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Does anybody know anything about an establishment called "Jamie's Place", planned for construction on land facing Herkimer, but backing up to Nicholson, between 11th and 12th? Right accross from the Nicholson Street Townhome complex by Perry...

Scared homeowner...hoping its not a strip club or something...


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Well, the topic description says it all. Came home from work at 11:15 p.m. Friday to find out my place had been burglarized. :angry2:

I figure it happened sometime between 2:45 and 8 p.m. (when my duplex neighbor arrived home). HPD figures it was at least two teens involved because they opened a window wide enough for only teens to enter.

The little dudes must have done this before. They knew what to look for. DVD players, a digital camera, DVDs, VCRs are gone. Computer equipment, my local history items and some antiques weren't stolen, though.

Anyway, just wanted this to serve as a warning for other Woodland Heights, Heights-area residents. Keep your eyes peeled!

Edited by gonzo1976
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Well, the topic description says it all. Came home from work at 11:15 p.m. Friday to find out my place had been burglarized. :angry2:

I figure it happened sometime between 2:45 and 8 p.m. (when my duplex neighbor arrived home). HPD figures it was at least two teens involved because they opened a window wide enough for only teens to enter.

The little dudes must have done this before. They knew what to look for. DVD players, a digital camera, DVDs, VCRs are gone. Computer equipment, my local history items and some antiques weren't stolen, though.

Anyway, just wanted this to serve as a warning for other Woodland Heights, Heights-area residents. Keep your eyes peeled!

The park and bayou that makes Woodland Heights so desirable also puts it within proximity to many homeless, and I-10 transients who sleep there and then come up into the neighborhood when opportunity strikes. Sorry about your stuff. I've had it happen to me before.

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Yeah, well, it's just stuff, I suppose. Nothing broken, no one hurt. It definitely makes you rethink home security, though.

the officers always say, if someone wants in, they will get in. you just have to make your house look a little harder to get in than your neighbor's and maybe they'll go there.

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I'm sure this feels like a personal invasion....as it has happened to me, more than once.

The last time (a few years back) they came in through a bathroom window, and like you said, they knew exactly what they were looking for. They took my computer which is what got me the most upset, along with the TV's, Game System (I think it was Nintendo back then), all the movies, stereo equipment, and stuff like that.

This is what I learned from that experience... If they want in..they are going to get in.... so be sure they can get out. Because I had dead bolt locks, the ripped my back door off. This caused the most damage. Not only did I have to buy a new door, all the molding around the door was destroyed.

It was certainly kids (out of school for the summer and looking for a quick buck). Funny thing is, a few weeks later I got a call from HPD. They had found most of our stuff. The little thieves had taken my son's backpack to put the movies and games in. Little did they know the backpack had our phone number written on the inside tab. But the computer was long gone, and the TV had been dropped. Since Insurance had already paid for us to replace our stuff...they just came and picked up what HPD returned to us.

Anyway... I'm sorry for your loss... but like others said.. it is just stuff..and thank God you were not home..and no one got hurt.

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The park and bayou that makes Woodland Heights so desirable also puts it within proximity to many homeless, and I-10 transients who sleep there and then come up into the neighborhood when opportunity strikes.

I noticed the homeless hanging out near the bayou a few weeks ago when I was in the area..and asked a friend of mine about them who grew up in Woodland Heights and parents still live there . They were not hanging out there in the early 80's when I lived over there.

Anyway... I do not think these type people break into houses. I'm figuring they are too drunk and lazy to spend the energy it would take to break into a house and get out before getting caught.

I bet it's kids... who someone has taught what they need to take to get quick money.

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Did you leave the TV on and the lights on? This keeps burglars away.

I wish CCTV cameras were affordable for homeowners to install - If that was the case, you could send a copy of a video showing the face of the guy who robbed your house to the police and then air the video on Youtube.

I wish those automatic machine guns seen in the video game "Goldeneye 007" were real. Those would be great deterrents to burglars. ;)

* Note: In some levels there are these blue machine guns mounted on walls that have cameras attached. If James Bond (the player's character) gets too close to the gun, the gun moves towards Bond and shoots at him.

Edited by VicMan
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Did you leave the TV on and the lights on? This keeps burglars away.

I wish CCTV cameras were affordable for homeowners to install - If that was the case, you could send a copy of a video showing the face of the guy who robbed your house to the police and then air the video on Youtube.

I wish those automatic machine guns seen in the video game "Goldeneye 007" were real. Those would be great deterrents to burglars. ;)

* Note: In some levels there are these blue machine guns mounted on walls that have cameras attached. If James Bond (the player's character) gets too close to the gun, the gun moves towards Bond and shoots at him.

actually, it's not THAT expensive to put in a CCTV system in your home. for under a grand, you can set up a couple of good and discrete cameras to a DVR that can be hidden somewhere to a home.

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actually, it's not THAT expensive to put in a CCTV system in your home. for under a grand, you can set up a couple of good and discrete cameras to a DVR that can be hidden somewhere to a home.

This is true. Heck, I think Sam's Club sells some decent cameras.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, the topic description says it all. Came home from work at 11:15 p.m. Friday to find out my place had been burglarized. :angry2:

Anyway, just wanted this to serve as a warning for other Woodland Heights, Heights-area residents. Keep your eyes peeled!

Thanks for alerting! :o Eyes wide open.

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  • 1 month later...

The Woodland Heights forum is talking about some buildings north of Arnes on Studemont being fenced off with heavy equipment seemingly prepping for some (demo?) work. Any nuggets of wisdom from haifers on what could be going on here, if anything?

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The Woodland Heights forum is talking about some buildings north of Arnes on Studemont being fenced off with heavy equipment seemingly prepping for some (demo?) work. Any nuggets of wisdom from haifers on what could be going on here, if anything?

Aren't they planning on continuing the frontage road past Studemont? Maybe it's related to that.

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Aren't they planning on continuing the frontage road past Studemont? Maybe it's related to that.

No it's well back from where the frontage road will be - closer to Arnie's. It's all fenced in with a demolition company sign hanging on the gate. A while back there was a post on this board somewhere about this parcel being for sale. There are 2 other properties between this one and I-10 - CBS Outdoor and Johnson Controls.

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the warehouses north of Arnes and south of I-10 (on the east side on studemont) are owned by "Lui Investments Studemont, LP" / "Lui Houston Studemont, LP"

at first i thought it was a misspelling of "Liu" but the Comptroller of Public Accounts lists this:

LUI HOUSTON STUDEMONT GP L L C (and Lui Houston Studemont II)


HOUSTON, TX 77046-0503

directed by Daniel R. Dubrowski, Glenn Lowenstein, and Thomas G. Bacon

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at first i thought it was a misspelling of "Liu" but the Comptroller of Public Accounts lists this:

LUI HOUSTON STUDEMONT GP L L C (and Lui Houston Studemont II)


HOUSTON, TX 77046-0503

directed by Daniel R. Dubrowski, Glenn Lowenstein, and Thomas G. Bacon

I wonder if it's Frank Liu with Lovett Homes?
the same thought occurred to me.

yep - my first thought, but the Lui spelling was consistent everywhere i saw it. and no mention of Frank or his office address

but who knows...

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  • 2 months later...

Just got back from a halloween trip to Arnes and heard a big crash as I was walking to my car. Looked over towards the parking lot and saw a big earth mover just started to wipe out another building. If they keep this up, I'll be able to see Target from Studemont before too much longer...

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if this is not the right information - I don't know how to look these things up - but I found something titled a "Municipal Setting Designation Application" (prepared for LUI Houston Studemont, L.P.) for 1200 Givens (the street that runs to the west of Arne's), which appears to be the parcel just north of Arne's. I don't know that it borders Studemont, but it's probably related to what's going on in the immediate area. Maybe someone else can get more information from the document - but here's some language from it:

A map depicting the designated property and adjacent properties is presented in Appendix B, Figure 1 (Site Plan Map). The designated property is currently vacant and is not in use; two vacant warehouse buildings, concrete/asphalt drives, and parking areas were demolished in October 2007. The properties within 500 feet of the designated property are commercial/industrial and are described below.

Edited by tmariar
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These folks spent a lot of money for a 1.4 acre plot. If they plan a residential development, it will have to be apartments to make it worthwhile.

I was interested to see further down in the study the number of residential water wells in River Oaks and surrounding areas. Must be for watering those giant yards there.

Edited by Ross
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  • 2 weeks later...

The developer is Lionstone Group (www.lionstonegroup.com). They focus on developing mixed-use properties in urban areas. They have a good track record. The following is a link to an article in the Houston Business Journal about the group.

HBJ Article about Lionstone Group

HCAD lists entities controlled by Lionstone (LIU Houston Studemont, LIU Investments Studemont) as the owner of the following 4 tracts:

  • 1500 Studemont
  • 1400 Studemont
  • 1200 Givens
  • 1312 Studemont

The HBJ identified Jeff Lindenberger with McDade, Smith, Gould, Johnston, Mason + Company as the broker who helped them assemble the properties.

The MSD applies only to 1200 Givens.

According to the Harris County Clerk's office Lionsgate granted a Warranty Deed to Verde Real Estate Investment Group and Verde Student Apartments in May 2007. September 2007, the Planning Commission approved an application to replat a 7.2 acre tract of land submitted by Verde Studemont Apartments (I have requested a copy of the application). My guess is the tract does not include the property at 1200 Givens, which is the subject of the MSD application.

I think there is a missing .3 acre tract of land. According to the HBJ, Lionsgate owned an 8.6 acre tract of land along Studemont. The 4 tracts above total 8.25 acres. The total of the three Studemont tracts is 6.9 acres, .3 acres less than the replat application.

It looks to me like this will be a fairly large multi-unit residential property.


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