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Howard Huge

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Everything posted by Howard Huge

  1. That was some high quality snoopage nate, if I do say so myself.
  2. Will Editor let you copy and paste the entire article on HAIF? Its asking me for a chronicle subscription, I can only see the first few sentences.
  3. Hopefully this is true.Perhaps they are taking their time because of all the new residential construction downtown? You know, waiting til theres a few thousand more DT residents to fininsh the redo?
  4. I hope so. Theres nothing to me more satisfying than an angry NIMBY, lol.
  5. Damn you! That was my next question for him!If you get hired as his valet, put in a good word for me as a personal assistant?
  6. Also, isnt Hotel Derek 4/5 star? Jesus Christ man, what do you do??
  7. Hmmm, Ive heard Hotel Zaza was the most high end/expensive hotel in houston, can anyone confirm/deny this?
  8. Can we get this asshole out of office already? Hes right up there with Tom Delay on my Houston politician sh-t list. This crap with them holding up Houston rail for their own personal gain has been going on far too long, enough is enough.This is how I feel every time I hear about him having a hand in holding back rail in Houston: Edit: weird, I cant see the youtube I posted??
  9. Do we already have a thread on the 38 story Texaco bldg residential project?
  10. I agree.I spent time looking at the Post development on west gray, trying to figure out what makes it such an appealing, pedestrian area while most of the rest of midtown and downtown is not. Then I noticed this: See those little green things that are all evenly spaced on the sidewalks around the property? Superb design. I really do believe the shade adds to the street level comfort and experience. And the pretty red bricks don't hurt either.....
  11. I think he/she means will the project still be viable a year from now
  12. Ok thanks, Im browsing on my phone so I didnt wanna sort through renderings and maps on this tiny screen.
  13. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AND ALL YOUR INSIDE INFO AGAIN! Don't ever let any of the dickheads around here drive you away from the board please, you're too valuable a poster, ok?
  14. Someone help me out guys, I havent been following this development very much.What is the building with all the orange scaffolding around it? And what is the shorter building connected to it?
  15. That building is old and full of asbestos.There were many proposed renovations of it before but no one wanted to eat the cost of asbestos abatement, which is extrememly expensive due to EPA regulations.
  16. I, for one, would like to see the southeast view from the Gulf freeway. Our skyline looks far denser from that angle...
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