the end of the year. I see the beautification of the city by 40%.

3. Miami, Dallas, New York, Phoenix, and I want to say Chicago... will slow down with growth, but eventually skyrocketing back up in 4 years.

4. Houston will make progressive plans to expand our economy to keep the money flowing into our flourishing city. Maybe even foundations to the future city-state of Houston, the energy capitol of the world, leader in trade & commerce. (The Hong Kong/Singapore of the Americas. Take that Panama City!). :lol:

5. I say no Terrorist attacks. except for random ones in Afghanistan & Iraq.

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1.) At least one sovereign debt fund will default.

2.) All financial institutions who took TARP funds will have paid them back, in full.

3.) If a sell off on Wall Street occurs, DOW will drop back to 8,000 - but not lower.

4.) DOW will not close above 11,500 at any point during the year.

5.) Houston will be hit with a Cat 3 or higher hurricane; Annise Parker will be blamed (as Houston is now a doomed Sodom/Gomorrah city).

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1. The 2010 mid-term elections will be known as "The Next Revolution"

2. Internet "Meet-Up" groups grow in popularity and garner national attention.

3. Texas has an exciting gubernatorial race (at long last).

4. Annise Parker brings greater attention to historic preservation in Houston.

5. Continued economic malaise.

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4. Annise Parker brings greater attention to historic preservation in Houston.

she also wonders why there are less police officers since she's been controller but she's strong on crime.

EDIT: garnet is on his medicine.

Edited by musicman
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1. Politicians will lie

2. More of America's youth will be needlessly killed in Afghaniland and Iraq

3. The Democrats will steal more of my money

4. The man on TV will remind me that a 4 hour boner is bad

5. The response time on HAIF will continue to get worse

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  • 11 months later...

1. Oil will be within +/-$5 of where it is right now ($72)

2. Kentucky will win the NCAA basketball tournament

3. No hurricanes make landfall in TX, again

4. We will go from drought to soaked again, with a top 10 record rainfall in the month of July

5. My tomato plant will not grow back after that freeze, the lemon tree will be fine

6. The Saints will NOT win the super bowl (reverse superstition, go Saints!)

1. $88 right now, but when did I mean? Who knows. It was $72 at some point last year. Badly framed prediction

2. Doh!

3. Correct

4. It was the 4th wettest July in recorded history for Houston!

5. Tomato plant died. Gone. Lemon tree came back to life somehow

6. It worked!! I should get some kind of payment for that, right?

Not bad, 4 out of 5. The first one was dumb.

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