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Everything posted by sevfiv

  1. Permits are just for "office repairs" and "interior demolition" so far.
  2. Also - does anyone know what the two flat panels are (were) coming from the side of the building facing the courtyard?
  3. Apologies if this has being posted already - neat photos of the Savoy interior: http://blog.chron.com/primeproperty/a2013/06/holiday-inn-to-be-built-in-place-of-abandoned-hotel-in-downtown-houston/?cmpid=hcsel
  4. Aw shucks, I'll probably be at the next one!
  5. Thanks lockmat (and Subdude for the message) - I was down there last night but couldn't see much - where does it actually have the engravings?
  6. I got the names of the places from old city directories I have - glad to have made at least a small connection. Too bad there isn't much else in the way of photos, though..
  7. Oddly enough, looking at older aerials, it seems like the Stables house was built around 1963 and there was a different setup prior - the building more inset from Westheimer (I'm not sure which house is which, now!). For what it's worth, in 1963 Caska Nursery was there and in 1955, Barak Dog and Cat Hospital (and Caska is referenced here, too: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=74213056) Here's the change between 1962 (bottom) and 1964 from historicaerials.com:
  8. That used to be a Stables restaurant before the house was torn down (~2003, address was 3734 Westheimer) - the other Stables (on South Main) got quite a bit of photo attention before its demolition, even here. Even the newspapers didn't appear to cover the closing of the Westheimer location (according to the indices from 2000-2004). If you're down for some hunting I bet there are some print ads out there (Texas Monthly always had the restaurant listed but no ads to my knowledge) - a lot of times there are at least renderings of the restaurant included. I *think* the Stables was there from maybe 1969 until demolition.
  9. The Randall's stores at 9660 Westheimer (near Gessner), 1407 Voss (between Woodway and San Felipe), and 14610 Memorial (at Dairy Ashford) were all Handy Andy stores.
  10. I want one of these (not as portable, though!)
  11. Yes - check out the above thread for the latest discussion and information
  12. And the demo is underway today http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=9097369
  13. Wow - I was going to stop by there to check in on it but I think that will do
  14. This, Texaco, Holiday Inn...same old story year in year out, but maybe this is it. Unless something miraculous happened I was under the impression the owners were planning on just letting it sit and rot like its older half did because they were unwilling to take any reasonable offers..
  15. Thanks for posting those pictures! I think that's the house a few years back that people were NOT amused by me being nearby with a camera..
  16. Wow - I can't wait for the full "after" I finally found my old 806 Main pictures (and postcard): http://arch-ive.org/archive/carter-building/
  17. Very cool! I found more ads like below recently and updated my page: http://arch-ive.org/archive/battelsteins/
  18. Thanks for the updates! I was in the area last month and it was busy!
  19. Please do - and I'd be more than happy to host them for you!
  20. The Portal is an awesome resource - I'd expect to see more and more from it since they offer fairly reasonable digitization programs to libraries that want to collaborate
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