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Imus a racist?


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Al "Dash and Dine" Sharpton and Jessie "Gigolo" Jackson should both get struck by lightning. Frauds, both of them.

They only get involved when a camera or microphone is involved.

If they are the voice of African Americans I think it's time for a new vocal cords.

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The offender doesn't have the right to tell the offended how they should respond.

When Jesse Jackson offended the Jewish community, they raked him over the coals and every which way but Sunday. Not until they (said Jewish community) were completely satisfied (many probably still aren't) at his retraction and apology did the whole thing blow over.

Edited by houstonmacbro
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They appeared one time today on television to resond to just one of Imus's 7th grade slurs. That doesn't mean they won't go to the WNBA or any other professional-level sports team even though you hope they won't. On the other hand, Imus has a talk show to throw around racial epitaths at young women he clearly knows nothing about. Get over yourself.

I think because of the fact that he has a national listenership and obviously a large soapbox, he should be more responsible with what he says.

As an African American I was offended, HOWEVER, I get offended by a lot of things in life. He he apologized and seemed sincere, so I will take him for his word. I do not know his history of comments so have no basis to judge whether this is a first time incident, or a pattern. I will leave that up to Wikopedia.

Should be be fired? No more than Isaiah Washington (for the gay slur) or Tim Hardaway for his gay slur (wait, he was no longer an NBA player so not sure how the commissioner's ban affected him in a practical sense anyway ...?). In Washington's case the gay community practically forced him to seek counseling and interact more with the gay community (I think...?) and Hardaway ... well ... he just went away into the 'underground'.

Should Imus be forced to seek counseling? Not sure, but heck ... why not? Not just for racial sensitivity, but perhaps for his other alleged biases and slurs against other groups (don't know what they are specifically, but consult Wiki if interested). Should he lose his job? Only the advertisers know for sure.

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Guest Marty

If this is a beauty contest she wins.

I like to see some pictures of what they look like on the Basketball court.

If this offends you where was you when Public Enemy release thier race hatred in the late 80's early 1990's

Edited by Marty
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Reverend Jackson should respect the Jews.

He's a Reverend, right? A man of the cloth. Or is that some kind of honorary title?

I don't think Imus pretends to be a "Reverend." He's just a dirty talkshow host.

Everyone SHOULD respect everyone else.

I am no defender of Jackson or Sharpton (they can stand on their own merits or faults), but being one thing or the other doesn't absolve the responsibility of either.

If this is a beauty contest she wins.

I like to see some pictures of what they look like on the Basketball court.

If this offends you where was you when Public Enemy release thier race hatred in the late 80's early 1990's

We're not talking about PE we're talking about Imus. Stop mixing the two.

Where were any of us when a lot of things were going on. That could be applied to a lot of things.

Where were you when some neighborhoods were enacting all white convenants (that includes no Jews, no blacks, etc)? When companies were promoting derogatory images of blacks -many of them still in business and still using derogatory images? Where were you when...?

But that is old history right? Just forget about those things because they have absolutely no meaning in today's context right?

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Guest Marty

Okay let talk about Imus the mumbler I used to watch his show in the summer time in Fort Worth in mid 1980's I am surprised he is still on the air he is a snooze :closedeyes: " Okay hmmmm hummm clears throat in a trembling fashion this is Imus in the Morning what do you what to talk about..........okay let take Susan on line one hello susie................................... can you speak up Imus i cant hear you"

Edited by Marty
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Maybe editor didn't know. But yeah, in defense of the girls, it's not them making the fuss. It's the media.

You are correct inasmuch as the media is latching on to an easy-to-tell story in a slow period. But contrary to the neothink that passes for wisdom on the internet these days, the media cannot make a big deal out of it without their help. "The media" didn't line them up at Rutgers to give personal statements. "The media" did not force them to do on Larry King, or any of the other cable talk shows. "The media" did not order them to sit down with newspaper reporters and tell their stories ad nauseum.

There is a very powerful word in the English language. It's called "no." Media-savvy people use it all the time. There are thousands of stories that don't get told each day because someone somewhere told a reporter, "no." To date, I see little evidence that these girls are using that word. And considering how they seem to show up in bunches, it appears to me that some force behind the scenes is orchestrating their appearances. I don't know who it is, but my suspicions are 1, the university; 2, their publicity agent; 3, their lawyers.

While that may seem far-fetched, remember that Jonbenet Ramsey's parents hired a PR firm before they hired a lawyer. People know what they're doing these days. And it only takes one media-savvy basketball mom to rope the rest in to turning a simple news story into a media circus.

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There is a very powerful word in the English language. It's called "no." Media-savvy people use it all the time. There are thousands of stories that don't get told each day because someone somewhere told a reporter, "no." To date, I see little evidence that these girls are using that word. And considering how they seem to show up in bunches, it appears to me that some force behind the scenes is orchestrating their appearances. I don't know who it is, but my suspicions are 1, the university; 2, their publicity agent; 3, their lawyers.

i tend to agree. i saw the news conference last night and well, was surprised to say the least. i would say this was staged for dramatic effect. having the actual person apologize to me would be more important than going on tv and saying he should apologize. in this instance, i think the latter had priority.

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I am amazed that you are now blaming the players. Just simply amazing.

They are the ones disparaged and now you are blaming them when they seek understanding (meeting with Imus) and when they are asked questions about how it made them feel.

I can't believe that you really think their feelings got hurt. I'm siding with Editor on this. What is meeting with the guy that called them "nappy hoes" going to do? Provide closure? Please. Turn the tv off and go find something else to keep you busy. All this has become is an episode of Dr. Phil without a bald idiot hosting the show.

Edited by Jeebus
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I can't believe that you really think their feelings got hurt. I'm siding with Editor on this. What is meeting with the guy that called them "nappy hoes" going to do? Provide closure? Please.
that's what is amazing. these women are college basketball players which takes a special person with confidence to be successful. for them to be depressed, when ONE person calls them a ho? as basketball players in the public spotlight, i'm sure they've heard worse and we're not affected by it. Edited by musicman
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An e-mail newsletter I subscribe to had an interesting set of points from another subscriber named Frank Critico. Based on my previous posts, it's easy to tell that I don't agree with him, but it's a pretty good rebuttal to much of what I've said:


From: Frank Critico

Re: A few things...

--that people say "this is what Imus does" and think that excuses it, does not excuse it. Some of what he does is funny, some of what he does is offensive and funny and some of what he does is not funny, but offensive and hurtful. "Nappy headed ho's" falls into the latter category.

--that Rev. Al Sharpton has in the past been wrong and arguably has played the race card many times does not mean he is wrong this time or that he is playing the race card this time. And the Brawley case is irrelevant here. Two wrongs do not make a right.

--who are all the white people who post here to tell Blacks what ought to offend them and what ought not offend them? How dare you?

--Imus has a rich history of taking pokes at blacks going back to the days on WNBC when Helen Reddy's "You and Me Against the World" was a hit and cold opened with "Tell me again Mommy..." And Imus would say sotto voce "Daddy was a Negro." Funny I guess if you are not black.

--Imus can and does take pokes at public figures in politics, entertainment, pro sports, etc. and that is fine. The Rutgers girls basketball players are none of

those... they are private citizens and youngsters and each is someone's daughter, someone's sister or niece or girlfriend. None should be called a "ho" and none should be referenced by a racial trait such as her hair, thickness of lips or shape of her nose.

--I am far from a civil rights leader and have plenty of my own prejudices but I do not spew them on the air and I do not target those who cannot defend themselves.

--Hats off to NBC and CBS for being responsive and fair. While Imus should not be canned for this and while the marketplace should decide in the end if this is enough punishment, something had to be done and it was.

--Oh and Imus does not get a free pass to be a hate monger in the name of humor because he raises money for kids with cancer. Sorry.

--Finally, if John McCain, Bob Dole, Anna Quindlan, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Bernadette Casto, among others don't distance themselves from Imus, and instead continue to use him and his program to foster and promote themselves and their latest books, tours, campaigns, columns, etc, then who really are the "ho's?"

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You are correct inasmuch as the media is latching on to an easy-to-tell story in a slow period. But contrary to the neothink that passes for wisdom on the internet these days, the media cannot make a big deal out of it without their help. "The media" didn't line them up at Rutgers to give personal statements. "The media" did not force them to do on Larry King, or any of the other cable talk shows. "The media" did not order them to sit down with newspaper reporters and tell their stories ad nauseum.


I actually haven't been following it too closely. I didn't know they've been talking to the media.

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I actually haven't been following it too closely. I didn't know they've been talking to the media.

I'll give you this snippet...which to me pretty much proves that they hired some PR hack to spin this thing to get them as much publicity as possible.

"It is more than the Rutgers women's basketball team. It is all women's athletes. It is all women," said Stringer, the third-winningest women's basketball coach of all time who has taken four teams to the Final Four.

My response: No it's not...he insulted you and your players...and he was actually comparing you to other, more attractive, teams while doing it. He's a jackass and deserves some punishment...but don't turn this into a women's rights AND african american rights issue. He's just some pig who needs a filter surgically implanted in his brain.

There are more quotes that have obviously been molded by a PR person but this was the worst IMO. The best part is that they're making him meet with them to 'talk' about what he meant, for the betterment of all women everywhere. Then they'll decide if he should be fired or not...I wonder if he's going to have the guts to tell them he thinks they're ugly.

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Just listening to the girls speak it sounds like it is rehearsed. Reading from a script.

"Tanisha is the big sister you always wished you had but never did".

When I was in college I could deliver a press conference with wit and ease. Still can.

This girls sounds like, well, athletes....

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I'm still trying to figure out why you folks are making the players the ones at fault here?!?

I believe they held ONE (1) press conference --I have not turned on the news today, so not sure if there have been others-- in response to something that generated national publicity, and to which they rightfully felt obliged to respond to. Remember, Imus has a national pulpit, they do not.

They have responded to a request for a closed-door meeting. They have not called for his resignation or firing.

I think they have acted professionally and composed. So what if it is scripted.

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I'm still trying to figure out why you folks are making the players the ones at fault here?!?

I believe they held ONE (1) press conference --I have not turned on the news today, so not sure if there have been others-- in response to something that generated national publicity, and to which they rightfully felt obliged to respond to. Remember, Imus has a national pulpit, they do not.

They have responded to a request for a closed-door meeting. They have not called for his resignation or firing.

I think they have acted professionally and composed. So what if it is scripted.

After actually seeing and hearing this "ignor-Imus" I saw him in a totally different light.

He needs to shut his trap in public, save it for the gym or something. Maybe he should be placed in the middle of a TDC jail cell surrounded with about 15 desperate cellmates and see if he mouth's off.

He might end up squeeling like a pig! then become someones beeotch.

Has he seen how freaky & outdated his hair/toupee looks? yet he's gonna joke on someone else's hair? :wacko:

Edited by Vertigo58
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I'm still trying to figure out why you folks are making the players the ones at fault here?!?

Maybe because a couple of white guys got caught doing what some white guys do: throw racial epitaths around because they think it's cool. This time they got caught on air. Oh wait, they've been caught before and that didn't change a bit.

OK: pile on all your diverting BS big men.

Here's a check list:

It's Sharpton's fault.

It's the player's fault.

It's Jackson's fault.

It's the liberal's fault.

Ummm...well, that was just Imus being Imus over public airwaves.


Oh yeah, my favorite: "Get over it."


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An e-mail newsletter I subscribe to had an interesting set of points from another subscriber named Frank Critico. Based on my previous posts, it's easy to tell that I don't agree with him, but it's a pretty good rebuttal to much of what I've said:

From: Frank Critico

Re: A few things...

--Imus can and does take pokes at public figures in politics, entertainment, pro sports, etc. and that is fine. The Rutgers girls basketball players are none of those... they are private citizens and youngsters and each is someone's daughter, someone's sister or niece or girlfriend...

No, they are not private citizens, they are part of a public university's basketball team that is regulated by the NCAA, which recieves millions of dollars each year to have its' competitions publicly broadcast, along with its' merchendise to be franchised & sold to the public.

Perhaps maybe only those girls on the team that are not on athletic scholarships could still be considered private citizens, but in the big pictures, they are no different than SAG union-scale actors that never become famous: they chose to perform in the public arena.

And for what its worth, those Duke Lacrosse players that were eventually acquitted of rape charges also were youngsters, and each someone's son, brother, nehpew, or boyfriend. I've yet to see one media outlet apologize for crucifying their namesake everyday for months.

Imus called some girls nappy head hoes, for which he was called out on, an so he later apologized. Time to turn the channel & change the subject. Unless of course we want 100% political correctness, at which case we'll have a long line of writers, comedians, actors, and musicians to go after as well.

Edited by Jeebus
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Interesting and insightful comments by Mr. Critico. I would like to respond:

From: Frank Critico

Re: A few things...

--that people say "this is what Imus does" and think that excuses it, does not excuse it. Some of what he does is funny, some of what he does is offensive and funny and some of what he does is not funny, but offensive and hurtful. "Nappy headed ho's" falls into the latter category.

This is also just a very small part of what he does.

--that Rev. Al Sharpton has in the past been wrong and arguably has played the race card many times does not mean he is wrong this time or that he is playing the race card this time. And the Brawley case is irrelevant here. Two wrongs do not make a right.

No, they don

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--who are all the white people who post here to tell Blacks what ought to offend them and what ought not offend them? How dare you?

And where are all the White people who tell Blacks what offends us? They keep silent, because just the suggestion of that would bring accusations from Blacks of racism. And, a charge of racism can stick with a person forever whether it is proved or not. It

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Maybe because a couple of white guys got caught doing what some white guys do: throw racial epitaths around because they think it's cool. This time they got caught on air. Oh wait, they've been caught before and that didn't change a bit.

OK: pile on all your diverting BS big men.

Here's a check list:

It's Sharpton's fault.

It's the player's fault.

It's Jackson's fault.

It's the liberal's fault.

Ummm...well, that was just Imus being Imus over public airwaves.


Oh yeah, my favorite: "Get over it."


You know your absolutely right Nmain.

Let's all get the hellover over this and turn the page. Next month there will be another person targeted and the world will keep on turning. :D

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Jesus Christ.

These are people's daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, etc... All they were doing was playing a sport they love while attending college. They didn't ask to be ridiculed for their looks (nappy, tough, etc...) nor their apparent sexuality (hos).

Imus is no bigger fool than Midtowncoog. How freaking old are you to be posting their pictures here and making comments on a public forum about their looks?

How would you like it if someone did that with a picture of your wife? What about a daughter if you have one?

AND, as for Parrothead and your apparent anger of the double-standard Imus faces, I hope you think that way the first time someone calls your baby girl something this ugly or else you will be the queen of double standards.

What happened to the Golden Rule?

I sure as hell wouldn't want my photos posted all over the internet with random tools that I've never met commenting about my looks, my hairstyle, my figure, or anything else.

It saddens me to think that quite a few of you are parents. And we wonder why young children grow up without knowing how to show respect?

Edited by KinkaidAlum
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The big-name sponsors are understandably bailing.

Two Top Sponsors Pull Ads From Imus Show


Published: April 11, 2007

As the backlash against Don Imus grows, General Motors and American Express said today that they, too, will pull their advertisements from his program.

American Express was the fourth largest advertiser on the simulcast of

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If they don't want their pictures posted they should take them off the Internet.

And if they want this to go away then they need to stay off TV and Radio. I don't know what more Imus can do except lie about being sorry. And now they plan to meet him "in a private meeting in an undisclosed location". Oy vey.

But leave it to charlatans like Al Sharpton to milk this for everything it is worth, and more, if possible.

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