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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. Yes I did. A cult-or faith if you choose to use that term-is choosen. Sexual orientation is not.
  2. Allah is arabic for god. Muslims, Jews and Christians share him. You might sound smarter if you studied your cult a little better.
  3. Which "God"? You clearly are offended by a capitalistic corporation's decision to censure the content on their product. Were you equally offended that they censured out references to homosexuality?
  4. Here's the record-again: I don't know if you're wrong or right. All I did is answer your question. You asked "can some one name the stuff that caters only to the rich?" I gave you a list. Maybe some will show up in Victory-maybe some won't. Never the less, Victory is geared towards the high end so except for Gomer staggering through the plaza on his way from a tractor pull at the AA, don't expect his cousin/brother/uncle to be stopping by for a latte at the "You Can't Afford Us Coffee Salon so why don't you Haul your Drunken Ass home to Crandall" BTW, I love Dallas and welcome anything that will bring more people and $$ to the city...but let's not pretend Victory is for anyone like Gomer.
  5. The exterior work was not a rennovation as such. It was a stablization of the exterior. As for the inside, it is still a forest of columns set on 10' centers. I was up in my best friend's office last week helping him pack for his move to Exxon's Greenway offices. I asked him why he was being so frantic and he said he could not wait to get out of "this stinking hell-hole." He used to be in the old First City Exxon space adjacent to the Pavillions and South Texas and was looking forward to perhaps buying or leasing another condo there. Then Exxon moved him to Bell Street and now to Greenway. As it turns out, the condos at the Pavilions are dead so he is now looking at properties around Greenway.
  6. So now you attack a fellow HAIFer's contribution to the economy??? SHAME I say!!!! Shame on you Mr. Jones!!!! Now you may call Red a commie, baby killing "librul" but his contribution to the local economy has beeen commendable!!!! Does that count for nothing? Won't you even credit him for not succuming to a "librul" gay man's sense of style in his remodel job by making all his decisions on his own??? I just don't know what to think anymore... [bTW, Red...we need to talk about that little elephant on your bar...]
  7. I understand the desire for diversity but being black, brown, tan or female doesn't nessesarily mean that person would make a good or even great leader. It just means the 44th President would be the first one that isn't a caucasian Christian male...unless Romney wins minus the Christian affiliation which is really a difference without distintion. Hang back and check out the entire field. You may surprise yourself...after all, there's only 22 months before the election! I'm hurt...deeply. I would never bring up the fact that GW didn't win the 2000 general election but still got to play President. I thought [sniff...sniff] we were friends....
  8. I was talking about politicians in a political thread. What's irrelevant about that? Yes, Republicans are such sweet people-I can't for the life of me figure out why we voted the family values serial divorcee, oxycotin addict, meth smoking christian male prostitute using child predator protecting borrow and spend party out of power.
  9. I never said most conservative Christians are hypocites. So all you've done is once again insure that with you around...well, I think you can muddle through the rest of the sentence.
  10. Well, it was once a wish that The U Line would pass by Weslyan and Richmond but it seems there will be no U Line since Culberson is insistant on the most expensive route running behind the back yards of one the most influential neighborhoods and with the least ridership thus opting us out of any federal funds. But that was Culberson's, Aftonag's and musicman's intent all along: insist on the impossible in order to deny us the funds to achieve the will of the people who voted FOR an LRT line from Wheeler to Hillcroft. Their choice to blindly vote-or not-without all the facts availible is just another indication of an increacingly lazy electorate.
  11. As a political junkie, this has always been an intriquing topic for me: What about Guliani? In the past few days I have seen him artfully NOT dissavow his position on a woman's right to choose and for equal federal rights for gays in order for them to become first class citizens. I have also seen some anti-choice and anti-equal rights for gays groups saying "well...we're not crazy about that but maybe we could live with it if it got a Republican in the White House. Then I see the far-right "Christian" conservative wing saying no deal. No deal on Guliani. No deal on the flip-flopping McCain. No deal on the non-Christian, cultist, flip-flopping Romney. The fact there is they usually control the primaries. I'm curious what HAIFers and HAIFettes think where the Republican Party is headed. My personal opinion is their train-wreck of hypocritical "family values", social, borrow and tax and spend economic politicians they have supported might come to an end if they told the Taliban wing of their party to kiss off and embrace a Guliani [who I might consider voting for]. I don't see Romney as a possibility because he really is a cultist trying not to act like a Christian and not a cultist and McCain is just a fraud by anyone's measure. So come on...inquiring HAIFers want to know.
  12. I thought you hated Clinton. Bosnia was definatly a brilliant campaign where we went in to win and not one American service person was killed. We "kill kill"ed like bats out of hell. But you seem to be oblivious to facts so whats the point in once again trying to educate you? I just think you are like shooting fish in a barrel-fun for a minute or so but ultimatly boring. Go have a cocktail, think it over then come back and educate us on what kind of charges Admirals and Generals should be brought up on because everyone but you seems to know there are none. Man, thank god you show up every once in awhile to make the rest of us look like we have our heads screwed on straight.
  13. The Menil Collection http://www.menil.org/home.html The Orange Show http://www.orangeshow.org/ The Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum http://www.menil.org/byzantine.html The Cy Twombly Gallery http://www.menil.org/twombly.html The Beer Can House http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/TXHOUbeer.html CAM http://www.camh.org/ MFA http://www.mfah.org/main.asp?target=home All of the above are free except the MFA. It's free on Thursday. It is also only one of two museums housing a huge collection of art from the Met while they are doing renovations. When it leaves here it will be going to Berlin so I would strongly suggest a visit early on a Thursday in order to view it for free-otherwise you'll have to spill for a trip to NYC in order to see the art of Renoir, Millet, C
  14. Gucci Tiffanys Cartier Bentley Rolls Royce Chanel Maybach Baccarat Lalique Versace Vera Wang Harry Winston etc...
  15. Actually they will only loose the 5 acres [where the baseball practice field is]that is security on the loan. But I'm with you and thats why I've already contributed. I urge anyone else who gives a damn to do the same. http://www.savethispark.org/index_files/Page561.htm
  16. As usual, ThePedant takes the expedient route. "Oh My GOD!!!!!! If we do the hard work for the long run then someone else will do the lazy thing and make a butt-load of cash in the short run!!!!!" Horrors!!! We are the most advanced and wealthy country on the earth but we didn't get there by spending a possible three trillion dollars on a war we were lyed into. [3 trillion encompasses the cost of the war plus the rehabilitation and death benefits envolved] Could that 3 trillion have gone to the developement of hydrogen technology instead? Of course it could have but the yahoos many of you yahoos voted into office have once again worked contrary to your best intrests. Enjoy your coal.
  17. Kinda like Bush...your point is well proven.
  18. Well that certainly adds a bit of wing-nut rhetoric to the "debate." _______________________________________________________________________ The condos WILL add traffic-as all development does. It will also increase property values and as a born and raised Heights resident, I can honestly say I have no objection-as long as it's pretty.
  19. How many properties do you have? We have several here in Houston and have contracted with an agency to handle our properties. I don't have the energy or desire to deal with tenants any longer but you might be OK with that. I'm not familiar with Galveston real estate but I'd bet there are a few on HAIF who could give you far better advice than I can.
  20. I asked: "BTW, how did you vote on the non-binding resolution?" I didn't ask about a petition. I specified the non-binding resolution. We all get it. You choose not to vote. Or did you choose not to vote before you voted? Please explain. Inquiring minds want to know.
  21. They are just poor designers. My oldest niece is a grad-she is smart and succesful in her field of animal genetics and procreation and we are all proud of her. She is a leader in the preservation of our state's agricultural heritage by advancing eco-friendly programs that helps to restore that we have damaged and to preserve what we haven't-so far. So I really have nothing against ags in general. But as of now, they produce mundane and unimaginative architects who offer little if any imagination. It's definatly not a dig on Aggies-just on their lame College of Architecture.
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