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Everything posted by Texasota

  1. The dorky stickers seem like a very bad sign, but I'm also glad to see something like this going into this building.
  2. Hmmm. Why did they bother to "keep" the building exactly?
  3. I'm sure it's just for cost reasons. I *am* glad they're tucking the parking lots away so they mostly won't be visible from either Jensen or the bayou.
  4. Good to know. Did it used to be filtered? I could have sworn it did.
  5. One of the issues with tracking population change inside the loop is that the NE quarter has had huge amounts of population loss. The complete destruction of the Lyons Ave commercial corridor and hollowing out of Fifth Ward is still being felt, even as the west side densifies, the near east transforms from industrial to residential, Magnolia Park has remained stable, and Riverside/Riverside Terrace/Washington Terrace remain stable. Plus the core of Third Ward hasn't been *that* much better off than Fifth Ward.
  6. As much as I dislike these parking podia, this is really of the less unattractive ones. It kinda works.
  7. It's unfortunate, but this is probably the best neighborhood for this kind of nonsense.
  8. No such thing as too much Mexican food, but this is specifically described as Tex-Mex. That could go either way. Could be a good sign they're going for something specific and local... or could be a very bad sign. Or could just be decent Tex-Mex I suppose, which... seems fine? "So much more than" a Mexican restaurant kinda gets my hackles up.
  9. This is extremely rad, and I second the appreciation for keeping the house.
  10. Minor disappointment. La Rue is such a nice street; I hate that they're demoing most of what faces it, especially just for a few parking spots.
  11. Maybe just expand the Fifth Ward forum to include Near Northside and Denver Harbor. The boundaries get blurry, and putting Meow Wolf and St Arnolds into Near Northside feels wrong to me.
  12. By that same logic we should have a Washington Corridor forum, and yet...
  13. It might be because it will be easier to make the turn onto Ennis from Blodgett than Wheeler: Blodgett is already widened at that point and the lot at the NW corner is vacant. They can acquire vacant land to build the curve rather than encroaching onto (and probably acquiring outright) someone's house.
  14. Hmmm, I'd like to see a close up of that migration chart, but it definitely looks like there a substantial area off the Texas coast that's devoid of migration paths.
  15. According to the Audubon Society, fewer birds currently die per year to wind turbines than either building collisions or domesticated cats. Now obviously as you add turbines you also add to those numbers, so it's a totally legitimate concern. There are ways to site these projects to minimize their impacts to birds and keep them out of migration routes. That review will be/was part of the environmental review of the project, though of course it's not perfect. There have also been some successful experiments with using acoustic deterrents to keep birds away from turbines. That seems like a particularly good option out in the Gulf. Plus I believe these are far enough off shore that the distance itself will help minimize any negative impacts on birds. Even during migration, birds are unlikely (as I understand it) to go *that* far out over open water where they can't land or potentially find food. But hopefully some birdologists can chime in on that.
  16. Elgin certainly has more ROW and this routing allows one fewer turn, so it makes sense.
  17. As much as I hate how wasteful golf courses are, the prospect of a short-to-mid term Night Golf course sounds weirdly entertaining.
  18. I feel a lot more strongly about 2401 than this little building. I'd love them to restore the limestone and storefronts, but as long as it's repaired and gets tenants I'll be happy.
  19. People will go out of their way to go to Post but actively avoid going to Finn Hall which is in the middle of everything. A useful reminder that, at the end of the day, the content/ product really matters. And Finn Hall just isn't good enough. At least not for Houston. It might do fine in a lesser food city.
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