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Pierce Elevated

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Yes they're fencing off everything with nice black wrought iron fences... I can't wait for it to be done!

This should have been done when it built. Better yet, they should have enclosed the sides with cement walls and ivy.

Edited by jdbaker
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It looks like they are fencing off all the areas under the Pierce Elevated where the homeless hang out. Hopefully that will clean up that area but I wonder where the bums will go.

They'll probably decide that since their sweet living quarters have been fenced off that being a bum is not that great, and go back to work.

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Midnight Cowboy 2007

i drove by the pierce and the homeless will definitely be moving. Not sure whether i like entire underside of the pierce elevated to be fenced in. looks like a jail now.

as for midnight cowboy 2007.....surprising what goes on down there. i didn't realize that it's such a hot pickup spot!

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They have to go somewhere... lack of jobs or motiviation to work is only one contributor to homelessness, as in, I don't think many of them will wake up and say "I think I'll get a job today." A larger factor is mental health problems and lack of treatment... the abandonment of the mentally ill and disabled by our society. Of course there should be more affordable housing close to jobs and transit accessible to help keep normal, working poor people from slipping over the edge, as well as better preventative medical care to keep the working poor/uninsured from falling in the hole... but the problem will always persist at least at a base level until we really clean up our mental health system.

*goes back to the shadows before someone says the homeless are subhumans who should be hunted for sport and I'm a unamerican for supporting health care to the poor*

Edited by Ian Rees
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They have to go somewhere... lack of jobs or motiviation to work is only one contributor to homelessness, as in, I don't think many of them will wake up and say "I think I'll get a job today." A larger factor is mental health problems and lack of treatment... the abandonment of the mentally ill and disabled by our society. Of course there should be more affordable housing close to jobs and transit accessible to help keep normal, working poor people from slipping over the edge, as well as better preventative medical care to keep the working poor/uninsured from falling in the hole... but the problem will always persist at least at a base level until we really clean up our mental health system.

*goes back to the shadows before someone says the homeless are subhumans who should be hunted for sport and I'm a unamerican for supporting health care to the poor*

I agree with you. Nice to see you in these forums!

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They have to go somewhere... lack of jobs or motiviation to work is only one contributor to homelessness, as in, I don't think many of them will wake up and say "I think I'll get a job today." A larger factor is mental health problems and lack of treatment... the abandonment of the mentally ill and disabled by our society. Of course there should be more affordable housing close to jobs and transit accessible to help keep normal, working poor people from slipping over the edge, as well as better preventative medical care to keep the working poor/uninsured from falling in the hole... but the problem will always persist at least at a base level until we really clean up our mental health system.

*goes back to the shadows before someone says the homeless are subhumans who should be hunted for sport and I'm a unamerican for supporting health care to the poor*

This is almost exactly what I commented on earlier (another topic) in a Midtown/Greyhound Bus discussion and I got cursed out for it they said I was making fun of homeless folks. I stated that many of them are recently released from mental instituitions with little or no $. This whole vicinity is what they consider squatters rights area so they bounce back from all the free soup kitchens & bus stations where many recently released ex-convicts arrive (much to my surprise). Many are pushing dope or selling themselves I guess. Its so damned obvious. (Be sure to read Midtown-Greyhound Bus area threads)

I avoid all of this area because #1 It's dangerous 2# It's depressing 3# It frightens the children. :(

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I'm curious about this mental health affliction that must be what's dragging down the area. Ian and everyone, are there articles where I can read about this abandonment tactic that the state takes?

I'll have to admit, I normally assume most bums are just that--vagrants that don't wanna work or live by society's rules. But I'll gladly educate myself on the matter if there really is larger mental health aspect to it. I would have early assumed only a small percentage would have mental issues and the rest would be more addiction driven or just lazy.

And if this really does relocate the bum hangout there, the next focus should be on cleaning up the bus station area. (wishful thinking)

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Google homelessness and mental illness and you will find hundreds of articles that address the issue. Mental health has always been underfunded. Not only are our streets full of untreated mentally ill persons, but our jails are full of them, too. Though it is far cheaper to adress mental illness at the MHMR than in the criminal justice system, society has traditionally used the jails to house the mentally ill rather than treatment facilities.

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They'll probably decide that since their sweet living quarters have been fenced off that being a bum is not that great, and go back to work.

There's a wet dream if I've heard one! Like mentioned above though, many of these people are too mentally unstable to get back on track and back into society. Unfortunately I don't have an solution to the issue. Perhaps we could do as they did on Southpark, and just tell them all that San Antonio takes better care of its homeless.

Edited by Jeebus
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I'm curious about this mental health affliction that must be what's dragging down the area.

I'll have to admit, I normally assume most bums are just that--vagrants that don't wanna work or live by society's rules. But I'll gladly educate myself on the matter if there really is larger mental health aspect to it. I would have early assumed only a small percentage would have mental issues and the rest would be more addiction driven or just lazy.

Yes while some of the problem does involve mental illness, some of them are also out there hustlin a buck. There's one guy that begs for money at woodridge @ 45. i've ridden the bus downtown and he was on it, getting off at Dowling @ Leeland. The next day he was back at Woodridge begging for money.

there used to be a lady there quite regularly as well. one day we saw her get out of a honda accord, parked at the Denny's. You know she's a scammer, BIG TIME!!

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thanks redscare, i was just looking for something more specific to our area.

....I am sorta torn on this issue...I would like to help folks that need it, but i surely don't like helping out deadbeats as it usually makes matters worse...

Anyway, I'll see what I can find via google

to clarify my post above, I do not consider someone with mental problems to be a deadbeat.

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They'll probably decide that since their sweet living quarters have been fenced off that being a bum is not that great, and go back to work.

...no but they might go to San Francisco or another city where they get better treatment. I don't pretend to have a grand solution to the nation's homelessness problems, but I do have a solution for Houston: treat them like s***.

I don't hate them or have anything personal against them, but they aren't nice to have around, and if you start treating them well as a matter of policy, then even more will come.

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...no but they might go to San Francisco or another city where they get better treatment. I don't pretend to have a grand solution to the nation's homelessness problems, but I do have a solution for Houston: treat them like s***.

I don't hate them or have anything personal against them, but they aren't nice to have around, and if you start treating them well as a matter of policy, then even more will come.

yeah i think its frustrating to a lot of us that when we drive around parts of our city, we just see these guys sleeping on empty lots all day long - i understand its not a choice for some and its not like they are just saying "man this is the life", but i see bus stops in midtown where people can't sit because some bum is taking a nap or the guy who just sets up a blanket everyday on leeland and chartres and sleeps there. i understand a lot of these guys have serious problems, but letting them continue to just sleep on any lot all day wherever they please isn't really a solution either. i don't know why the city has always just let the area near minute maid just turn into basically fairgrounds - there is trash everywhere, makeshift tents - meanwhile there are cops out there everyday in downtown lately giving tickets for jaywalking. obviously the difference to the city is revenue that can be collected vs just shifting people around, but its frustrating to me that the solution is to just "leave them alone"

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I do have a solution for Houston: treat them like s***.

I don't hate them or have anything personal against them, but they aren't nice to have around, and if you start treating them well as a matter of policy, then even more will come.

There is no surprise that you advocate treating people like s***. However it's odd you "don't hate them or have anything personal against them" when you clearly display a distain for them.

It would seem you should be advocating education and health care as a solution to the problem. Imagine rehabilitated individuals becoming productive, tax-paying individuals. But you don't really advocate that. You are more interested in treating people like "s***" as a solution.

On a personal note, it is people like you, moon and barnes that have driven me away from HAIF. Why should I log on to the internet when I can walk down any street in town and hear the hatred you spew?

Please don't mistake my anger for hatered. I don't hate you or have anything personal against you, but you aren't nice to have around.

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There is no surprise that you advocate treating people like s***. However it's odd you "don't hate them or have anything personal against them" when you clearly display a distain for them.

It would seem you should be advocating education and health care as a solution to the problem. Imagine rehabilitated individuals becoming productive, tax-paying individuals. But you don't really advocate that. You are more interested in treating people like "s***" as a solution.

Well as a solution to Houston's problem, I do advocate healthcare and education...just not here. SF perhaps, or another sunbelt city. Not ours.

On a personal note, it is people like you, moon and barnes that have driven me away from HAIF. Why should I log on to the internet when I can walk down any street in town and hear the hatred you spew?

Please don't mistake my anger for hatered. I don't hate you or have anything personal against you, but you aren't nice to have around.

I'll be me and will continue to espouse my opinions without regard to what you or others think (barring a really good counterpoint), and you may do the same or not. Or you could just put me back on your ignore list and avoid the "hatred" that you claim that I spew; never mind the fact that I'd equate it to closing yourself off from other people's opinions rather than using them as a basis upon which to challenge your own. It's all your perrogative. [Niche shrugs]

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Well as a solution to Houston's problem, I do advocate healthcare and education...just not here. SF perhaps, or another sunbelt city. Not ours.

So "as a solution to Houston's problem, I do advocate healthcare and education...just not here"...so you "advocate healthcare and education" as a solution to Houston's problem but "just not here."...son, how do you manage to condridict yourself in just one sentence?

I'll be me and will continue to espouse my opinions without regard to what you or others think (barring a really good counterpoint), and you may do the same or not. Or you could just put me back on your ignore list and avoid the "hatred" that you claim that I spew; never mind the fact that I'd equate it to closing yourself off from other people's opinions rather than using them as a basis upon which to challenge your own.

I've never avoided confronting hatered. Your brand is as common as air. While it may be no problem for others, it's impossible to close myself off from calling people like you out on your bigotry and disregard for human life.

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