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About MarthaG

  • Birthday 01/26/1959

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Oak Forest

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  1. As of 9:00 am this morning I still have no power. My neighbors across the street never lost power and have been true neighbors and extended a cord last Sunday. Sometimes I plug in fridge, sometimes a fan, charge a phone, etc. I will be forever thankful. Centerpoint says we should have power by Thursday. Living in Oak Forest, the tree damage in our area is terrible. Neighbor 3 doors down had 2 HUGE pine trees crash through her house. She lives alone and taking the stress very well. Paid $7000 to have those trees removed. I worry about the structual soundness of her house now. I have been hanging at the office yesterday and today. Yesterday I worked...today I'm reading newspaper and surfing net. I'm wondering if I can get away with sleeping here tonight.
  2. Yep, it is. It is not P.C., but it's true. Considering when these neighborhoods were built, it was not common for whites and blacks to live in the same neighborhood. And for what ever reason it has pretty much stayed segregated. None of the public schools in this area are good. Most kids go to Private schools if parents can afford.
  3. I have been hoping for a Chick-Fil-A..so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But we need a decent restaurant. The new bank is Wachovia. I like their building style, but we do not need ANOTHER bank in that block. Makes me think the banks making the BIG bucks these days. Next to Starbucks in Message Envy is going in...or at least their sign went in. With the current turn in economy I'm concerned about this shopping center. Tenants do not seem to be committing. The Starbucks does not seem to be busy enough. Even though I'm about to make a run for an Ice Tea myself. My latest gripe about Oak Forest is that TACKY TACKY Pawn Shop sign on Ella across from Shipley's. Did they really need the Huge sign? Why is it so low that it is All you see when you cross the RR Track. Seems like there should be some regulations on size and height of signs.
  4. Is this glass tile on the back splash? If so, can you share where it was purchased? I have not had lucking finding it in Houston. Thanks.
  5. I was wondering about this project as well. I just did a Google and did not find anything current... So...does any one have some info they can share?
  6. Contact these folks about street lighting... I'm sure for a price, anything is possible. http://www.mptech.biz/street.htm
  7. Thank you so much for your post. I never would have considered HD as I would have been afraid of what kind of contractor they would send. I guess you never know. Those look like the nice hinges, which is something I must replace as well. I got a kick out of your back splash because I have been looking at one similar (in copper) to save some costs until I can get the glass tile I really want. What kind of counter tops are those? How is that Black sink working for you?... I was looking at that as well. I do not want stainless... I'm all about black appliances. Thanks again!
  8. I am thrilled they are finally painting it. I got a real laugh out of your "creepy" comment. But it is creepy in a good way. The house is so wonderful that it deserves to be saved. As I recall, the front porch is going to need some major rotten wood replaced.
  9. I am interested by those Newspapers that Vertigo58 is showing. My father moved to the area in 1960 and took a job with the Galveston Newspaper. By the time Carla came, we were all living in Houston and he was working for the Houston Post. At least I thought it was the Houston Post.
  10. Hey everyone... I have been MIA. I have the "bug" to do some work in my kitchen, but money is limited. I have great cabinets that were custom built in the late 60's. And do not replace them. I originally thought of painting them, but I think I really want new doors and drawer fronts. Has anyone had their cabinets refaced? And what experience have you had. There is a company very close to where I live (Oak Forest) that I would probably use. They did my sisters house 15 years ago and she was happy, but she moved before we found out how they held up. A friend in another state recently had hers done and loves them. Does $100 an opening sound about right for the price? I have 35 cabinets doors and drawer fronts, so I'm hoping price would be $3500. Any thoughts? Appreciate help feed back you may have.
  11. Thanks guys... I have noticed he has been on the phone a lot. We will discuss that when he tells me final price for today... So far... the test shows no leaks in any of the pipes..and my pressure is good. Today he is only caulking the shower fixture. I asked him to look at some other things "while he was here" so you know the bill is going up by the minute. The problem in the shower is definitely tile leaking... not good... There goes the tax return money... Can anyone recommend a tile person? Near the Heights area.
  12. I have one running tests to see what is wrong... there is some kind of leak in the shower area.. I am guessing I have to find out what exactly is wrong before I can bid by the job? Looks like I may need some tile work done as well... This guy charging $65 per hour to run these tests... sound fair?
  13. I need to hire a plumber... what is the going hourly rate for licensed master plumber these days?
  14. Hi everyone... I've been out of pocket again...but I heard the recent news about NW Mall...and thought I would drop by and see if anyone was talking about it.
  15. The Galleria Joskes was upscale...but they also had a bargain "basement" only it was on the top floor. My memories are from mid 70s I guess... My mom and I would spend hours in the bargain area finding the best deals. I have many memories from Joskes. One of the earlier was probably late 60s at the Northline Store... we went shopping for new curtains for my bedroom. I sweet talked my mom into some hand painted panels that cost $22 for each panel.. I needed 6.. which was a ton of money for us at the time. And then she still had to buy the drapes that went on top. That was me being spoiled.
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