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Posted (edited)

Whatever you think about UFOs and whatever you believe there can't be all these people telling lies. Personally, I think it's possible to that our planet is being visited by aliens, future or past humans from another dimension, or maybe even super advanced government airplanes/spacveships.

I just want the truth to come out....

... but could we handle the truth?

Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO

Large silent object with bright lights was flying low and fast


STEPHENVILLE, Texas - In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO.

Full article here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22656172/

Edited by houstonmacbro
Whatever you think about UFOs and whatever you believe there can't be all these people telling lies. Personally, I think it's possible to that our planet is being visited by aliens, future or past humans from another dimension, or maybe even super advanced government airplanes/spacveships.

I just want the truth to come out....

... but could we handle the truth?

We can join them! Wonder if you can buy this gizmo on E-Bay? :D



I don't see why anyone has such a hard time accepting the idea that we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. Even if one is Christian, this doesn't mean aliens can't exist.

I don't see why anyone has such a hard time accepting the idea that we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. Even if one is Christian, this doesn't mean aliens can't exist.

I sometimes have a hard time accepting that humans are intelligent life, period.

I sometimes have a hard time accepting that humans are intelligent life, period.


Imagine if aliens from outer space captured Brittany or Paris and assumed all Earth people were like them? :lol:

I guess the updated E.T. would say "ET Cell-phone home?"

I don't see why anyone has such a hard time accepting the idea that we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. Even if one is Christian, this doesn't mean aliens can't exist.

I didn't feel like looking it up, but there is a mathematical equation that PROVES that the possiblity that WE even exist is nil.

I am a Christian, but you are right..... for US to believe that we are THE only intelligent lifeforms in the universe, is just proof of man's VANITY !


I'm always amazed when there is talk of BILLIONS of galaxies with BILLIONS of stars.

First off, I have a hard time imagining very local examples of billions (say dollar bills, pennies, stones, cars ... much less entire GALAXIES).

I am open to the possibility that there are alien civilizations, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were none either.

Guess we won't know until the mothership lands on the Katy Freeway at 4:45 p.m.


I don't know, it could be alien spacecraft, but I think it may be the next step in stealth aviation under flight tests by the US Govt. The B-2 bomber and F-117 were often called UFOs during their flight tests. They were top secret and people hadn't seen or heard anything like those planes before.


Yeah, but it was interesting that the government swooped in with an 'explanation' of what happened. I mean, the whole light shining off (the planet) Venus explanation is getting silly.

I think we know the difference between a planet and a plane.

... at least I hope we do!

I don't see why anyone has such a hard time accepting the idea that we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. Even if one is Christian, this doesn't mean aliens can't exist.

But don't Chrisitns believe that the only life "God" created was here on earth? Even if that's true and other life was found they would find some way to "spin" it to still make it seem like what they believe is correct... they would never admit they might be wrong.

Yeah, but it was interesting that the government swooped in with an 'explanation' of what happened. I mean, the whole light shining off (the planet) Venus explanation is getting silly.

I think we know the difference between a planet and a plane.

... at least I hope we do!

I also found it odd that the Gov't swooped in so quickly w/ an explanation... really made it seem like something was up.

I don't know, it could be alien spacecraft, but I think it may be the next step in stealth aviation under flight tests by the US Govt. The B-2 bomber and F-117 were often called UFOs during their flight tests. They were top secret and people hadn't seen or heard anything like those planes before.

Reports say it was a mile long and a half mile wide, that would be hard to miss hovering over the town. Some others reported seeing possible fighter jets following it.

But don't Chrisitns believe that the only life "God" created was here on earth? Even if that's true and other life was found they would find some way to "spin" it to still make it seem like what they believe is correct... they would never admit they might be wrong.

Earth is the only life God reported creating on his tax return. The other worlds are strictly a cash operation. ;)

Posted (edited)
Earth is the only life God reported creating on his tax return. The other worlds are strictly a cash operation. ;)

You think he might be an illegal immigrant?

Cash economy, created the universe in seven days, his word has to be translated, and his son is a carpenter whose name Americans slaughter as badly as "San 'Filipee' Rd."...think about it.

Edited by TheNiche
But don't Chrisitns believe that the only life "God" created was here on earth?

Not necessarily. I'm a Christian and I don't believe anything either way. As far as the Bible is concerned, the basis for my beliefs, I don't believe it discusses this matter specifically if at all. Six days of creation and a day of rest are mentioned but was that all? Maybe. Maybe not.

At any rate, that's just my belief...I'm sure there are others.

Reports say it was a mile long and a half mile wide, that would be hard to miss hovering over the town. Some others reported seeing possible fighter jets following it.

21st century USAF "Big Stick" program? You know the old saying, speak softly and carry a big stick? In this case, little or no engine noise and a large size craft.


I don't believe in most of the bible (as being the 'true, unadulterated word of God') or organized religion, as such -as much of it has been contrived, manipulated, rewritten, suppressed, etc. for various purposes over the centuries.

As for UFOs, I am not sure ... I guess I am agnostic to it. I cannot prove nor disprove that people are seeing things, but I also cannot fathom why so many would make things like this up (but some people also see elves, gnomes, chupacabras, Big Foot, and all other manner of unexplained creatures not to mention the whole paranormal world --ghosts, demons, angels).

I've been reading a lot about quantum mechanics and it (QM) seems to explain a lot of unexplainable things ... like how things can be here and there, and disappear and reappear when observed. So maybe all these unexplained phenomena are really coming from other dimensions that we just can't imagine ... and we don't have the technology or understanding yet to ... comprehend it all yet.

But don't Chrisitns believe that the only life "God" created was here on earth? Even if that's true and other life was found they would find some way to "spin" it to still make it seem like what they believe is correct... they would never admit they might be wrong.

There is no doctrine one way or the other, which is why it annoys me that other Christians are so dead set on not believing in even the possibility.

Christianity & the Bible and aliens aren't mutually exclusive. Just like Christianity & the Bible and evolution aren't mutually exclusive. Only those who really have no clue what they are talking about would dare to say that they are. Sadly, most Christians have no clue why they are actually Christian.


One can find good reasons to believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. It's much harder to find good reasons to believe that life would make strange lights move in the sky over a small town on Earth. If they are curious about small towns, why not large towns? If they can't watch without being seen, why don't we see them elsewhere? If they bothered to come all this way and not communicate with us, why not hide themselves? None of that makes sense.

One can find good reasons to believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. It's much harder to find good reasons to believe that life would make strange lights move in the sky over a small town on Earth. If they are curious about small towns, why not large towns? If they can't watch without being seen, why don't we see them elsewhere? If they bothered to come all this way and not communicate with us, why not hide themselves? None of that makes sense.

Not that this is an explanation, but on Star Trek The Next Generation, they did not land and interact with primitive societies because they felt it would taint them. Only when they felt sufficiently sure that the primitives were ready, would they actually make 'first contact'.

Maybe we're just not ready?

I mean, what do you think would happen if an armada of these things landed in our communities or flew over our major cities like in Independence Day...? Most people would freak out. Now, combine that with aliens slithering out and trying to meet you (at your front door or perhaps at your backdoor), aliens that wouldn't necessarily look human, and you'd have one freaked out planet.

Now, what if these things weren't friendly (which doesn't bode well for the first contact argument as if they aren't friendly why not just attack?).

Anyhow, there are many reasons I could think of why they wouldn't make themselves known ... if they're out there at all ...

Not that this is an explanation, but on Star Trek The Next Generation, they did not land and interact with primitive societies because they felt it would taint them. Only when they felt sufficiently sure that the primitives were ready, would they actually make 'first contact'.

Maybe we're just not ready?

Then why are people seeing anything? If its because they lack the technology to stay hidden, why aren't people seeing these lights over Tokyo or London?


I've never seen a UFO, but I have seen something very strange in the sky a couple years ago.

I was in college in the Santa Clarita valley just north of LA. It was close to getting dark but there was still plenty of sunshine. I came out of the classroom to see this strange trail of "smoke" or something in the sky. From what I can remember, it looked like those trails airplanes sometimes make, but it was gigantic. This wasn't too long after 9/11 and I was thinking it could possibly be some nuke. But what was was weird was that it wasn't a straight line. It sort of zig-zagged and there were like five or six segments of it and each one was a different color, sort of like a rainbow (it sort of look liked the northern skyes/an aurora?). But the trail continued to get longer and longer until finally, BOOM! It exploded. It was weird because the effect was almost like a firework. The burst looked exactly like a sand dollar. All this took place very very high in the sky and looked like it was in another stratosphere.

We had no idea what it was. I later came to hear of a rumor that someone had either called the news station, police or some weather system (I can't remember which), but they said it was the launch of a satelite.

Probably the most incredible thing I've ever seen, and mysterious.

Since everyone is combining religion and UFO's lets just join the rest. I still have my purple shroud just in case. Just a hint, bring plenty of change for the soft drinks on the space ship.



Will there be coffee? I can't do anything without a cup of joe in the morning...or in the afternoon for that matter.

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