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Embassy Suites Hilton Houston Downtown Hotel At 1515 Dallas St.


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Why is beige/tan the new theme in dt houston? This thing is almost as ugly as the pavillions.

You know, I've wondered about the beige thing many times myself. Is beige the rage just in Houston, or is it a nationwide color fad? It's truly odd how one color came to dominate so much of architecture. I think history will look back and call this The Age of Beige.

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You know, I've wondered about the beige thing many times myself. Is beige the rage just in Houston, or is it a nationwide color fad? It's truly odd how one color came to dominate so much of architecture. I think history will look back and call this The Age of Beige.

Isn't beige California and Arizona's state colors? Every one of their houses are that color or one close to it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Photo I took yesterday of this monstrosity.


It's part of the only color in the photo, the rest being greys and whites. I see that as a good thing. So, by itself, it might look like a suburban hospital, a strip center on steroids or maybe a Tuscan garage-mahal. But as part of the overall scraperscape, it both attracts and rests the eye. It also harmonizes with the other earth tones of the new apartments by the park and the domed courthouse thingy down the street.

Edited by Lotus
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It's part of the only color in the photo, the rest being greys and whites. I see that as a good thing. So, by itself, it might look like a suburban hospital, a strip center on steroids or maybe a Tuscan garage-mahal. But as part of the overall scraperscape, it both attracts and rests the eye. It also harmonizes with the other earth tones of the new apartments by the park and the domed courthouse thingy down the street.

I don't share that perspective. It attracts the wrong attention and is an eye sore...It's the biggest let down of the year...or of the decade? is that too strong to say? Wish they'd implode this thing already lol

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Which justifies being an eyesore? :rolleyes:

Not every member of our society is a unique little snowflake. Nor is every member of our society magnificent. The same is true of that society's structures. Ho hum. I find myself puzzled that so many unremarkable people have so great a measure of expectations for every minor building.

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Oh for Gawd's sake people. It's a frickin' Embassy Suites. Get over it already.

... in a very visible spot adjacent to a a multi-million dollar public/private park. I'd have no complaints about the E.S. Hotel if it were located just 3 blocks away. This block called for something better.

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After doing a couple of image searches, I propose this... Embassy Suites is a f-u-g-l-y hotel chain. I challenge persons on this forum to post an overly aesthetically pleasing Embassy Suites that is more than 10 stories tall. Do some searches!!

I've stayed at a few ES's over the years, and they are basically designed as large, inverted motels, with rooms or balconies opening to a big atrium. At the base of the atrium, they typically install artificial waterways and plastic plants for some kind of strange, tacky ambiance. One of their hotels in Dallas even keeps geese in their artificial indoor pond. It's very odd. Anyway, I think the designers of Embassy Suites take their queue from old indoor shopping malls, and since everything is self-contained indoors, they aren't much concerned with the building's external appearance.

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There are so many worse buildings in the world. I'm with Hou19541 - Get over it already.

In that photo recently posted of East Downtown, one can barely even notice ES. You would need to draw a circle around it for people to even know what building you are talking about. This building makes no impact on the skyline whatsoever.

And get real people, ES isn't nearly as bad as the people on this thread say it is. If I could remove any buildings in DT Houston that I wanted to with a blink of an eye . ES wouldn't even make my top 10 list.

Of coarse you have every right to hate this building or any building. However, always remember this: people like to complain about things in order to make themselves sound like they know more than they really do. There sure are a lot of those types at this website.

Does that location deserve something better? Absolutely. But it could have been SO much worse. ES could have built something higher or something that made a much bigger impact. Since you can't change anything, you should start thanking your lucky stars that Houston and Disco Green might have actually dodged a bullet. If the economy was better, they might have built something that would have scarred the Houston skyline forever.

Edited by Mister X
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It's too bad that the mayor of Houston doesn't have veto powers over skyscraper design. I know of one city where anything over 14 stories needs to meet with the mayor's asthetic approval to be built. At least then we'd have a name to hold responsible, and not some faceless company.

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I live here. I could care less what the Embassy Suites looks like in Chamber of Commerce skyline shots. However, I do give a damn about it's street presence. It directly fronts one of the best public/private investments ever undertaken in this city but actually turns its back on the park.

The worst part of it all is that tax money was used to help build it. I think we've matured enough as a city to demand some sort of design review board for projects that seek tax dollars in order to get off the ground. The developer did things on the cheap to help HIS bottom line at the expense of the public. Quite frankly, there should be more anger about that fact; not less.

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It's too bad that the mayor of Houston doesn't have veto powers over skyscraper design. I know of one city where anything over 14 stories needs to meet with the mayor's asthetic approval to be built. At least then we'd have a name to hold responsible, and not some faceless company.

Interesting. What city is this?

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  • 1 month later...

Is this on track to be ready for the Final Four?

Can anyone tell just from looking at it?

It's supposed to open March 11, so if that holds, then yes. Also I was listening to a Rockets game on the radio the other night and they had commercials for the hotel, apparently it's the "Official Downtown Hotel of the Houston Rockets".

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It's too bad that the mayor of Houston doesn't have veto powers over skyscraper design. I know of one city where anything over 14 stories needs to meet with the mayor's asthetic approval to be built. At least then we'd have a name to hold responsible, and not some faceless company.

I, for one, am extremely pleased that our city does not subscribe to such an authoritarian policy. Nothing promotes graft and bribery more than to vest subjective and absolute power in the hands of a single individual. This sounds exactly like something that mob controlled Chicago might do. I have no interest in living in a city run like Chicago.

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